The Workshop

We had seen a picture of Mr. Baker, planning to create something with wood. We decided that we could not just walk over to Mr. Baker’s classroom as there are children working in this space. One afternoon, Ms. Shemo went over to take some pictures of Mr. Baker’s classroom so that we can see what he does in his workshop. We gathered together to talk about what we notice.

What do you see?

  • Amber “他在做东西。车。” [He is making something. Car.]
  • Felix “I think they are doing new wall.”
  • Charlotte “风火轮。” [A flaming Wheel]
  • Jasmine “I think she is making a paper. A carpet.”
  • Si Hyun “That one.” (referring to wood)
  • Lawrence “I think he make a table.”
  • Freida “She is making, maybe a low table.”
  • Michelle “一个很高的桌子。” [A tall table.]
  • Felix “Maybe a big chair.”
  • Seungbin explained that he agreed.
  • Si Hyun “The scissor (pointing to the scissors on the table). This one is small. A Robot.” (referring to the saw)
  • Alejandra “This one saw. They are making a door.”
  • Nicolas “I think they are making a table like the other one outside.”
  • Seungbin pointed to the ‘Sofa’.

  • Nicolas “She is cutting.”
  • Ruby “She is not actually, she can’t find it. I know because I went there. They are making a screen.”
  • Si Hyun “That is cool.”
  • Ruby “My daddy can draw on table. What if we make a treasure box? I can make a mail box. What colour do you want? Golden or silver?”
  • Si Hyun “Where is this?”
  • Ruby “It’s a workshop. He is making a brick.”

How might we be safe if we go to the workshop?

  • Felix “Don’t play machines.”
  • Si Hyun “No play blocks.”
  • Jasmine “We need careful.”
  • Amber “No hitting.”
  • Michelle “Walking.”
  • Ruby “No touching machines.”
  • Si Hyun “No play machines.”
  • Alejandra “We may cut our finger.”
  • Felix “I found some. Line.” (referring to the hazard tape)

  • Ruby “Don’t put your hands inside.”
  • Jasmine “I see line.”
  • Jiwoo “This one to this one.” (pointing to more hazard tape)
  • Lawrence “Don’t play this because it’s dangerous. ZZZZZ……” (shaking his body, showing how people get electrocuted)
  • Sarah “In my home, I have small scissors to cut paper.”
  • Lawrence “My home have this (multi power socket), don’t touch.”
  • Felix “We can talk to him.” (Referring to Mr. Baker)

A plan to make a Treasure Box

 Name of the project –

Treasure Box Making by PreK-K1C 

A few students continued to talk about creating a treasure box after the discussion. They explained…

  • Nicolas “We need wooden blocks and the triangle shapes, scissors to cut. We need sticky paper to decorate later. We need pencils. We need a key to open the treasure box.”
  • Ruby “We need some flat wood to stick on the box, then we need some glue to stick the treasure box together. Then you have to make a lid then you put a flat wood, then you have to glue on the lid. Then you need a key, then you need some glitter to decorate it.

  • Freida “You need hold it so. We have money in our home that you can put in the treasure box. We need make something glitter. This is for pressing. This is for come in that you can open. This is the cover.
  • Felix “We need the key to open it. We need to put the key in it like this one. And we need some play dough for the paper to stick it on.
  • Jasmine “We need one paper.放在宝箱的翅膀上。我们需要涂上宝箱的颜色。我要用cutting paper cut 这里。And we need a 充电器。我们需要充电器的时候用机器做一个钥匙扣子,然后把它擦得整齐,然后插上翅膀” [We need one paper to put on the wings of the treasure box. We need to colour the treasure box. And we need to use cutting paper to cut here. And we need a charger. When we need to charge, we need to use a machine to make a key, and we need polish it and put the wings on.]

Where will our inquiry take us?…..


The journey began with a discussion.

“What do you know about chopsticks?”

Students shared their own knowledge and experiences about chopsticks.

  • Jasmine “可以吃饭,可以夹玩具。筷子小孩不能用,大人能用。我和姐姐有用筷子一起吃饭。需要拿碗。” [You can eat and play. Kids can’t use chopsticks, adults can. My sister and I use chopsticks to eat.]
  • Felix “I keep chopsticks in my home and they are easy peasy. The kids have something up. They are together.” 9Referring to the training chopsticks)
  • Jiwoo “I use it to eat rice, chicken. I pick up and eat. The chopsticks we need hold like this and take something and eat it.”
  • Ethan “夹东西,我可以用,有些可以夹,有些不可以。” [You can pick things. I can use chopsticks. Some things I can pick them by chopsticks, but some things I can’t.]
  • Nicolas “When I go to a restaurant, I see chopsticks. My mum can use but I also use a spoon or fork. I have never used the chopsticks.”
  • Charlotte “我爸爸经常用筷子,哥哥用勺子吃饭,我用勺子吃鱼。” [My dad uses chopsticks often, my brother uses a spoon to eat, I use chopsticks to eat fish.]
  • Amber “我家里有小筷子,KaiKai和我用。” [I have small chopsticks at home, KaiKai and me use them.]

After the discussion, students played a relay game of picking pompom balls and placing them inside a tray using chopsticks. They were all eager to try and had a lot of fun!

When the students came back to the classroom, they were so excited to share their thoughts about the game, and they had further questions about chopsticks. Ms. Tina noted them down on chart paper.

  • Jasmine “我们在家一般都用筷子。我们用小孩筷子,大人用大人筷子。我在家玩筷子游戏,和学校一样。” [At home, we always use chopsticks. Adults use adult chopsticks, kids use kids chopsticks. I play the chopsticks game at home too, just like at school.]
  • Seungbin “Easy.”
  • Felix “That’s also my first time to do that. It’s easy because when you give me this one, it’s how you use it.”
  • Lawrence “因为第一个我夹的时候我觉得很难,但是我一直努力。” [I felt that the first one was very difficult, but I kept trying.]
  • Ethan “我觉得很难,我在家用筷子吃饭。” [I felt it was really hard. I use chopsticks at home.]

  • Charlotte “第一次玩游戏, 我觉得很简单,而且我一直在努力, 用筷子夹起来放在盘子里。我夹的粉色的球,很喜欢。” [This is the first time I played this game, I think it’s easy. And I keep trying. I use the chopsticks to pick up and put it in the tray. I picked a pink ball, I like it very much.]
  • Amber “我想和爸爸妈妈玩筷子的游戏。” [I want to play the chopsticks game with my daddy and mummy.]
  • Ms. Shemo “Are these Chinese chopsticks?” Do people in other countries also use chopsticks?
  • Alejandra “Japanese, Spanish, Taiwan chopsticks.”

We wonder how these chopsticks might be the same or different…


Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.

Self-management Skills


  • Demonstrate persistence in tasks.
  • Use strategies to problem-solve.


  • The important traditions and practices of their own family and community
  • Positive acceptance of diversity
  • open mindedness

A New Baby

Michelle has a new baby brother. She took some pictures of her brother to share with us. We had a very interesting discussion about what we know about babies, what a baby needs and what can we do to help a baby.

What do you KNOW about babies?

  • Felix “Sleeping on the bed.”
  • Seungbin “Baby.”
  • Si Hyun “Me house baby, so small.”
  • Freida “The baby is sleeping in the big bed.”
  • Nicolas “This picture looks funny. Because he is sleeping and eyes closed in the bed.”
  • Charlotte “Baby sleeping is very funny.”
  • Amber “我看到Michelle和弟弟。” [I see Michelle and her brother.]
  • Lawrence “我觉得baby哭了是因为他不想喝奶,刚生下来不习惯喝奶,我小时候也是这样的。” [I think the baby cries because he doesn’t want to drink the milk. When the baby is just born, he is not used to drink milk. I was like that when I was a baby.]
  • Freida “The baby is crying.”
  • Ethan “Michelle坐在沙发上,抱着宝宝。” [Michelle is sitting on the sofa and cuddling the baby.]
  • Jiwoo “Baby, here, eating milk.”
  • Alejandra “Michelle 在帮弟弟喂奶。” [Michelle is helping feed her brother the milk.]
  • Michelle “在医院的时候我帮助喂奶。” [When I was in hospital, I help feed the baby the milk.]

What do babies NEED?

  • Jooeon “Eat and rice.”
  • Lawrence “He need milk.”
  • Felix “My brother likes chocolate, he (referring to Michelle’s baby) doesn’t.
  • Jasmine “He needs eat the rice.”
  • Alejandra “他没有牙齿,所以他不能吃饭,只能喝奶。然后像我们一样长很多牙齿,然后可以上学。” [He doesn’t have teeth, only drinks milk. He will have many teeth just like us, then he can go to school.]
  • Ruby “Only milk because he hasn’t had teeth to eat food.”
  • Michelle “Baby 没有牙齿,他就可以喝奶,不可以吃饭。” [Baby doesn’t have teeth, he can only drink milk, he can’t eat rice.]

What can we do to HELP the baby?

  • Jasmine “我帮助George换衣服,我和弟弟玩车车,我还帮弟弟洗浴缸,我还帮弟弟推推车,我还帮弟弟抱着玩。Me and George play card.我们还玩芭比娃娃。Me and George, we play Jiwoo. Jiwoo with the car, Jiwoo together, he plays my home with me.” [I help George change clothes, I play cars with him. I help him by cleaning the crib. I help him push the pram, I cuddle him. Me and George play cards. We play with the dolls.]
  • Felix “I like broccoli from mummy, Simon like broccoli from Ayi. I play cars, building with Simon. When Simon don’t know where the folder, I show him.”
  • Alejandra “我们可以帮助换尿布,到台湾的时候,我就有两个妹妹,然后我就要帮她换尿布,喂奶,换衣服。” [We can help to change the diapers. When I go to Taiwan, I will have two sisters, then I will help them change the diapers, feed the milk and change the clothes.]
  • Jiwoo “Baby sleeping the house. Baby sad, mummy coming in.”
  • Charlotte “可以喂奶,就像我们一样长得很高。也可以帮助他做一个玩具,然后Michelle的弟弟可以长得高高的,像爸爸一样。等我们长大,我们就会变成妈妈。” [We can help feed the milk, and he will grow as tall as us. We can make a toy for him. Michelle’s brother will be as tall as daddy. When we grow up, we will be mothers.]
  • Lawrence “我们可以帮助baby换衣服,还有也可以给baby喂奶。” [We can help baby change clothes and feed the baby milk.]
  • Nicolas “I have a baby and actually in Germany. When he wants to eat, I show him how to be responsible. I help him to be responsible.”
  • Michelle “如果他哭了,我可以给他唱歌,他就好了。” [If he cries, I can sing a song for him and he will be fine.]
  • Si Hyun “My baby like milk. Me and baby play car. And me house so many cars. Baby milk finish, sleeping. Me go to zoo and baby sleeping and me do it, push the car.”
  • Sarah “我和妹妹在围栏里玩得很开心。有一天妹妹不小心掉下来,我帮助告诉爷爷。阿姨一个人搞不动那么多东西,是我阿姨喂妹妹,因为我抱不动,她一岁了。” [My sister and me paly nicely inside the fence. One day my sister fell down by accident, I help by telling my grandpa. Ayi is too busy to handle so many things by herself. Ayi feeds my sister because she is 1 year old and I can’t hold her.]
  • Michelle “我长大的时候帮他换尿不湿。” [When I grow up, I will help him change his diapers.]

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s):

  • their roles and responsibilities within the family and class
  • who their caretakers are and turn to them when needed
  • that everybody has a family
  • that not all families are the same
  • that a sequence events from their routines, life and personal histories can be put in chronological order
  • the importance of people in their lives
  • the ability to take care of things – animate and inanimate
  • their thought for others
  • a sense of wonder and curiosity 

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s):

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.


  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.

Social Skills

Interpersonal relationships

  • Practise empathy and care for others.
  • Listen closely to others.
  • Help others.

Writers Workshop – Background Perspective

We listened to the story ‘Tall’ by Jez Alborough. In this story, a tiny chimp wants to always feel taller than the other animals in the jungle.

He notices that everyone is bigger than him. His friends let him climb up on them to help him feel taller.

Our focus with the ‘mentor text’ was to notice how the author/illustrator chose to create his background. In this book, the central image in the illustration has lots of background behind it. 

We also noticed how the author used speech bubbles to show what the animals were saying. We tried to ‘read’ the words using our knowledge of letter sounds.

Next, the students were invited to create their own books. They quickly gathered their clipboards and paper and found a comfortable space in the Library to sit with their projects.

At the end of the session we included page numbers and stamped the date on our pages.


  • focus on a speaker and maintain eye contact
  • listen and respond to picture books, showing pleasure, and demonstrating their understanding through gestures, expression and/or words
  • observe, discuss and comment on the information being conveyed in illustrations
  • tell their own stories using illustrations and words
  • use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic

The Showcase

We remember planning a show for our community. It took us a long time. We had so many jobs that needed to get done. It was so much fun.

Soon, we will have another opportunity to be on stage. This is for our PreK-K1 Showcase. We gathered together to talk about the experiences we have had so far.

We remember taking part in the Chinese New Year celebrations, learning more about China, appreciating the culture, language and traditions.

We created our own story ‘Not A Stick’, using our pictures as a way to express our ideas.

We used small world toys to express ourselves through storytelling

We shared our stories through the creation of games and drew Zentangle pictures to express our feelings.

We also reflected on how we created stories and shared important messages through our photographs.

We enjoyed going on journeys to other countries through dance, song and food.

Some of us even expressed ourselves while creating flower arrangements!

As we continued to map out our experiences on how people express themselves and their diversity in many different ways, we wondered how we can share some of these experiences with our community. We looked at a picture of the stage in the PAC to help us plan our ideas.  

It was a big space. What should we choose to showcase?

We talked about some of our favourite ideas. After many discussions, the students began to narrow their ideas down. We had 6 options. We listened to the music track of each item to make our choices. It was hard.

Stay tuned to hear more about our next steps!

The Tree

How might other people express themselves?

We found a picture of Mr. Baker. He teaches the older students Design. What might he be doing in this picture?


  • Ruby “Daddy building tree houses. He doesn’t express. All of the kids come to his workshop and they build tree houses. He needs to take some sticks out and then they glue them out and they build the tree houses. He puts the flat thing down so that it does not fall down. It’s balanced. I don’t like to build with wood. It is too tricky to see the bricks.”
  • Alejandra “He is making a tree.”
  • Nicolas “Building trees?”
  • Ruby “How do you know he is building tree houses? Building that?”
  • Nicolas “Because it looks like a tree!”
  • Ruby “He took some pieces of wood and he build it with glue and he also needs to put some grass at the bottom.”
  • Nicolas “Volcano wood? Like an experiment? I like to make with wood.”
  • Jasmine “That is Ruby’s daddy.”

We wonder if we could visit Mr. Baker in his workshop to see how he likes to express himself through his creations.

Our journey continues…

How Tall

We gathered to look at a picture of Ms. Shemo.

We discussed the skills we will be using to complete our journey of inquiry.

  • Observe carefully, noticing details.
  • Listen to others as they share their thinking and ideas.
  • Being mindful of our bodies so that we can be ready to learn.
  • Solving problems using the information we have. 

What do you notice?

  • Ethan “Ms. Shemo pictures. Against the wall.”
  • Michelle “Blocks.”
  • Ruby “I think, I see that you have your name card. Maybe because it’s letter T.”
  • Felix “That’s like how big it is.”

How many blocks do you think Ms. Shemo is?

First, we counted to see how many blocks there were already. It was 4.

Then we began to estimate how many blocks tall Ms. Shemo might be. We recorded our estimates on the board.

After all the students had made their initial ‘best guess’ we went out for a break. On our return, we went back to our estimates to see if anyone wanted to change their first guess. Some of the students changed their estimates. 

How can we check to see what the actual number might be?

  • Nicolas “We can count up to here.” He suggested that we ‘DRAW’ the boxes to see how many we need. We did.

  • Ruby “We need go up to your head. We need some more.”

Ms. Shemo was ‘12’ blocks tall!

Was that correct? How else can we check the actual number?

  • Ruby “We could count and see how many blocks.”

We decided as a group to use the actual blocks. The students helped place the blocks.

  • Ruby explained that ‘you have to balance’ when placing them one on top of the other.

We made sure the blocks went all the way up, right up to where Ms. Shemo’s head ended. We pretended there was an imaginary horizontal line that tells us where to stop.

Every time a block was placed, we tried to guess ‘how many more’ we may need.

We found out that Ms. Shemo was ‘11’ blocks tall!

At the end of the session the students wondered how many blocks tall they were saying…

“Can we do it with kids?”


  • Use non-standard units of measurement to solve problems in real-life situations involving height

Expressing Ourselves – Making Pancakes

Ms. Angie enjoys expressing herself through the preparation of food. She likes to cook with and for her family. She read the story ‘The Pancake’. Next, we talked about the different ingredients and appliances we might need to make pancakes. She chose to make pancakes as it was a special Pancake Day in her home country, the United Kingdom.

  • Alejandra “Like the Micky pancake.”
  • Freida “I made just at home.”

The students took turns to make the pancake.

Step 1 Put the flour inside the bowl.

Step 2 Put the eggs.(Crack it first!!)

Step 3 Take turns to mix the eggs and flour.

Step 4 Use the electronic mixer to mix the batter.

Step 5 Add the milk.

  • Lawrence “My mum has it at home.”
  • Freida “It turns. Then it’s like an ice-cream.”
  • Ruby “It looks like cream.”
  • Charlotte “It’s cool.”
  • Nicolas “Super. How fast is it?”
  • Ruby “Now we need put the butter. This is the butter.”

Step 6 Put butter in the pan and put the things we mixed in the pan.

“What do you notice?”

  • Freida “Melt. Because it’s super hot with the butter. We put it nice and warm. It’s because a hot. Something hot. You cut it and yummy.”
  • Lawrence “It’s like oil.”
  • Michelle “It’s like cookie.”
  • Nicolas “It’s smells so good.”
  • Charlotte “It’s so interesting.”
  • Ruby “It’s melting because it’s hot. It looks like blue.”
  • Si Hyun “It’s magic.”
  • Ethan “Cool.”
  • Amber “Wow.”
  • Charlotte “我觉得这个很方便。”[I think this is very convenient.]
  • Ruby “It’s getting yellow. Yellow magic.”
  • Nicolas “It looks like egg. Do you know my German grandma had a strawberry pancake machine? You put in, you can have strawberry pancake.”
  • Ruby “My one is blueberry machine. We put blueberry in.”
  • Amber “The colour is different.”
  • Nicolas “Black and orange mix together. That’s smells like a super-duper pancake.”

Step 7 Flip the pancake.

  • Freida “My mum did it.”
  • Alejandra “Yum, yum.”

“Why do we flip the pancake?”

  • Nicolas “Throw up.”
  • Ruby “So get nice and crispy.”

“Why not sticky?”

  • Freida “Because the butter.”
  • Seungbin “Yummy.”

The students then were able to choose their pancake topping. Their choices included strawberry, blueberry or chocolate.

Next, they ate the pancake they made.

Lastly, they washed the dishes and cleaned up their working space.

  • Freida “I eating pancakes. It said a lot of ingredients.”
  • Felix “We do pancakes. We need butter and eggs to make a pancake. Put the eggs, 2.”
  • Sarah “Pancakes. Eggs, 2. Egg, strong and broke. And then in big (Sarah used her hands to show the shape of the container)
  • Teacher “Bowl?”
  • Sarah “Yes. Smack. And smack too messy. Smell it. It’s pancakes. Yummy.”

The Directions:

A recipe for Pizza:


  • follow a sequence of events
  • explain a process
  • question to find out more
  • listen to others
  • build on others’ ideas
  • take turns
  • complete tasks independently
  • used drawing, writing and pictures to explain their understanding

Sticky Rice from Laos

We went on a journey to Laos with Ms. Mad to hear the story of sticky rice! After the story we had an opportunity to visit Mrs. Mad’s Sticky Rice Pop Up Shop to purchase a rice ball using money from Laos. Ms. Mad enjoys expressing herself and her culture through food. She likes to eat food from around the world!


  • know that there are people with more than one cultural identity/nationality
  • explore how rituals and traditions contribute to own and others’ cultural identity
  • develop their sense of identity and self-worth
  • positive acceptance of diversity
  • open-mindedness

Expressing Ourselves Through Photography – Climate Change Challenge

Today is a special day. All around the world, the children are uniting their voices to bringing attention to ‘Climate Change’. We sat down to talk about the impact it has on us. We used a photograph to begin our discussion.

How does a photograph tell a story? 

A child wearing a protective mask in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Beijing’s mayor Wang Hansen has said smog had made the capital “unlivable”. Photograph: EPA

  • Jasmine “I see a mask because she is not good.”
  • Charlotte “Mask, very not good, not happy.”
  • Felix “When the world makes mask, and there we need masks. Then it will come in the mouth. Messy wind.”

  • Ruby “I think because it is foggy.”
  • Lawrence “Some air in the mouth is not good.”
  • Amber “Because we will get sick. Because we breathe some air, we will get a cold.” [in Mandarin]
  • Michelle “Because I don’t like it. Because I think mummy say no, no, no. My mummy say because that is very, very, very not good.”
  • Nicolas “Because I think that when it is raining, the rain is also dirty, so sometimes when the rain mixed together and when it gets cold and not so good for us, it is a problem. It changes.”
  • Michelle “We need that mask.”
  • Sarah “If the air is bad, we should put on our masks.” [in Mandarin]
  • Ruby “We like to play.”

One student had brought his camera to school. It was a wonderful day to go outdoors, to feel the cool breeze, to see the blue sky and the plum blossoms. We decided to take some pictures. We could also use the iPads!

How might we capture the beauty of our world in 1 or 2 pictures?

What do we miss when we have to be indoors?

The students began by wearing masks to go outdoors. Do we like wearing them? How does it affect us? Why do we need them?

The students looked around them. What would be a perfect picture?

  • Jasmine “The sun is very beautiful.”

  • Ruby “The grass is so much fun.”


Here are our favourite pictures…Do you hear our stories?

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills

• Observe carefully.

Research Skills

• Use all senses to observe and notice details.

Communication Skills

• Understand the ways in which images and language interact to convey ideas.

Self-management Skills

• Choose and complete tasks independently.

Zentangle Pictures

A group of students shared that they express themselves through their drawings. We wondered if anyone else expressed themselves through their drawings.

We decided to speak to Ms. Grace Kang. She taught Grade 2 @nischina last year and now lives and works in Korea.

She enjoys expressing herself through her drawings and creates her own postcards and greeting cards! 

Ms. Grace explained that she likes drawing and ‘doodling’. She used different repeated patterns to create art. She uses squiggles, shapes, symbols and patterns to fill in shapes. Her feelings can inspire her creations. 

We began with some waves, zigzags, swirls and heart shapes. The students drew their own pictures and filled in the spaces using repeated patterns.

One student pointed to the ‘Zones of Regulation’ posters displayed in the classroom and suggested that we look for ideas about feelings here.

Here are a few of our creations…

How do YOU express yourself?


  • draw simple drawings to express what they see/study
  • engage with, and enjoy a variety of visual arts experiences
  • select tools, materials and processes for specific purposes
  • use their imagination and experiences to inform their art making
  • create artwork in response to a range of stimuli

Make 10

We have been exploring number, using tally marks and adding numbers. We wondered what number combinations we can use to make 10. We gathered together around a large chart paper. Each student received 3 Numicon shapes. Then, we played the game ‘Make 10‘. Each person in turn added a number from their 3 choices to make 10. We went around the circle and found many ways to make 10 until each person had 1 Numicon shape left.   

Next, we had to walk around the classroom and make the number 10 with a friend or two, using the Numicon shape. The students counted, discussed and laughed as they added their shapes to make 10. 

Here is our documentation for 10! 


  • read, write, say, count, model and order numbers to 10
  • understand that number names relate to a specific quantity
  • estimate quantities to 10
  • add groups of objects

What do you know about fish?

An Inquiry Into Fish by Charlotte

Charlotte has a big interest in fish. During play time, she shared many things about fish with Ms. Tina. Later she drew a picture about the different kinds of fish and talked about their characteristics. Here is Charlotte’s initial drawing and thinking about fish.

“这里有很多鲸鲨宝宝,长大了很大,小时候很小,而且很多鱼有自己的蛋。” [Here are some whale babies, when they grow up, they will be very big, when they are young, they are small. And many fish have their own eggs.]

Related Concepts: Growth, Change

“这是鲸鲨刚出生的时候,它出现裂痕,金鲨蛋慢慢长大。它们吃虾,它们很小。裂痕越来越多的时候,它就会破壳。” [This is when the whale was first born, it began to have cracks. They eat shrimp. They are very small. When the shell cracks more and more, the shell will break.]

Related Concepts: Growth, Change

“海鳝。我觉得有点儿可怕,它有小颗的尖牙齿,这是开心的。它很快速度长大,长大了就变得长长的。” [Muraenidae or Moray eel.I think it’s a little bit scary, it has small and sharp teeth. This is a happy eel. It grows very fast, when it grows, it becomes very long.]

Related Concepts: Growth, Development, Form, Change

After drawing some fish, Charlotte went to the library to show Ms. Romero her picture and asked if she can borrow some books about fish.

Ms. Romero showed her some interesting books about fish in the sea and also books about sharks.

Charlotte was so interested in building her knowledge about fish in the sea, and she was keen to add to her inquiry about fish. When she came back to the classroom, she decided to keep adding details on her ‘Fish Board’. Here are some more ideas.

“海里还有白鲸,白鲸的蛋。” [In the sea, there are white whales. This is the egg of the white whale.]

Related Concepts: Living Organisms

“旗鱼最快,它有尖尖的鼻子,可以捕捉猎物,它的猎物是小鱼。它是蓝色和白色的,它需要20年才能孵化。等每个蛋都孵化了,它就会长大。” [Swordfish are the fastest. It has a sharp nose, it can catch prey. It eats small fish. It’s blue and white. It needs 20 years to hatch. When they all finish hatching, they will grow up.]

Related Concepts: Growth, Behaviour, Change, Form

“它还没有出生,它出现了裂痕。小鱼。这些是鱼子,它是可以吃的。” [It isn’t born yet, it has cracks. Small fish. These are rows, we can eat them.]

“海里还有珊瑚虫,圈圈是它的窝,它经常在里面吃东西。” [In the sea, there are also coral reef fish, the circle is their home. They eat there often.]

“咸水,才能在海水里,因为它们喜欢咸水。” [Salty water. Only in salty water. Because they like the salty water.]

Related Concepts: Environment, Habitat, Ecosystem, Growth, Change

“水母的头很软,半圆形,它刚出生的时候还没有孵化,它的触角有毒,不能碰。” [The head of the jellyfish is very soft. It’s a half circle. When it was born, it wasn’t hatched. The tentacles are toxic, you can’t touch them.]

Related Concepts: Structure, Form, Growth

A few students were inspired by Charlotte’s inquiry and they joined in to inquire with Charlotte. They had some great conversations about how different fish protect themselves. Later, they too created their own ‘Fish Game’ by using the small toy fish. They had a lot of fun.

Here is a fragment of their discussion.

  • Charlotte “这是大鱼。”[This is big fish.]
  • Ethan “鳗鱼是很小的,有时候有刺,可以发射自己的刺。”[Eel is very small, sometimes it’s stabbing. It can launch the thorn.]
  • Charlotte “有刺攻击别人,保护自己。” [It can protect itself if it has a thorn.]
  • Ethan “鱼在打架,同类的鱼会打架,不同类的鱼不会打架。”[Fish fight, the same type of fish fight, the different type of fish don’t.]

Related Concepts: Connection, Relationship, Function, Form, Survival

The next day, other two students went through Charlotte’s inquiry board and asked if they could add more information.

The students talked, played and worked together as they built on their existing theories. They continued to add more of their thinking on the inquiry poster.

The learning continues…

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills

-Acquisition of Knowledge

use inquiry to acquire information

make drawing that reflect understandings

Social Skills


co-operate and share in mixed groups

Communication Skills

communicate in different ways

Research Skills

collect data from the internet to the inquiry

Creating a Flower Arrangement

A group of students expressed an interest in creating flower arrangements. It was a way in which they expressed themselves.

A small group of students gathered around a table, there was a large box on the top of the table. The students were curious about what was inside the box.

Ms. Hannah opened a box carefully. There were some flowers inside.

  • Ruby “That’s very cool, I like this flower. Because expressing ourselves for flowers. In Australia, I have some sour stems of the flower. They are yummy.”
  • Sophia “I like to eat flowers.”
  • Lawrence “I like to eat flowers too.”

Ms. Hannah posed a question “Why are the flowers wrapped in a plastic bag?”

  • Ruby “Nobody can open it.”
  • Lawrence “因为拔出来有刺,会把教室弄脏。” [Because if you pull it out, it has thorns that will dirty the classroom.]
  • Zhisong “因为刺刺的。”[Because it’s spinous.]
  • Sophia “我同意。”[I agree.]

The students took turns to touch and smell the plastic bag that covered the flowers.

  • Lawrence “软的,湿的,青苔的味道。”[It’s soft, wet and has the smell of moss.]
  • Ruby “It smells like stems.”

Ms. Hannah carefully took the flowers out of the bag and placed them in a vase. She asked the students if the arrangement was nice or not, and why.

  • Lawrence “No.”
  • Zhisong “剪下来,因为太短会歪。”[Cut it off, otherwise it’s too short.]
  • Lawrence “这样不好看,因为歪了。”[It doesn’t look nice because it’s slanting.]
  • Ruby “I like it.”

The students explained that the stems were too long. Therefore, the flowers did not stand upright.

Ms. Hannah explained to the students how to cut off the stems and leaves nicely. She showed them two different ways of cutting the stems. The first was a vertical cut and the second a diagonal.

“What’s the difference? Why do we cut it like this?”

  • Sophia “一个尖的,一个不尖的,这个劈掉了。”[One is pointy, one is pointless. This one has been split off.]
  • Lawrence “为什么要斜着剪?” [Why do you cut like that?]

After a short discussion on why the stems were cut in a particular way, the students took turns to cut the stems and leaves.

One student cut off all the leaves of a flower. Ms. Hannah noticed this and picked the one without any leaves and another one with many leaves. She asked,

“What’s the difference?”

  • Ruby “Maybe it’s already broken.”
  • Lawrence “还有土壤,种子。”[And soil, seed.]
  • Sophia “叶子会死掉。”[The leaves will die.]
  • Ruby “I think if you put into water, it can still grow.”
  • Lawrence “叶子放水里会死掉,因为叶子在水面上有浮力。没有空气。空气就是风,一下小,一下大。”[The leaves will die if you put them into the water. No air. Air needs wind, sometimes it’s big sometimes it’s small.]

The students compared two flowers, the first had withered, and the second was a fresh new flower.

  • Ruby “This one is black, this one is not. They feel sick.”

“Why do you like to arrange flowers?”

  • Lawrence “我喜欢插花,剪花,还可以用来做手工。因为我本来不喜欢的,但是我看到我的姐姐剪花,插花,我就会越来越熟悉。我插花的时候想着姐姐会和我一起,我的心情是很开心的。”[I like arranging and cutting flowers, also you can do handcraft. I don’t like to do this in the beginning until I saw my sister was cutting and arranging flowers. I got more and more familiar with that. When I’m arranging the flowers, I feel like my sister is being with me, I feel so happy.]
  • Ruby “I like to play normal flower and also smell it because I like to eat flower. I like the sour. I like to cook it. We break the flower and put it in the pan then make sour juice. It’s super yummy. It’s like Batman drink! The flower is white and got the green stem. It has to be big and the small one. The small one is not ready. The big one is sour, and I like sweet and sour.”

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills


  • Observe carefully. 

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.


  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.

Hair Styles

It was the first time Charlotte came to school with braids. Everyone was very excited to see her new hairstyle. The students began to notice and comment on their different styles.

When we sat down for our Morning Meeting, we looked at a sorting activity we had done a while ago.

  • Felix “We do the picture on this one and look the colour of hair.”

We were discussing how different our hair looked, our sorting was based on colour.

We decided to use Tally marks to record the different totals.

But what about the different hairstyles? Can we record this information using tally counts?

We decided to give it a try. One by one each group stood together as we counted the number of students who had the same hairstyle.

Pony Tails

Short Bob Cuts

2 Braids

Shot Hair Cuts

We recorded our information on chart paper.


  • sort objects
  • present information on teacher-generated pictographs where one picture equals 1
  • Begin to explain data using simple language such as same and different / more or less
  • understand that number names relate to a specific quantity
  • estimate quantities to 10

Expressing Ourselves – Games

We have been exploring how we can express ourselves in different ways. During a regular PE lesson, Ms. Angie gave the students a variety of resources and invited them to create their own games, as a way to express themselves.

The Circus Game

by Nicolas, Felix, Freida and Alejandra

  • Nicolas “This is a circus and they are watching how we did the circus. And then I said who wants to help to be somebody like that? Then they trained, Felix and then catching them and catching and then looping. The cones are so nobody breaks it. This is the mat (red square) so they can go inside. We taught the teacher how to do it. The people when they go inside we had it to do more things. I thought of a circus because of other people stop and maybe sit down. Because maybe they will watch us. In a circus, I was in the Shanghai circus, first we go to Angela and then we go to a shop, get some candy and go to the circus. And they were doing acrobatics. One of them slided down with the head down. I know how to do it. When they are really new to it. And the other one, he was balancing for 6 minutes. Two pieces of golden. They like to train and show the people what they do. I know a circus song.
  • Alejandra “Making a game like a show where people can look it. You need to start again and again. Because I need to do so many things on stage, starting, standing, so many things to do.”
  • Felix “You throw it and then you get it in your hand. The hoop. I like it because that (the game) was so big.
  • Freida “We played the circus. So amazing. We built it better. Just dance and dance.”


The House Game

By Jasmine Sarah and Michelle

  • Jasmine “We playing in the games. I in outside with my sister playing this. We do lots of games like this. Same one. Because we want this is short, very ok.”  “我们的家。就是我们可以一起玩,我们可以洗脸刷牙,可以吃饭,还可以睡觉。这里是我们变身的地方。它的名字叫place。是因为是我们创造的东西。是蜘蛛网的地方玩过,我和姐姐一起玩过这个游戏。” [This is our home. We can play together. We can wash our face and brush our teeth, also we can eat and sleep. Here is the place we can play ‘changing’ game. The name of the game is ‘place’. I played it with my sister in the spiderweb.]
  • Michelle “我们会跑来跑去。我在和妈妈还有爸爸在客厅玩过这个游戏, Jasmine, Sarah 去过我家,玩过家家的游戏,我们玩过。我们可以一起唱歌。” [We run here and there, I play this game with mummy and daddy at our home. Jasmine and Sarah went to my home before to play the house game. And we sang together.]
  • Sarah “我们在做家。我们在搭得非常漂亮。我们刷牙。这个地方是我们刷牙的,这个地方是我们睡觉的,这个地方是吃东西的,还有喝茶的。Jasmine和我就变成梅西了,Michelle 和我变成Elsa了,Elsa是我最喜欢的了。” [We are making a home. It’s very beautiful. We brush our teeth here, we sleep here and we eat here. Jasmine and I change into Meixi, Michelle and I change into Elsa. Elsa is my favourite.]


The Skittle Game

by Si Hyun, Jiwoo and Ethan

  • Jiwoo “We here. Hitting this (skittles).”
  • Si Hyun “Ball go skittle, knock, fall down. Finished. Jiwoo and Ethan and me play.”
  • Ethan “我们在玩保龄球,一个球滚过去,你怎么打保龄球就怎么打保龄球。我在句容家楼上玩过,我哥哥弹钢琴的时候我和阿婆一起玩这个游戏。” [We are playing bowling, one ball rolls there. It’s the same as how you play the bowling game. I played this game with my grandma in my home when my brother was playing the piano in JuRong.]


Skip and Roll Game

by Amber, Charlotte and Lawrence

  • Charlotte “我们在这里做翻跳弓。是跳过去,跳过去再跳过去然后踢到一个东西,踢到一个柱子然后再转回来,再回到原地,很好玩。还有我们三个一起做了翻跳弓,我们三个就跳跳跳……..” [We are playing ‘jump and roll’. You jump, jump and jump then you kick one thing and come back to the beginning. It’s interesting. We three make it and jump and jump and jump……]
  • Lawrence “The jump, because Charlotte and Amber and me say jump, then jump over this (skittles). Jump in the numbers and this (skittle) is fall down. Amber is first, then Charlotte and then me. Because I like this game, because I play all time my home with mummy and my sister.”
  • Amber “我的游戏叫‘太空翻’,我最喜欢玩太空翻。从这里跳到那里,再翻一个跟头,再翻跟头。我把它弄倒,然后再跳跳跳。是Lawrence想到的。我喜欢玩这个游戏。[My game is called ‘Space Somersault’. It’s my favourite game. You jump here to there and turn, a somersault, then another somersault. I break it down and jump, jump, jump. Lawrence thought about this game first. I like to play this game.”


The Skito Game

by Jooeon and Seungbin

  • Jooeon “Knock down bowling pins using ring.” [in Korean]

What games can you create to express yourself?

When students have AGENCY they…

  • are actively engaged in various stages of learning, including: thinking about, planning, modifying and creating
  • are actively involved in discussion, questioning and by being self-directed in their creating (as opposed to passive receiving)
  • apply their understanding of concepts through the construction of their projects/play
  • make connections to the real world by taking past experiences into their play worlds
  • have an active voice and stake in the classroom/community
  • face challenges and are given the freedom to independently overcome these or fail through trial and error or experimentation
  • are risk-takers
  • express their theories of the world and these are honoured in the environment
  • reect on their actions and self-regulate.  (IBO, 2017)