The Tree House

During free choice, @F drew a picture of a tree house. He was interested in making his own tree house.

There were some tree houses made by older students in the Design Room. Three children were excited to visit the space to learn more about the tree houses.

They looked at the tree houses very carefully and had a discussion with

On the way back to the Early Years Centre, they passed by Mr. Zach’s design room and talked about the tools they saw through the window.

When they came back to the Centre, they had more ideas about tree houses. They decided to draw pictures and included many interesting details.

Other children decided to create their own designs too!

  • Michelle “这是一个树家。我的家人都在里面,Sarah想到我家来玩,这是太阳,这是锅,这是两个水瓶,这是拖鞋,这是楼梯和门。我变成美人鱼上去睡觉。” [This is a tree house, my family lives inside. Sarah wants to play at my home. This is the sun. This is the stove, these are two water bottles. Here are shoes. This is a ladder and door. I change into a mermaid and go to bed.]

During outdoor playtime, some children decided to create ‘bird tree houses’. They used different materials around the playground to make the house.

We wonder where our interest in tree houses would lead us..

Students have AGENCY when they…

  • are actively engaged in various stages of learning, including: thinking about, planning, modifying and creating
  • are actively involved in discussion, questioning and by being self-directed in their creating (as opposed to passive receiving)
  • apply their understanding of concepts through the construction of their projects/play
  • make connections to the real world by taking past experiences into their play worlds
  • express their theories of the world and these are honoured in the environment