Creating Non-fiction Books

We have been exploring nature to learn more about change, responsibility and the choices we make. We began with a deep dive into non-fiction texts, reading many different non-fiction books to learn about the features in of these materials. We thought about non-fiction books that we can we make.

Inspired by non-fiction books, Patrick created and shared a book he made to teach us about ‘poisonous snakes’ and Mason a book about ‘jellyfish’.

We looked closely at a non-fiction book about snakes and compared it with the books the children had made.

  • What can we learn about non-fiction books?
  • What do we notice about the information presented in these books?

The children began by deciding on the topics or themes. We put these ideas down on post-it notes and shared them with the class.

We documented our ideas on chart paper.

We can talk about:

  • what animals/plants can do
  • what they eat or need to survive
  • how they catch their prey
  • how they move
  • how they grow
  • how they change
  • what they look like
  • what they like
  • why they behave in a certain way
  • how they play

Over the last two weeks, during Writer’s Workshop, the children have been creating their own non-fiction books, adding pages and information to share with their readers. A non-fiction checklist helped us think about the way we present ideas and important information.  

The Bug Hotels

We have been discussing and planning where and how to place the bug hotels. We want to make sure the insects that live in them feel safe.

We needed to make the signs to let everyone know where our hotels are on the playground. The children decided to make the signs using wood, as it can be kept outdoors in all types of weather. 2 children went over to the Design room to use the wood burning tool to write ‘K2A’ on the two signs.  


Then, we went outdoors to place the two bug hotels. The teams decided where they wanted to place them so that many bugs make them their homes.

The children took all the bugs they have collected in the classroom out to the hotels. They gently placed the worms, pill bugs and beetles inside the different spaces.

We are excited about the hotels and wonder which little creatures will visit the bug hotels. We wonder if we need to make some signs to let the other children know how to look after the bug hotels.

Our project continues…

Homes – The Bug Hotel

During the field trip to the Insect and Reptile Museum, the children went into nature to collect natural materials to make a ‘Bug Hotel’.

They worked in teams to make 2 homes for the bugs, decorating them to attract more living things.

When we returned, the children discussed their ideas for the ‘Bug Hotels’. They talked about the different materials they used, and wondered what types of insects might want to live in the hotels.

The children have noticed many different types of insects and littles creatures in the playground. They think the ants, bees, pill bugs, beetles, spiders and butterflies might want to make the hotel their home. Growing more flowers and plants will encourage the bugs to visit the playground.

The two groups gathered to decide where they want to place their bug houses. They discussed their ideas, trying to agree on the locations. This was challenging as they all had their own preferences.

They had to listen to each other, consider different perspectives and then reach a final decision.

One team decided to place their bug hotel on a tree and the other in the garden near the flowers.

Next, we discussed the different options we have for signage. Paper and card were suggested. However, paper and card are not suitable materials for outdoor signs as they get wet. The children decided to use wood to make the signs.

Over the next few days, they will work together to create the signs and place the hotels and signs in the correct locations across the playground. They are excited to see which insects make the bug hotels their home. 

We know that we share our playground with many different living things. We will continue to use our observational skills to notice and document our thinking to help us make decisions about the environment.

Field Trip Reflections

We had a wonderful time planning and then going on our Field Trip to the Insect and Reptile Museum. We wondered what we learned from our trip and what questions we have as a result of our learning.

The children began to put their ideas on paper. They used drawing and writing to share their ideas.

We gathered to talk about the different ways writers can plan and share ideas with others.

As we discussed what we noticed about each other’s writing, we documented the different ways writers communicate their thinking, planning and ideas.

We could:

– draw, colour, add details and make our pictures look ‘real’

– use our own ideas

– sequence the different events

– add feelings

– use thinking clouds

– add writing using words and sentences

– include ideas in different spaces across a page

– add labels

– show the weather

Then, we went back to improve our work, to share more details through pictures and words.

What we learned:

  • Mason “If you see the snake and if he has a triangle shaped head it is a poisonous snake.”
  • Kenan “I learned about the chameleons can change colour.”
  • Doho “The dragon can change colour, if it is angry it can change colour to red colour. Many colours.”
  • Tracey “The chameleons tongue is sticky so he can catch the fly.”
  • Mason “We saw the bug swim in the water. Inside the water there are weeds and they eat them.”
  • Doho “I see the chameleon was walking in the water.”
  • Joon “I see the water. I saw fish in the tank.”
  • Tracey “The bugs get a jelly.”
  • Mason “The insects will run away if they are not in the cages.”
  • Doho “Some bugs make people die because some bugs have teeth.”
  • Mason “And some bugs have poison because they can help themselves (protect).”

Questions we have…

  • Sean “Why is the chameleon so slow?”
  • Eunice “Why does the chameleon change colour? Why do snakes have peeled skin?”
  • Eunice and Sanghyeok “Why do animals have 6 legs?”
  • Doho “Why don’t touch the snakes with a triangle head?”
  • Sean “Why snakes have poison? Why are snakes long?”
  • Noah “Why do the animals stay in the baskets?”
  • Tracey “How do they make the jelly for the bugs?”
  • Eui jin “Why do snakes go round and round.”
  • Allen “Why snake’s tongue is like a V?”

The K2 inquirers will continue to do their research to learn more about insects and reptiles. 

Earth Week Message

The children have been exploring different spaces around the school, thinking about the things they appreciate about the earth and how they might protect their environment. We decided to spend some time around the pond, listening to the water and watching the fish splash around us. 

We took our notepads with us to draw what we noticed, to think about the environment and how we might protect nature. 

We asked the children to think about nature and take a photograph to communicate an important idea. Here is what they had to say!

We appreciate…

What action will YOU take? 

Peels, Plants and a Barrel

Function, Responsibility, Nature

Some of the K2 students noticed a large barrel in the EY playground. We decided to share 3 images with the children to spark their curiosity and help them explore connections. 

How might these three images be connected?

The children began to share what they noticed, tapping into their prior knowledge to share their viewpoints.

Many of the children wondered about the barrel. It looked strange. They decided that it must be for water. They thought that the barrel was connected to the plants because plants need water to grow.

  • Do banana peels grow into plants?
  • Are the peels good for the plants?
  • Why do we need a barrel of water near the garden plots?
  • Is the water for the toilets?

We wonder how we can find out about the barrel. Perhaps the community can help us with our research.

A group of volunteers interviewed the teachers and students to see what they could find out about the barrel.

-What is it?

-How is it used?

-Why is it in the playground?

The team came back to share what they had learned.

Tracey “We were spinning the barrel. We can’t put worms in it because the worms will get sick.”

Two children went outdoors to test the barrel to see if it does spin around.  

  • Noah “I asked Kyle What is this?”
  • Allen “Ms. Dora says this is eat food put on the bin. Apples and banana peels and watermelon. No eggs.”
  • Mason “We go to some teachers and children and we asked them ‘What is this?’. And they said you put some rubbish in it. We can’t put plastic and glass and meat and egg.”
  • Noah “We can put egg shells in it.”

The research group documented their ideas on chart paper.

They watched a short video on what to put into a compost bin to help them expand on their initial thinking. The team visited PreK-K1B and Keira presented the ideas her class had documented on chart paper.

two children presented what they learned about the items that can go into the compost bin.

We wondered what we might do next?

Some of the children suggested that we begin to collect the food we throw away and put it in the compost bin. A few other children wondered what will happen to the food if we left it out.

-Perhaps ants might come in to eat the food.

-It might get yucky.

Nicolas explained that when you put these types of foods into the bin, they get rotten. Then, the soil can be used to put into the plants and that will help all the fruits and vegetables grow!

We know that we can use our senses to observe and notice the changes that happen in nature. We know that we use these skills to help us make decisions. We look forward to seeing how these observations may lead to action.

Our work as composters begin…

Making Paper

Tracey gathered a few volunteers to make the paper. They went to the Atelier to see if the paper pulp was ready to be turned into new paper.

The papermakers followed Tracey’s instructions to make the paper using the paper making tools she brought from home. They collaborated and shared the different tasks.

At the end of the process, the papermakers remembered to clean up their workspace and the materials they had used.

We will now need to wait till the paper dries on the rack.


We wonder what the children will choose to do with their new paper…

Paper – Agreements

(Nature, Causation)

Tracey “We need paper!”

We called a meeting to discuss the ongoing situation we had with paper and card. The paper basket was empty. The children wanted more paper but were not sure how they would get more.

The children began to share ‘why’ they needed paper. They explained that drawing, writing, cutting and making were important to them. They began to see why there was ‘no more paper’. They listened to each other’s ideas and agreed that there was a lot of ‘wasting’.

We had a conversation about how paper could be made, the process it might go through and why we need to be mindful of how we use paper and card.

The children decided that the trees were important so they listed some possible ‘action’ they could take to reduce the waste of paper and card.

  • Patrick and Kenan “One day use one paper.”
  • Olivia “Draw and then put it in the basket.”
  • Patrick “Don’t waste new paper.”
  • Tracey “Don’t crush or throw the paper.”

During the first few weeks of school, Tracey brought in a drawing she had made on recycled paper. She presented it to the class, explaining the process she went through to make the paper. We were all excited and wondered if we could also make paper.

This is an evolving project that we will explore further.

Inquiry Skills

  • Pose and respond to questions
  • Participate in investigations and make observations using the senses
  • Share observations and ideas

Powerful Messages about Waste

How might we communicate a powerful message?

How might powerful images communicate important information? 

The students were invited to create the own powerful messages. They used their notes from previous research to think about the important information they wanted to share with others. The students were encouraged to reflect on the issue of ‘waste‘, and think about the action they could take as a result of their learning.

The students went through the writing process to create a first draft. Then, they revised and edited their writing in order to publish their final piece of work. Next, a drawing that communicated a powerful message was created. Finally, we used a green screen to produce a video. The students continued to work on speaking confidently, expressing ideas and information in order to inform and engage an audience.

Waste – Data Collection

Where does all the waste go?
The students had differing views on what happens to the waste we produce. We gathered to discuss and document these ideas on chart paper.

The Power of Images

Our inquiry into waste has been thought provoking and engaging. We watched 2 videos to help us tune into the ways we produce waste and the impact it has on the world around us. The first, was a video to mark ‘Earth Day’ and the second, a documentary on the journey of plastic bottles. While watching the video, the students took notes, using pictures, labels, sentences and words, to capture important ideas shared in the video.

Next, an image with icons was shared.

The students were asked to work in teams to guess what messages the icons conveyed. They worked with their partners to decide on the labels they would attach to the images. The students explained their ideas, making connections with what they have seen, think or already know.

The students have been writing questions to help them learn more about waste management. They have been conducting interviews, gathering data and taking notes to capture different perspectives and information shared by the community.

The students will continue to document their learning and present their findings on waste. Focused literacy sessions on word choice and grammar helped the students improve their pieces of writing.

We continue to discuss and explore the impact our actions have on the environment as we consider the action we can take as a result of our learning.


What is waste?

What waste do you produce?

The students noted down their initial responses to the two questions. All student responses were shared and a table was created to show the WHAT we waste.  

A student in a Grade 5 was conducting a survey on single use plastics. We gathered to discuss and answer the survey, making note of the different types of single use plastic we use and the waste we create as individuals and as a community. We made a list of the items we might use. 


  • straws
  • disposable food containers
  • cutlery
  • cups
  • bottles
  • garbage bags
  • shopping bags
  • packaging  


We made a list of the waste we produce or the things we waste.

Then, we included this information on a graph to help us orgainse our information. We learned that the two things we waste the most are food and time.

We were looking at describing how and why we produce waste. We included some language to help us explain the reasons why using language for cause beyond ‘because’ (since, as, so, therefore) and language that helps us show contrast (although and even though).

The class came up with some wonderful ideas to improve their writing on the topic.

What happens to the waste we produce?

Informational Reports

Over the last few weeks, the students have been conducting their research and creating models and books to share important messages about nature, and our role in creating environmental balance. They have been using their knowledge of non fiction literature to create informational reports.


Informational Report Checklist




  • write informative texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
  • develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
  • use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
  • conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
  • gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources

What could you do to create balance in our environment?

Living Things and Ecosystems

  • How might we conduct our own research to develop and share our theories about the world?
  • How might we explore the interconnectedness of living things and the integral role we play in maintaining balance?
  • What action can we take as a result of our learning?

The students have approached and engaged in their research in many different ways. We noticed that some students dived right in, deciding on the living things they were eager to learn more about while a few students observed others engaged in research before deciding on how they might approach their own learning.

The students watched videos, read books and engaged in conversations with other children and adults to learn more about their chosen project (living thing). The students have been taking notes and then making plans on how they might share their learning with others. They used large paper to document their thoughts, questions and possible direction. Their notes included key information, drawings, facts and sketches that directed their next steps. They highlighted key unit vocabulary as they documented big ideas. 

  • A “I didn’t know that some sharks were from eggs and others were like babies” stated one student.

The children chose to share their learning in two different ways:

  • using BookCreator to make their own non-fiction book
  • creating a 3Dimentional model (triorama) of a habitat and the different living things that exist in an ecosystem

While engaging in their projects, the students reflected on the following:

  • What type of ecosystem would I create?
  • What do the different living things in the ecosystem ‘need’ to survive?
  • How do they live and grow?
  • How can I make sure there is ‘balance’ in my ecosystem?

We noticed that the students thought deeply about the interconnectedness and impact of the different living things in their project. As they planned, designed and created, the adults pushed their thinking further by asking thoughtful, provoking questions, and giving them feedback and suggestions.

  • How would you make sure…?
  • What impact will… have on…?
  • Have you considered what might happen if…?

The students paused to reflect on their own learning journey, thinking about the challenges and big ideas they have uncovered through their own research. 

We noticed how the students engaged with the different materials and tools. They were thoughtful about the choices they made, seeking to find the most suitable materials and making conscious decisions about the way they present their ideas, to make sure that they can tell a story of living things through their project.

  • L “I want to use sticks from the garden to make my trees.”
  • A “I can use real sand to show the seashore. And I can use the shells I picked up from San Ya.”
  • D “I want to hang my bird up so that it looks like it is flying.”

Through their work, the students are learning that research involves:

  • asking or designing relevant questions of interest that can be researched
  • making plans for finding necessary information
  • gathering information from a variety of primary and secondary sources
  • using all senses to find and notice relevant details
  • recording observations by drawing, note taking, charting, writing statements
  • sorting and categorising information
  • noticing relationships and patterns
  • presenting information in a variety of ways

Observing, Listening, Thinking and Questioning

How might we document and take note of key ideas?

As we continue with our research to learn more about different ecosystems and the importance of ‘balance’ within a system, we continued to develop our research skills by observing, listening, thinking and questioning.

The students watched a short video and documented key ideas, observations and questions.

How might what I hear and see help me with my own research? 

Conducting Research

We went on a field visit to observe nature, document what we noticed and ask questions that can be researched. We were curious, thoughtful and responsible inquirers. We collected different samples of interesting living things to bring back with us. We teamed up to talk about what we saw, and created a large mural together!

The students used Venn diagrams to explore connections between the different living things they saw on their field visit. 

The students have begun to conduct their research.

Here are a few of their driving questions. 

  • Alejandra – Why do bamboo leaves change colour?
  • Ethan, Lawrence – Why are leaves different colours?
  • Yuki – What inside the ground?
  • Grace – Why does the mud (soil) change colour?
  • Hayoon – Why does the worms poop look like a mountain? What is inside the poop?
  • Diego – Why do frogs die?
  • Seoyeon – How do plants live in cold places?
  • Agata, Ella  – Who were the first people in the world?
  • Amber – Do all nests look the same? Why are they different?
  • Seolah – What do different kinds of fish eat?
  • Fedo – Why is soil and water important to leaves?
  • Gihyeon – How do plants live in the lake?
  • Hyun See – Why do plants need water to grow?
  • Yuchan – What is the first creature in the world?
  • Seungbin – Why are the little branches going around the big branches of trees?

We have been conducting research to inquire into:

  • what living things need to survive
  • what else needs the same things to survive 
  • lifecycles of living things
  • our role in creating environmental balance

We have continued to build on our list of unit vocabulary as we look for ways to explain our ideas/thinking using these words.  


The students have been documenting what they already know about ‘balance‘.

Their ideas included:

  • using your body: to balance yourself or objects
  • using objects such as scales to balance items
  • when things are the same size, they may be balanced
  • a seesaw
  • choosing a range of books from the library shows a balanced choice
  • equations can be balanced
  • you can make balanced choices with food
  • balancing your choices of colours
  • friendships: choosing a balanced group to play with (based on nationality and language)
  • balance that creates a healthy lifestyle: eating healthy food, getting enough sleep and exercise

Next, each student noted their initial ideas about ‘what living things need to survive‘. We gathered to share these ideas with the class.

Together, we are creating a Unit Word Wall, including all the important vocabulary that we inquire into or might use throughout the unit.

We are ready to dig deeper, to conduct our own research and learn about the world we live in.

We wonder about ‘balance‘ in nature and the impact of our actions on the environment.

The Nature Photo Challenge

We went out to explore our surroundings, to look carefully and closely at different living things, and to take photographs of things we found interesting.

The students were tasked with taking two photographs: a BUG’s Eye View and BIRDS’s Eye View.

BUG’s Eye View

BIRDS’s Eye View

When we returned, the students used the thinking routine ‘I see, I think, I wonder’ to document their observations, thinking and questions.


Next, we used string to look for ‘connections’ between the different living things. Making those connections explicit helped the students talk more about what ‘needs’ the different livings things may have.

 Then, the students documented their ideas and questions on chart paper.

We wonder…

…what more we can learn about the different ecosystems around us? 

Features of Non-Fiction Texts

The students were given ‘clues’ to help them think about a topic. How might clues help us learn more about the main topics?

How might we decide on the topics? What is the role of subtopics?  

  • Ella “Maybe something like a little bit from the topic. We should put a little bit about the topic. You can have many, many subtopics.”
  • Seoyeon “Some part of the topic.”

The students decided that the first subtopic was about ‘Where spiders live’.

Next, the students made suggestions about the second clue. What could be a possible subtopic?

  • Hyun Seo “What spiders have’.
  • Amber “About their bodies.’
  • Yuchan “What spiders look like’.

Together, the students included information on the graphic organizer about ‘spiders’.

Next, they worked in small groups to practice identifying the topic, subtopics, and details.

How would we use this knowledge when exploring non-fiction books?

How can this information help us conduct our own research?

  • Gihyeon “When you can learn more about spiders then you can make spiders to pets. And you can be friends with a spiders.”
  • Diego “If we know the topic, we will know more about this and we can talk about the other things about spiders. Because we want to know more about spiders. You don’t know something about spiders then you can learn.”
  • Lawrence “Maybe you can know how to make a non-fiction book.”
  • Alejandra “If we didn’t know about spiders we don’t know if it is poison or not. If you get more information from books then you can know more about which ones you can touch.”
  • Sungbin “Why do spiders have poison?”

The students shared many different reasons:

  • to catch their prey
  • to protect themselves from other animals
  • for safety

We wonder what more we might learn about living things.

Feed the Dingo!

The students were introduced to the game ‘Feed the Dingo’, a desert ecosystem game.

First, the students played the game individually. Then, they gathered to talk about what they noticed. A few students explained that they had introduced the Dingo on the 1st day of the game (the game runs for 12 days (game days).

  • Lawrence “I put all the little animals in the first day and then put the Dingo in.”
  • Grace “My ants always died and some animals that eat ants were all not happy.”
  • Alejandra “One ant could just eat for 2 days.”
  • Ethan “You can just put plants and then they won’t die.”
  • Ella “It’s like feeding the animals and making food chains. Eagle eats the snake; snake eats the frog and another things eat them. The food chain, I read this in a book, there was an island with plants. Too many plants and then they put some deer and the deer eats too many plants and then too many are gone and they put some wolves and they ate some of the deer.”
  • Grace “I put some ants and why are they all gone the next day.”
  • Gihyeon “Maybe they eat trees and ants eat the trees and there.”

The students were introduced to the word ‘ENOUGH’.

  • What does this mean in the game?
  • What is enough?
  • How will it be enough?

Next, the students went off to play the game a second time. This time, they buddied up to work in small groups.

As the game progressed, the students had opportunities to pause and reflect on the game. What can we learn from the game?

  • What did we do well and what can we improve/get better at?
  • What connections do we see?
  • What always happens and what could probably happen in the game?
  • How is this connected to my world and the ecosystems I know?

Our journey begins…


We observed students tuning into the different perspectives shared by others during the various experiences offered for the launch for the new Unit of Inquiry. The students commented on the way different groups acted with the projected images, sounds and Chinese character.

Next, 3 different black and white printed images were shared with the students. They gathered in small groups, turned the papers around in different directions and talked about what they noticed.

“I think it is a windy tree!”

“I can see just the duck!”


Picture 1

  • Seoyeon “Eyes, nose, mouth, people.”
  • Fedo “I didn’t know that!”
  • Yuchan “Maybe it is hair.”
  • Diego “It has 3 people.”
  • Ella “We didn’t saw the face but now I do! It is like old people.”
  • Alejandra “First the young people, then medium and then the old.”
  • Yuchan “A student, adult and a grandma.”
  • Ella “People that have different types of hair.”

Picture 2

  • Amber “I see these are all correct, because when you turn it, it is a 9 and when you turn it, it is a 6.”
  • Hyun Seo “I see it like a 6 because I usually don’t write a 9 like this, it’s like a ‘g’.”
  • Gihyeon “I think it is ‘e’ and ‘g’.”
  • Grace “I think the right one is 6 because the 6 speech bubble is bigger so that is a clue.”
  • Teacher “Why does the speech bubble matter?”
  • Grace ““Because when I do some task on the iPad, I always choose the bigger one.”
  • Ella agreed. “Both are correct. But maybe if he comes to here, he will agree with him and if he comes to here he will agree with him (people move to swap their position).”
  • Agata “If he is on that side he will see a 6 and if he goes to the other side he will see it.”
  • Fedo “If you put it all the way upside down he will say it is a 9 and he will say it is a 6.”
  • Alejandra “I think it is a 9 because when I see this picture I always see only a 9.”


Picture 3

  • Hayoon “If this is the mouth it’s a duck, if this is the ears, this is a rabbit.”
  • Ella “It might be a rabbit and a duck.”
  • Alejandra “If we turn the paper, no matter which way we look at it, it is always a duck and a rabbit.”
  • Yuchan “This picture has 2 mouths, one for rabbit and one for duck. I think it’s a duck.”
  • Amber “When you turn it you can see the duck’s body and when you turn it it’s a rabbit’s body.”
  • Yuki “Rabbit or duck.”
  • Yuchan “It’s a rabbit and a duck but the body is vanishing.”
  • Teacher “Why do we see things differently?”

Ella “I think I know what these things are called, its something that many people see the same picture but many people see it a different way. Which way you see it, it matters.”

Why do perspectives matter?

To explore this further, the students listened to the story ‘Hey, Little Ant’ by Philip and Hannah Hoose.

  • Teacher “Have you ever had an experience of squishing an ant under your feet?”
  • Lawrence “I like to squish mosquitos.”

As the story was read, the students made connections with the text.  

  • Gihyeon “This is a fiction book because ants can’t really talk.”
  • Alejandra “Ants are very strong even though we are bigger. They can carry like 20 ants even. They are very strong.”
  • Lawrence “Ant grew bigger like us, then the ant will be able to lift himself.”
  • Diego “I see some ants carrying some little brown things in my home yesterday. Maybe it’s their food?”
  • Grace “The kid might not squish the ants. Under the shoes we have some lines and maybe they will not get squished.”

At the end of the story, the students were invited to reflect on the author’s words…

Should the ant get squished? Should the ant go free?

Teacher “What do you think will happen next?” Why do you think that?”

The students reflected and shared their ideas with each other. We had two groups share the different perspectives.

Teacher “Now that you have heard different perspectives, would you change your mind? Why?

We were not surprised to see some of the students change their mind after hearing the different perspectives!

We wonder what YOU would do…

The 5 Whys Strategy

Over the last few days, the students have been discussing the concept of ‘WASTE’.

  • What do we waste?
  • How does the waste affect or impact other things?
  • What can we do about waste?

The students shared what they thought humans waste. The list included:

  • Oil
  • Food
  • Paper
  • Plastic
  • Time
  • Wood
  • Electricity
  • Cardboard
  • Playdoh etc.

Next, we used question words to help us explore impact, cause, and effect. We also began to think about the suggestions we might provide to help reduce waste.

Then the students used the ‘5 Whys technique‘ to help them uncover the root cause of the problem.

They used the information they gathered to create a poster that would bring awareness to the problem.


The students have been discussing the concept of ‘WASTE’ over the last few days. They have been exploring how waste affects, pollutes, and impacts ecosystems. Today, we began to create a visual that captures our thinking. It began by looking at the different choices ‘WE’ make that can affect the environment and ecosystems.

We began by drawing an outline of a student on large chart paper. We documented our ideas about the different ways we contribute to the issue of waste, around the outline of the human figure. The students shared their observations and views on human consumption and its impact on the environment. They noted how certain materials such as paper, plastic, oil and food, add to this global issue.

Next, we looked at the different ways ‘WE’ can make a difference. The students shared many ideas and then made a commitment to take ‘action’. Some students chose to focus on using less paper, being more mindful of food waste, and look for ways to repurpose plastic.

During lunch break, the students discussed the choices they made when purchasing food from the cafeteria. They talked about choice, size of the potions and their own actions that lead to waste. They have decided to inquire into this further, by working in teams to conduct interviews. They hope that their inquiry would lead to suggestions that would reduce food waste.   

We look forward to observing the different ways the students take action on their learning.

Connections and Reflections

Reflections on the Colour, Symbol, Image Thinking Routine:

The students reflected on the different ideas they shared through the thinking routine. They spoke in detail about the concepts cause and effect, impact, ecosystems and responsibility.

The concept of WASTE was another key concept they students shared. We noticed that they were beginning to think of some action they could take through their learning.

The Web – Making Connections:

We collated the different ideas shared through the activity ‘Connect the Images’. They students noticed how the images connected to each other in many different ways.

The discussions focused on consumption, waste, impact on the environment and humans. Throughout the discussions, we wondered how ‘WE’ could use our knowledge to make better choices.

How might I use my knowledge to make better choices? 

The students began to share the action they could take individually or collectively. They began to organize their ideas into four quadrants.

  • I can do, others can do
  • I can do others can’t do
  • I can’t do, others can do
  • No one can do

We wonder what action the students may take as a result of their learning and reflections…

Lifecycles, Ecosystems and Impact

What important messages are conveyed through these texts?

How might picture books help us uncover and inquire into different concepts?

What are ecosystems?

What is a lifecycle?

We read the text Salmon Stream by Carol Reed-Jones illustrated by Michael S. Maydak. This wonderful picture book tells the story of a the life cycle of salmon. Against staggering odds the eggs hatch and grow, travel to the ocean, and eventually struggle upstream to their birthplace again, to spawn a new generation.

While reading the story we discussed the concepts lifecycle, connection, causation, food chain and interdependence. The students wondered:

  • why they needed a fish ladder
  • why the salmon change colour
  • if both the male and female salmon change colour
  • why the salmon wait till the rains came to travel
  • what a homing urge was 
  • why the salmon were bruised when they returned to the stream
  • why only a few salmon made their way back to spawn
  • why a yolk sac was useful 

After discussing the text, the students used pictures and words to capture their thinking. They shared their own ideas about the different concepts, thinking deeply about the lifecycle of the salmon. 

Next, we read the story The Wolves are Back by Jean Craighead George, illustrated by Wendell Minor. This picture book tells the story of how, over a century, wolves were persecuted in the United States and nearly became extinct. The students stopped at every page, discussing the impact the wolves and the different animals had on each other. They noticed how the ecosystem thrived when there was balance. 

While reading the story, we brought attention to the different concept words change, causation and responsibility. We discussed change over time, cause and effect (impact) and our responsibility towards the different environments around us. 

We used picture cards to help us see the connection each living thing had with another. The students discussed the food chain (grass -> elk -> wolf) , interdependence (<->), growth, lifecycle and impact

They stumbled upon new words and attempted to uncover what they meant by tapping into their prior knowledge, breaking words up into smaller words to look for clues, and looking for clues in the beautiful illustrations.  

Then, the students created their own graphic organiser using the app Popplet. They used the pictures and information they had gathered to discuss the connections they made and explain the concepts they had uncovered. 

We continue to wonder about other ecosystems.
– How are they different from one another?
– What animals live and thrive in these habitats?
– What is our responsibility in protecting these ecosystems?
– Why is this important?

Next, we read the story ‘Where’s the Elephant?‘ by Barroux. This picture book is about a game of hide-and-seek that takes on a new dimension as a growing city encroaches on the jungle the animals call home.

The students spoke in detail about the pictures, and the messages conveyed through them. They shared the feelings the story evoked and why they fest that way.
– I feel sad because the animals have no home.
– I am worried that the jungle near my home in Germany would be cut down like that.

The students used shared their thoughts on ‘EXIT Tickets’ a the end of the read aloud.

This powerful text helped the students discuss concepts about change, impact, habitats and responsibility.


  • Eunseong “Protect the environment.” (Responsibility)
  • Seungje “Don’t destroy nature because bad things can happen.” (Causation)
  • Chanwoong “If you cut down the trees then plant the same amount of trees.” (Responsibility)
  • Carlotta “Cutting trees destroys animals’ homes.” (Causation/Impact)
  • Reggie “If you cut down trees then the species of animals might die out.” (Extinction)  

After listening to the story, we noted the different things that we found interesting, important, or insightful. We used the Thinking Routine ‘CSI‘ to help us distil the essence of ideas non-verbally.

  • Colour – we chose a colour that we felt best represents or captures the essence of a key idea.
  • Symbol – we chose a symbol that we felt best represents or captures the essence of a key idea.
  • Image – we chose an image that we felt best represents or captures the essence of a key idea.

The students shared their ‘CSI’ with peers and discussed the key ideas that resonated with them.

Our journey continues… 

Colour Symbol Image Template

Nature Walk

Theme: Sharing the Planet
– An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things.

What do you notice?

What do you wonder?

  • Hannah “We were looking for interesting things in nature.”
  • Kavel “We were observers.”
  • Carlotta “We were making connections with things we have not seen.”
  • Chanwoong “After writing we came back to class and airdropped the photos to Ms. Shemo so that we can make the movie.”
  • Elena “We went outside and got some markers, pencils and papers and we looked around the place and looked for things that were interesting. we took a picture and wrote 10 interesting things we saw about it.”
  • Sky “We took photos to know what we are writing about.”
  • Changhyeong “Because there are small plants and we are making it bigger on the iPad.”

Next, we sat down to share our 10 observations with class buddies. We used the thinking routine Ten Times Two to help us observe with quiet eyes. The students continued to add to their observations, looking at an imagine/object from multiple perspectives. 

Then, we used twine to look for ‘connections‘ that exist between the objects we had photographed. The students explained why they were connected.

  • Soil is needed to make the plant grow. 
  • Some bugs eat stems, the woody bits.
  • Bugs live in woody places (barks of trees).


What if there was no more soil or wood? The students who would be affected (based on their pictures) sat down to visualise this impact.  

  • All of us need soil for our plants to live!
  • I (bug) have no home to live for the Winter. I will die!
  • The flowers will die too because they need leaves to grow.
  • And plants need leaves for shade.
  • Bugs eat leaves so bugs will die. 


What if there were no more snails? Again, the students who would be affected (based on their pictures) sat down to visualise this impact.  

  • The snails will get parts of our plants and spread seeds around. 
  • The bugs will die if there were no snail shells for them to hide in the Winter. 
  • Everything needs other things. 

The students discussed the impact different species and plants have on each other. 

We wondered how these connections can be observed and documented. The students used post-it notes and string to connect and document their observations.

They included questions they had using a different coloured post-its. 

Next, we began to document our wonderings. We decided what concept they would be about. The students helped explain the ‘concept’ in their own words. 

The Black Dots

Online Learning

Focus: Communication Skills, Thinking Skills, Research Skills

Ms. Karen has a MYSTERY for YOU!

  • What do you think these little dots are?
  • Why are some white?
  • Are there any clues in this photo to tell you what these dots might be?

let us know what YOU think these dots might be!

Bruce suggested that the picture of the black dots were in fact worms!
Here is Ms. Karen’s clue number 2.
If you think they are worms, what type of worms might they be?

Bruce suggested that the picture of the black dots were in fact ‘silk worms’!
Here is Ms. Karen’s clue number 3.

You guessed it!

Yes, they ARE silkworms! 

Let’s take a peek at our silkworms. Notice how the silkworm moves across the leaf.

  • How does that differ from the way that the inchworm (that landed on Ms. Anna Mila) moves?
  • I wonder why they move differently? What is your hypothesis?

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

  • observe carefully.
  • express oneself using words and sentences

Caring for Pets

Online Learning

Focus: Research Skills, Communication Skills
This is Louie.
Louie is our family pet. We rescued him when he was just a baby. Louie likes to eat rice. He falls asleep while I am working. He can be naughty and needs to be reminded to be kind. Caring for pets can be hard work.
  • Do you have a pet?
  • Do you know of someone who has a pet?
  • If you have a pet (pets), how do you take care for them?

If YOU don’t have a pet but know someone who has a pet, perhaps you can do your own research to learn more about how they care for pets.

  • What did you find out?

Share your research, pictures and drawings with us! 

Through this invitation the children will explore:

  • responsibility
  • the needs of living things


Online Learning

Focus: Communication Skills (Reading, Listening and Speaking) 

  • What do you hear at nighttime?
  • What do the creatures and animals do when it is dark?

Let’s read this wordless picture book together. I will start reading and you can continue the story. You will need to read the ‘pictures’ to tell your own story as there are no words in this special book. 

‘Flashlight’ by Lizi Boyd

Note: Encouraging children to notice and talk about details strengthens a child’s vocabulary. These experiences help children pay attention to detail and develop their creativity.

You might want to draw a picture of what you think the creatures and animals do at night.

The Story of Paper

The children gathered around Ms. Ai to create boats using paper from the recycled box. They were curious and wanted to see how pieces of paper can be turned into something new and exciting.

Some children created musical instruments using different types of paper.

A Piano

They made maps, iPhones, games and money using paper and card.

A computer with lots of buttons.

Learning Outcomes:

  • engage with, and enjoy a variety of visual arts experiences.
  • use their imagination and experiences to inform their art making.
  • create artwork in response to a range of stimuli.

Noticing the children’s interest in paper, Ms. Tina decided to share some examples of paper art . The children then sorted out different paper to use in their creations. 

Ms. Anna Mila used a video to show the children the process of how paper is made. The children asked to watch the video repeatedly, asking insightful questions about the trees. They made great observations about the paper making process.

After we watched the video and read some books about how paper is made/recycled, we went into the atelier to make paper.

First, the children needed to rip up scraps of previously used paper.

Then, they needed to add lots of water.  

Then, they needed to blend the paper into a pulp.

Next, it was poured into a bin with water that had a screen in it. The children needed to pour the pulp into all corners, covering the whole screen as evenly as possible.  

This part of the work took great concentration and strength.

Sometimes the children noticed that they needed to add more paper scraps.

After the paper was poured, the screen needed to be lifted up carefully and then placed on a drying rack so that the pulp can dry, creating paper.

When the paper pulp on the mesh had dried, the children carefully lifted it off the drying racks. They were excited to see their own paper!

They sat around the tables with their own sheet of recycled paper and paints, excited to the create yet a new piece of art.

We wonder, what other materials and objects can we recycle?

Concepts: change, purpose, responsibility, creativity, connection, conservation, causation, changes of state, production.  

Learning Outcomes:

  • select tools, materials and processes for specific purposes.
  • understand the impact of simple actions on their immediate environment
  • understand that resources are necessary to meet the needs of living things
  • develop enthusiasm and respect for nature and Earth
  • develop care and concern for Earth and its environment

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

  • listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information.
  • ask for clarifications.
  • interpret visual, audio and oral communication: recognizing and creating signs, interpreting and using symbols and sounds.
  • express oneself using words and sentences.
  • participate in conversations.
  • be aware of own and others’ impact as a member of a learning group.
  • follow the directions of others.
  • demonstrate persistence in tasks.

The Plant

The children have been talking about plants. They wanted to create props for a ‘show’. Felix and Tyson decided to use clay to create the insect eating plant.

Tyson “And this one is die. This flower eat him and he die.”

Felix “The plants eat insects to live. Or they will die. They eat it with their mouth. The white ones are the teeth. Look, he opened his mouth! He is ready to eat an insect because he opened his mouth. I am just putting it in and the squishing it because then it standards upwards (describing the process he is using the create the stem for each plant).

Tyson “He is ready to open his mouth. His flower eats butterflies. This flower eats, like to eat bees.”

Felix “Because butterflies are just caterpillars. They are the ones that eat insects not people.”

We are learning how to:

  • engage with, and enjoy a variety of visual arts experiences
  • select tools, materials and processes for specific purposes
  • use their imagination and experiences to inform their art making
  • create artwork in response to a range of stimuli


We looked at a picture on the screen. Michelle quickly stated that she recognised the picture. She has been there before. There were many animals there.

Felix recognised the writing on the sign and said “ZOO!”

Yes, the word Zoo was at the beginning of the word. The place we were planning to visit is called ‘ZOONANA’.

We had a few pictures of Zoonana. We first looked at the pictures to see what animas we might see on our visit. The children called out the names in English and Mandarin.

They shared their thinking and ideas:

  • Jiwon “We like fish.” (in Korean)
  • Yoochan “Only looking at the crocodile.”
  • Leming “We can’t put our hands into the mouth of the crocodile because he might bite.” (in Mandarin)
  • Bruce “If you see the skunk, then you have to hold your nose so they are not smelly.” (in Mandarin)
  • Sarah “People cannot touch crocodiles because crocodile can eat people’s fingers and people’s fingers are cut.

  • Nina “We can’t put our hands in wolf. Because if we put our hand in wolf he will bite us.”
  • Michelle “I have a good question. Can we go to the Zoonana, can we pick up (take) we clothes and do drawing there? And we can feed the bird?”

  • Teacher “Why do you want to draw when you are there?
  • Michelle “Because I want to draw the bird.”

Everyone thought it was a good choice.

  • Felix “We have to stay where the other kids are, you don’t go loose (get lost).

Everyone agreed that the children should stay together.

  • Sebastian said he likes the “Fish and birds and they say peek, peek, peek.
  • Yoochan helped Jiwon share her ideas. Jiwon said she liked to see the rabbits. Sebastian agreed.
  • Nina “I like the rabbits.”
  • Yoochan wondered if there were owls.
  • Teacher “I wonder how we can get to Zoonana?”
  • Michelle “With the school bus.”

We recalled signing up to go on the bus. A group of children from PreK-K1B came by a while ago to collect the data, to see how many busses we needed to order. They have booked the bus for us.

We talked about the things we will need to take on the bus. Our lunch and a water bottle. We knew some parents will join us on the trip to help us stay safe and have fun as we learn about animals; how they grow and change and what they need to survive.

  • Felix “Do we going to take our own bag?”

We agreed that the children will take their own bags. We talked about the journey, how we travel on the bus, that we need to wear our seatbelts and not run away from the adults.

  • Teacher “What else can we do to stay safe?”
  • Michelle “We can hold hands. We hold hands with our teachers and friends.
  • Sarah “All mummies and daddies are going too?”

We reminded the children that only some of the parents will join us on the trip. But we knew that this was ok.

We are excited about our trip…we wonder what we might learn on our visit. 

Carnivorous Plants

Ms. Tina had read a book titled ‘Who Eats Whom‘. Michelle wanted to make her own book about ‘food chains’. She drew a picture of a plant that eats people, while working on her latest book. Her plant had teeth!

We then visited Ms. Hannah’s class. She has a strange plant in her class. Ms. Hannah talked to the children about the plant.

This plant eats insects!! We had some tiny earthworms and the children wanted to feed the plant. They were excited to see how the plant eats the worms.

Why do the plants eat these insects?

We wonder…

Research Skills

Formulating and planning

• Ask or express through play questions that can be researched.

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

• Gather information from a variety of sources (people, places, materials, literature).

• Use all senses to observe and notice details.

 – Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Is it getting bigger? (updated)

21 November, 2019

How do we know our plants are growing?

  • Felix “Because we know it’s big. Because it’s green. Before it was black. Seeds were in the earth. Bigger.”
  • Michelle “Big and big and big. We water and sun” Michelle stretches has arms out and shows us how the plants have got taller.

But how do we know how big it has become? What can we use to measure this?

Felix “We need a measure band.”

What is that?

One child reaches for a number line to show us what a number line might look like.

That is very big!

  • Nina “We can use the paper and cut.”
  • Michelle “We can make it too long and put it. We do ‘0’ and ‘10’ here.”

Felix takes a marker and begins to write numbers on the whiteboard along the stem of the plant to show us how we might write the numbers down to measure the plants.

Michelle writes all the numbers zero to 10 on the board to show us how the tape can be used.

The students were invited to make their own number strips to measure the growth of their plants.

We gathered to talk about how we might create the number strips. The children made suggestions about the steps we should take.

We wrote and drew the steps we need to follow.

Then, we followed the instructions to create the ‘measure bands’.

Concepts: growth, change, measurement, number, impact, connection 

The ‘Measure Bands’ we created were made out of card. We were worried about the bands being exposed to water and getting wet in the rain. The children suggested wrapping them in a plastic sleeve. They worked together to solve that problem.


2 December,  2019

It was time to measure how tall or long our plants were. The children have been creating their own tool to check these measurements. They have named them ‘The Measure Bands’. While documenting their observations, the children used many literacy and numeracy concepts. They are learning that numbers can be used in many ways for different purposes in the real world, that numerals represent a specific quantity and that objects have attributes that can be measured using standard and non-standard units.

The children are exploring mark-making and know that it carries meaning, while using symbols and drawings to record their observations.

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)


  • Observe carefully.
  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.
  • Seek information.
  • Record observations—drawing
  • Analyse and interpret information.
  • Present information in a variety of modalities.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information.
  • Ask for clarifications.
  • Interpret visual, audio and oral communication: recognizing and creating signs, interpreting and using symbols and sounds.
  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Understand symbols.
  • Understand that mark-making carries meaning.
  • Use mark-marking to convey meaning.
  • Document information and observations in a variety of ways.
  • Choose and complete tasks independently.
  • Follow the directions of others.
  • Share responsibility for decision-making.
  • Demonstrate persistence in tasks.
  • Use strategies to problem-solve.

The Caterpillar

When we came back after lunch play time, we saw a message on the whiteboard. Ms. Anna Mila had left a message and a leaf for us! The message read,
“I brought you a present, look carefully on the leaf. Please take care of it and put it back outside.”

We looked at the leaf, sitting on it was a CATERPILLAR! The children were so excited to see it and began to share what they observed. The caterpillar was so small that we could not see clearly.

Felix suggested that we use the magnifying glasses or even the microscope that we had received from the Secondary school science lab.

First, we had to learn to use the microscope. “It’s so big!” said the children. While they were exploring, they used all their senses to observe and notice details, finding and sharing the unique characteristics of the little creature.

When we finished observing the caterpillar, we took it back to its home in the garden plot. We hope we will be able to see it again soon.

Food Chains

The children have been sharing their theories about ‘animals eating other animals’ (food chains). In order to discuss their theories further, Ms. Tina brought in a Chinese story titled “谁吃谁”[Who eats whom].

  • Charlotte “Chicken eats…”
  • Michelle “Lion eats everybody.”

Teacher “Who eats the lion?”

  • Michelle “Tiger.”
  • Teacher “Who eats the tiger?”
  • Felix “Dragon.”
  • Michelle “Lion.”

Ms. Tina began to read the picture book. The children made predictions and shared their ideas and theories on what different animals like to eat.

  • Bruce “The small bugs eat the flower.” (in Mandarin)
  • Michelle “The ladybugs eat the small bugs here. The bird eats the ladybug.”
  • Nina made a prediction “Rabbits may eat the bird.” (in Mandarin)

Teacher Who might come next? Who might eat the fox?

  • Michelle “Crocodile”
  • Felix “Maybe a wolf?”

We turned the page to see if our predictions were correct. Felix’s  prediction was right. The children continued to think about and discuss the different creatures that were eaten. They were beginning to see how the animals were connected.

Why does the fly eat the wolf?

  • Michelle “Because the fly is hungry.”
  • Felix “Because he die. Maybe a dragon eats the fish.”

Yoochan translated for Sewon as she explained that the fish do not have hands.

We turned to a picture of a bird eating a fish. Sebastian suggested that the bird will be eaten by a dragon.

The children continue to be curious about living things. How do living things help or depend on each other to survive? 

Next, we played an online game that helped us learn more about ‘The Food Chain‘. The children were excited to guess the order of the different living things that live off each other. 

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

  • Gather information from a variety of sources (people, places, materials, literature).
  • Analyse and interpret information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information.
  • Ask for clarifications.
  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.

Sorting, Living and Non-living

We had a set of 8 pictures. We gathered to have a discussion about the pictures to decide how we might want to sort them. The students began by counting the pictures and using their fingers to count out 8.

Next, the children named the pictures “A boy, bicycle, a ladybug, a bench, a tree, a dog, a swing, a rock.”

Then, we recalled what we had done the day before with a picture of a person made with shapes. The children were encouraged to think about how they sorted the shapes based on their characteristics.

We looked at the picture to help us recall the different groups we made, naming them as ‘circle, dot, triangle…”

 The children were invited to think, how they might sort the 8 pictures in front of them.

  • Felix “We put the animals together.”
  • Charlotte “Tree is animals too. Because tree is living too.”

  • Felix “Tree is not living because living is when you have nose and mouth, so trees are not living.”
  • Charlotte “Because tree is really animal.”

Teacher “Why are these pictures on this side?”

  • Michelle “No eyes. No ears and no mouth.”
  • Charlotte “These things are help people.”

The children decided to call one group ‘Living things, another group ‘not living’ things.

Teacher “What do they need to live?”

  • Michelle “Eat.”
  • Felix “Vegetables, fruits, meat. They have to learn. Climbing the tree. The ladybug. Dog learn running. People learn talking.”
  • Nina “Ladybug, dog, they need sleep, they run.”
  • Charlotte “They walk.”
  • Felix “And try to climb the tree.”

Teacher “What is the same about the things that are ‘not living’?”

The children thought hard about this question. Michelle stated that the swing can move so it has to be in the living group. But others did not agree because they don’t have ‘eyes’.

The children started wonder and talk about ‘trees’, “Do they sleep?

  • Nina “When he sleeps tomorrow, they will grow.”

The other children did not agree. Some of the children decided that tress don’t sleep.

  • Michelle “Windy day it can move.”

Yoochan and Charlotte used actions to show how the trees move when it’s windy. They showed us how the leaves move with the wind.

We wondered why people, animals and bugs needed ears.

  • Felix “They listen.”
  • Nina “He has ears.”

We wondered why people, animals and bugs needed mouths.

  • Sarah “Drink water.”
  • Yoochan “Teeth.”
  • Felix “People need the teeth to eat the hard things. The bug just opens the mouth and just eat.”

We wondered why people, animals and bugs needed noses. What was the purpose?

  • Charlotte “To smell.”
  • Felix “To smell the plant.”
  • Yoochan “To smell the flower.”
  • Charlotte “To breath in. Bugs nose is like this.” (Charlotte used her index fingers to show us how bugs have moving ‘things’ above their heads)

Michelle and Charlotte explained that there were bugs outside that had a nose and mouth.

  • Felix “What about caterpillars? He doesn’t have eyes, nose and ears.”

As our next step, we hope to observe mini-beasts to see what more we can learn about them.

The Potato

Ms. Shemo’s husband had given her a strange vegetable.

  • Sarah “Is it a tomato?”
  • Felix “No, not tomato.”

The children passed the vegetable around.

  • Bruce (speaking in Mandarin as Sarah translates) explained that he has this vegetable at home. He has it in grandma and grandpa’s house. His grandma likes to eat it.

  • Felix “It’s potato.”
  • Charlotte “Not potato! Potato is red! This is yellow!”
  • Felix “Potato! Tomato is the red one.”

Everyone was happy with the explanation. The children looked carefully at the potato, it was sprouting from the top.

  • Sarah “It smells like potato.”
  • Sebastian “Yeah!”

Teacher “What is happening to the potato?”

  • Sarah explains that she thinks the little pieces on the top of the potato are going to become stems and leaves, just like the plant.

We looked carefully at the plant.


Bruce explains that the plant is stinky, just like the potato.

  • Felix “It is the same (both potatoes). Because you just have to pull the plant out. Maybe there are coming more potatoes!”
  • Sarah “No, this looks like a pear. Because it’s green. A green pear.”

  • Nina “I think this is like a potato. Because it is growing up.”

Ms. Shemo “We don’t have enough space for this plant in our home. Is there a place where we can grow this in school?”

  • Charlotte “YES! Outside! Where the broccoli is growing!”

The children decided that they could help to plant the potato in the garden plot.

  • Felix “First you have to pull it out and then put it in the other earth.”

The children talked about how much water the plants need.

  • Felix “We should not put too much water or the plants will die.”

Next, the children helped plant the potato and the potato plant in the garden plot. We will continue to care for them as they grow.

Theories About Caterpillars

The children have been sharing their theories about snails; how they move, live and grow. During a conversation about snails, Sarah and Felix stated:

  • Sarah“Like caterpillar.”
  • Felix “Because a caterpillar don’t have a shell.”

This led to a discussion about caterpillars. We offered the children opportunities to share their theories about caterpillars. They used Paper and markers to make their thinking visible.    

Yoochan “Caterpillars in tree. Baby and mummy here. Tree. A daddy, caterpillar daddy and tree.”

Nina “This is caterpillar. This is grass this is flower. He (caterpillar) is moving. He eats grass. He loves flowers. Baby caterpillar likes flowers.”

Sarah “This is me and I look the caterpillar. Here he look he eggs. He is growing. Eating leaves. Butterfly. And he fly. He (caterpillar) likes trees. His babies on it. Big caterpillar has eggs. When the caterpillar grow and he is a butterfly.”

Michelle “The caterpillar, I and mummy go to school. I think every night he grows. Leaves. Eat leaves. This is mummy and this is me. We go to NIS. My mummy picks me up and goes to school. The leaf…I can eat this. I eat and eat and eat and eat. And go to NIS and play with everybody. And caterpillars grow and grow and grow, and he made a butterfly. The, grow and grow and grow and then she is NIS and then all the caterpillars say “WOW, all the butterflies.”

Felix “The caterpillars eat grass. And they are first a egg and then they are coming out a caterpillar. And this is me going to school. There are caterpillars going on people. And they eat leaves from the trees. This is what caterpillars eat leaves and they and then they need sun to grow and then they grow into a butterfly.

Teacher “Why do you need the arrows?”

Felix “Because it shows that you need some grass for the caterpillars. And then he can live and then he can dead. He just will die and then then he is a skeleton. This comes first (egg), this comes second, third (on a tree), This come fourth (water), this comes five (caterpillar on person), this comes six (leaf) and this comes seven (sun) and this comes eight (butterfly). The arrows are showing us what the caterpillars do.”

Charlotte “My mummy picked me up and go to NIS and go in the tree and up, up, up and eating. The caterpillars are NIS. Eating and sleeping in the trees. Because my mummy and daddy are too big like caterpillars. He is eating over here in NIS. And grow up. Like a water fountain.”

What theories are emerging…

We noticed how the children drew pictures of caterpillars at different stages of their lifecycle. The concepts of growth and change were clearly obvious in their drawings. Some of the children suggested that caterpillars were the same as people as we grow and get bigger too.

The children had suggested that babies grow, becoming sisters and brothers, mummies and daddies and then grandpas and grandmas.

Charlotte showed us with her body how plants grow from a seed into a tall tree.

We continue to wonder how what living things have in common…

Plant Journals

The children have been busy at the garden plot, planting seeds and creating signs.

They have been watering the plants each day and were very excited to see some of the seeds beginning to sprout.

A group of children were preparing to create journals to record the growth of the plants. Today we learned how to make our own books by choosing paper, folding it neatly and then using the long arm stapler to hold the pages together. We all had a turn to practice making our own books.

We then set out to the garden plot with our journals and began to document what we noticed.

Some children observed the growth of the plants and others talked about the needs of plants as they grow.

The children were careful to include details such as the soil, and the plots created for the purpose of growing.

The children talked about their observations as they drew their pictures. They challenged each other’s ideas as they documented their observations.  

We will continue to care for our plants, observe and document how they change as they grow.

Approaches to Learning

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.


  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

Reading, writing and mathematics

  • Understand that mark-making carries meaning.
  • Use mark-marking to convey meaning.
  • Document information and observations in a variety of ways. 

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting

  • Use all senses to observe and notice details.
  • Record observations—drawing, charting, tallying—using emergent writing skills, when possible, to write comments, annotate images, and so on. 

Self-management Skills


  • Follow the directions of others.


  • Demonstrate persistence in tasks.

How does a snail move forward when he has no legs?

  • Felix “How do he move?
  • Sebastian “Like this!” (Sebastian drops down on to the floor to show Felix how the snail moves.)

  • Felix “Like a water snail. The shiny one. The sticky shiny one. From the snail.” (the slime helps him move)
  • Michelle “He can be walking, the sticky he has the sticky white.”

Leming provided an explanation by moving his body along the floor.

  • Michelle “He is like walking and climbing”
  • Nina “Can this one fly?”

All the children said “NO!”

  • Nina “Can he eat?”
  • Teacher “What does he eat?”
  • Nina “spaghetti…leaves.”

The teacher pointed to the shell.

  • Sarah “A shell.”
  • Felix “His home.”

  • Felix “His eyes.”

  • Felix “This is a water snail. Because I see water and he is going in the water.”
  • Teacher “Are all the shells the same?”
  • Nina “No, because the color is not the same.”
  • Charlotte “In Chinese is 蜗牛 wo niu he is too slow. Cool. He is eating. Leaves.”
  • Sarah “Like caterpillar.”
  • Felix “Because a caterpillar don’t have a shell.”
  • Charlotte “He is too slowly. because he has a shell and it’s heavy.”

  • Felix “That’s how he goes, slowly.”
  • Sarah “And he does not have legs like a caterpillar.”
  • Nina “Why is don’t have hair?”
  • Felix “Outside in the morning was lots of snails.”
  • Sarah “It lives there.”
  • Felix “How does a snail go forward?”
  • Michelle “Because he has sticky bangogang (bubblegum).

  • Nina “Because he has this one things on his head he can go forward.”
  • Charlotte “Crawl.”

  • Felix “How does he pull himself forward because just like this how does he move he does not have hands and feet?”
  • Sarah “His tummy.”

The children continue to wonder how snails move forward. Although they shared many different theories, they continue to wonder how this happens. We wonder if we can observe snails moving. Perhaps we can bring some snails into class to observe them closely, and then return them back into their own habitats after we observe them. 

During the discussion, we noticed how the children were talking about similarities and differences between the different creatures (mini beasts) that live around us. 

We continue to explore the different experiences that might help us lean more about change, growth, life-cycles and survival.

Do you know which ones will grow?

We read the story ‘Do you know which ones will grow’ by Susan A. Shea, paintings by Tom Slaughter.

This simple nonfiction book explores the differences between living and non-living things. As we read the story, the children shared their ideas, theories and questions.

Can a car grow?

  • Sarah “Because car is not animal and he is not animal. And he no baby.”
  • Michelle “A big truck and a small truck. I don’t know where he can grow.”
  • Charlotte “He is not people and not animals.”
  • Sarah “And he not a car.”

Can a cap grow?

  • Michelle “Because cap grow is so funny and I don’t like it. Because the people can use it but it can’t grow.”

Can a shovel grow?

  • Charlotte “Because people play the shovel.”
  • Sarah “Because it’s not a people.”

Can a cupcake grow?

  • Michelle “Because we make it can eat it.”
  • Sarah “Cupcake can not be a cake.”
  • Felix “Yes, it could, it can transform.”

Can a baby grow?


  • Charlotte “Daddy and mummy, grandpa and grandma.”

What do they need to grow?

  • Sarah “Eat lot just like you (teachers). Water.”
  • Michelle “Sleep. Go to school and wash hands.
  • Sarah “Ms. Tina will grow, will be mummy.”
  • Charlotte “And then grandma.”

We continue to wonder what living things are. 

How do we know something is alive?

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Communication Skills

• Express oneself using words and sentences.

• Participate in conversations.

• Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

• Make inferences and draw conclusions.

A Learning Journey – SEEDS!

A group of children visited the garden and came up with many ideas about growing. They wanted to plant apples, flowers and bananas. They also drew pictures to explain what plants need.

  • Michelle “We want to draw the picture.”
  • Charlotte “Seeds.”

Although the children were excited to grow their own plants, they were not sure how to get started. They had many questions about growing. They went to Ms. Hannah to learn more about seeds as she is the ‘growing expert’ in the EY.

  • Michelle “We look in the seed in Sarah’s (K1B) room, nobody can see, we can see.”
  • Charlotte “This is too many seeds. Have tomato seeds and broccoli seeds.”
  • Sarah “Seeds.”

  • Sarah “We have sunflower seeds and tomato seeds, and broccoli seeds, and cucumber seeds.”
  • Felix “And salad seeds.”
  • Charlotte “茄子.” [Eggplant.]

  • Michelle “我们想要种一些种子。” [We want to plant the seeds.]
  • Sarah “我们需要浇水,还要一些太阳。” [We need water and sun.]

  • Felix “I hold some seeds. Plant them. Soil, water and sun. We have to dig in, and then put it in. We need dig in more down.”
  • Michelle “我们要挖一点点,不能太深,不然种子不会发芽,种子会死,它就不会长大。” [We have to dig a little bit, otherwise the seeds won’t shoot. They will die and won’t grow.]
  • Charlotte “如果太深的话就长不大,因为喝不到水还有阳光。” [If you dig too deep, they won’t grow, because they can’t get the water and the sun.]

  • Jiwon looks at the seeds, “The black seeds grow and become the food we eat? If you mix the white seeds with pink, will the pretty pink flowers bloom? White, mixed with red seeds in the delicious strawberries which will be brought up?” [translated from Korean]

The children received different seeds from Ms. Hannah. She also provided the children with lots of useful information about plant growth. When the children came back to class, some students helped document the information they gathered.

1 tomato 2 salad 3 sunflower 4 cucumber 5 broccoli


  • Felix “I’m writing the things, like the sunflower.”
  • Sarah “Writing the seed.”

Some students helped make pop-up labels which will be inserted in the garden beds to help identify the different plants.

The children reflected on their learning journey and sequenced the events.

Next they shared their experiences with the whole class.

Sarah “就是一个小种子,如果人们给它浇水,出太阳,它就会发芽,然后它发芽之后会变成花。草和土,是因为生长需要土,这些草它也要土也要水也要太阳,它会长得像花朵一样大。” [This is a small seed, if you water it, and the sun comes out, it will shoot, then it will become a flower. Grass and soil, because it needs soil to grow. This grass needs soil, water and sun, it will grow as big as flowers.]

Felix “I draw the seeds and the soil and sun and rain. It was growing, so high like up to the wall. First, put the seed into the soil, then you going to put the soil on the seed, it’s going to rain, so the plant will grow. And the sun comes out, the plant will also grow.”

Charlotte “首先先有小草刚生长出来,然后有个人没看见小草就洒在小草上了,雨天来了,哗啦啦哗啦啦啦,然后扔了一个种子,又重新开始生长,然后又哗啦啦哗啦啦,然后晴天又来了,然后长成了一朵漂亮的小花。” [Firstly, the small grass come out, then somebody watered the grass without seeing it. It’s raining, ‘hualala’ (the sound of rain), then put a seed inside, it begins to grow again. Then ‘hualala’, then the sun comes out, then it turns to be a beautiful flower.]

Tyson “这里有太阳有种子长出来,之后就长了大大胖胖的种子,还有太阳出来了,还有小草长出来了。” [Here is sun, the seeds grow up and become big and fat. Then the sun comes out, and the grass comes out.]

Michelle “这个是一个东西,是水果,去看种子的东西,我们带了很多种子,我们去种种子,去农民伯伯那里种种子。我和Charlotte挖呀挖呀,然后我们浇水。” [This is a thing, it’s fruit. We went to see some seeds, we took some seeds, we go to plant some seeds. We go to the farmers to plant the seeds. Charlotte and I dig, dig and dig, then we have to add water.]

We have so many ideas, we are now ready to plant our seeds!

The Garden Plot

A group of children went out to visit the PreK-K1 garden plot.

  • Sarah “Leaves!”
  • Felix “Do you know what? You can eat theses leaves over here. I just tried one. And it smells like… Michelle, smell on it.”
  • Michelle “It is yummy.”
  • Charlotte “What’s this? You can eat it.”
  • Charlotte “I see little brown on in the green leaf.”
  • Sarah “It has a circle like big, big, big.”

  • Michelle “I can see. You can eat this.”
  • Charlotte “you can eat this leaves.”
  • Felix “Lucas and me, we put these ones just into the earth.”

What might we grow here?

  • Felix “Tomatoes or something. Strawberries.”
  • Sarah “Maybe carrots.”
  • Felix “Maybe chillies. Maybe apple trees?”
  • Nina “Flowers, pink and blue flowers.”
  • Michelle “Red flowers
  • Sarah “We need this one.” (pointing to the soil)

  • Felix “Earth.”
  • Sarah “Water.”
  • Felix “Sun.”
  • Sarah “More water and more sun.”
  • Felix “I can put the water.”
  • Michelle “Water, and sun and then grow.”

The group presented their ideas to the class.

  • Felix “We saw leaves and some plants. I wanted to smell the leaves. It smelled like spicy.”

Who grew these plants?

  • Michelle “I want to smell. Because I like it. These are like leaves and I smelled it. Sarah in K1B. I and Charlotte and Sarah and Nina know it.”
  • Sarah “This is a farmer who grew it.” (in Mandarin)
  • Sarah “It is a little bit this one. The green one. Tomatoes, carrots, strawberries and apples.”
  • Michelle “Banana.”
  • Felix ”Maybe cucumber. We need earth. The black earth.”

We wonder how we might grow our own plants and vegetables…

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills


  • Observe carefully.

Generating novel ideas

  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.


Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.


  • Interpret visual, audio and oral communication: recognizing and creating signs, interpreting and using symbols and sounds.


  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

Growth and Change

The children have been talking about plants, what they need to grow and how they change as they grow. During a discussion about the growth of plants, Charlotte stated, “Just like me!”.

She used her body to explain that we grow taller and so do plants. 

One morning, Michelle’s baby brother came to visit us in PreK-K1. The children huddled around the baby as they were curious about him. We took some photographs to capture his expressions.

Since then we have gathered together to share our theories about growth, change and needs. They looked at the photographs they had of the baby as he has changed and grown. Michelle remembered how small he was when he was first born as she looked at the documentation from the past.

  • Michelle “弟弟像我。” [He looks like me.]
  • Sarah “弟弟真可爱,他几岁呢?” [Michelle’s brother is so cute, how old is he?]


  • Michelle “他会长大,小时候鼻子上有点点,长大没有了。” [He will grow up. When he was young, he had some spots on his nose, when he grows up, the spots are gone.]
  • Charlotte “他的手会变大,可以拿很大的东西。” [His hands will be bigger. He can grab heavier things.]
  • Sarah “小时候Serina走路像公鸡,因为刚出生的宝宝有点难走路,长大走路就平稳走路。”  [Serina walked like a cockerel because it’s too hard for a baby to walk. When he grows up, he can walk steadily.]
  • Michelle “小时候我不懂会打人,现在因为我现在懂了。” [When I was small, I hit people. But now I understand it’s not ok.]
  • Charlotte “牙齿会慢慢变多,他能咬碎更多的东西。” [He will have more teeth. He can bite more things.] 


  • Charlotte “他需要喂奶,不然会饿。” [He needs milk, otherwise he will be hungry.]
  • Sarah “需要吃饭长大。” [He needs rice to grow up.]
  • Michelle “他需要米饭,磨牙棒。” [He needs rice and teethers.]


  • Sarah “他长大了就会变成哥哥,然后变成哥哥,爸爸,爷爷。女生从妹妹到姐姐,然后妈妈,奶奶。”  [When he grows up, he will become brother, daddy, grandpa. The girls will change from younger sister to older sister, then mummy, then grandma.]

We wonder about change, growth the needs of living things. Are there similarities between living things?

We continue to explore…

The Garden

A group of children took a walk in the garden to look for living things. They used their senses to carefully observe the different things around them.

  • Charlotte “Tree like triangle.”
  • Sarah “Like a Christmas tree!”
  • Tyson “That is Christmas tree!”
  • Yoochan “Small.” (referring to the small bush)

  • Michelle “No tree!”
  • Charlotte “Tree no leaves. 看这个老家伙,它太可怜了,它太老了。” [Look at this old guy, he is so poor. He is too old.]
  • Tyson “它快枯死了。” [It’s almost dead.]

We found a mint plant. We crushed the leaves and wondered about its beautiful fragrance.

  • Sarah “It smells like toothpaste.”
  • Charlotte “这是药膏树。” [This is toothpaste tree.]

  • Charlotte “三叶草。” [This is clover.]
  • Michelle “猫狗草。” [This Setaria viridis]

  • Tyson “很多花,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,910 。” [A lot of flowers, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,910.]
  • Michelle “玫瑰花。” [Rose.]
  • Charlotte “玫瑰花是红色的。” [The rose is red.]
  • Michelle “也有白色的。” [There is also white.]

  • Sarah “茄子和青椒。” [The eggplant and green pepper.]

  • Sarah “这是胡萝卜,因为这里有个照片。” [This is carrot, because here is a sign.]
  • Charlotte “这是胡萝卜,因为胡萝卜的叶子是这样的。” [This is carrot because the leaf of the carrot looks like this.]

We found some bottles in the soil, we wondered what they are for.

  • Michelle “里面有水。” [This is water inside.]
  • Sarah “这里有个小洞,水会掉出来,给小草喝。” [There is a hole here, the water will go out and feed the grass.]

Tyson found a cool snail and a sunflower seed in the garden. He was very excited to show his friends.

As they walked around the garden patches they found more eggplants.

The children noticed that the eggplants are quite different, some are fresh, some are not.

  • Charlotte “上面都有黄色的,它快死了。” [There are some yellow things on it, it’s almost dead.]
  • Sarah “这个是帮助挂在上面的。” [This (the stem) helps the eggplant hang on the tree.]

They compared the different eggplants, looking closely at its shape, texture, colour and size.

  • Charlotte “这个长长的,弯弯的。” [This one is long and bendy.]
  • Michelle “这还有个很小的。” [Here is a tiny one.]

Michelle was very interested and did a great job of taking all the photographs to help us document the learning walk.

Michelle had previously stated that big trees don’t have flowers. On her walk she looked for evidence of her theory. She noticed that trees have flowers that differ in colour.

Trees with orange flowers.


Trees with white flowers.

Trees with yellow flowers.

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

  • Gather information from a variety of sources (people, places, materials, literature).
  • Use all senses to observe and notice details.
  • Record observations—drawing, charting, tallying—using emergent writing skills, when possible, to write comments, annotate images, and so on.

Evaluating and communicating

  • Notice relationships and patterns.

Living Things

A group of children visited PreK-K1B to observe some worms.

They used the microscopes to see the little creatures and shared their thinking:

  • Sarah “I see worms. They are moving.”
  • Sebastian “Small, 1,2,3, 3 worms! They eat like… (He used his body language to show how worms eat.)”
  • Felix “They eat the black thing. They are teeny tiny. They are going down.”

Sarah in PreK-K1B had brought in many different living things to share with her friends. The children observed and commented on what they noticed, sharing their theories about how living things live and grow.

  • Felix “Worm, Butterfly.”
  • Charlotte “It’s a turtle, a fish.”
  • Felix “What’s that?
  • Charlotte “Hello, Mr. Frog. He is sleeping.”
  • Felix “What is this one?”
  • Charlotte “为什么它一动不动?” [Why is he not moving?]
  • Felix “Why the frog is sleeping? What does he find it?”

  • Felix “It is a fish. We just know he can swim.”
  • Charlotte “这个孔是干什么的?” [What is the hole for?]
  • Charlotte “这是帝王斑蝶。” [This is the emperor butterfly]
  • Felix “It’s tree frog, tree frogs only eat meat, the green frogs only leaf.”
  • Sarah (K1B) “这是一个标本。” [This is a specimen]
  • Charlotte “这都是真的,不是假的。” [They are all real, not fake]
  • Sarah “这是真的假的?” [Is this real or not?]. “它会跑出来的。” [He will run out]

  • Charlotte “这个小小的就是worms。” [The small ones are worms]
  • Michelle “泥土有什么用?” [What is the soil for?]
  • Sarah (K1B) “泥土里面有生命。” [They live in the soil]
  • Charlotte “你看小乌龟。” [Look, the small turtle]
  • Sarah (K1B) “这不是普通的乌龟,这是巴西龟,它能吃掉一个鱼。” [This is not an ordinary turtle, this is a Brazilian turtle, it can eat]

  • Charlotte “这是真的死掉以后做成标签吗?你看多漂亮。” [Is this true that the label was made after they were dead? How beautiful, look!]
  • Michelle “它叫什么名字” [What is his name?]
  • Charlotte “它能吃掉一条鱼。” [He can eat up a fish.]
  • Michelle “它会咬人吗?” [Does he bite people?]
  • Charlotte “不能摇,它在睡觉。” [Don’t shake, he is sleeping.]
  • Tyson “我们家养了一个乌龟,它眼睛身体,但我们的乌龟没有尾巴,这个又尾巴” [I have a turtle at my home, he has eyes and body. My one doesn’t have tail, he has tail.]

  • Tyson “它是鱼,它是啥鱼?它是红色的, 它会动,它会跳。青蛙” [It’s fish. What kind of fish? It’s red. A frog. He can move and jump]
  • Tyson “我们家有个海龟。我的乌龟打开了它的水会翻出来,它会死。因为水乌龟,它没有水就会死掉.” [We have a turtle at my home. My turtle will die if you open the box and dry the water. Because the turtle will die without water.]

  • Felix “They live in water. Clear water. They live in the beach. And the sea. Maybe they eat sand. Sometimes fish are longer. I saw one long one at a sea. They are eating this down there. (Fish food). I can see that he is doing this (flapping his arms) so he can swim.”
  • Yoochan “I don’t know what they eat.”

  • Charlotte “This is tree frog. Because he is sleeping. Tree frogs live trees. I only have flowers at home.”
  • Sebastian “Frogs like jumping. He does the mouth like that. They live in the ocean. Find food. They eat fishies. Dishes came from the ocean and go yum, yum. He is yellow and green. “

  • Nina “I see a frog. Frogs eat beef. I have not seen frogs.”
  • Bruce “这是青蛙,动物会咬人,咬的可疼了。乌龟,一种水性动物,乌龟吃饼干,我吃鱼食。” [This is frog, the animals bite people, it hurts when they bite. Turtle, an animal lives in water. Turtles eat cookies. I give fish food to turtles.]
  • Leming “青蛙,鱼,还有乌龟。鱼和青蛙吃草。乌龟吃葡萄。我在池塘附近见到过乌龟。这个是什么乌龟?” [Frog, fish and turtle. Fish and frog eat grass. The turtle eats grapes. I saw turtles near the pond area. What kind of turtle is it?]

@C shared pictures of her turtle.

  • “This is my house two turtles. And he eating

She explained why one turtle is smaller “He is scared so he was making himself smaller, hiding in his house.”

  • Michelle “你的小乌龟会吃肉吗?” [Will your turtle eat the meat?]
  • @C “吃肉,肉的气味。他有点吓得不敢出来了。我们家的不会在水里游泳。”[He eats meat, the smell of the meat. He is too scared to go outside. My one doesn’t swim at home.]
  • Felix “We call it shell.”
  • @C “Another one is brave that is why he is bigger. Two turtles’ names are “Xiao hua liu. I see a tail. They don’t know how to swim. Crawling. And my turtle is too funny, he is jumping. This is medium mummy.”
  • Teacher “Where did they come from?”
  • @C “I bought them.” “I went to the mountain and bought two turtles.” [in Mandarin]

  • @T “This is turtle, me is taking. Me here is turtle. Look this. He is hide back. This is turtle. This is going inside. Move back. Me touch, go inside. Me mummy hold the turtle.”


Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

  • Observe carefully.
  • Present information in a variety of modalities.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information.
  • Ask for clarifications.
  • Interpret visual, audio and oral communication: recognizing and creating signs, interpreting and using symbols and sounds.
  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.

How do living things change and grow?

What do they need to survive?  

Our inquiry continues…


A group of children were busy making fish food with the kinetic sand.

They were interested in knowing more about fish. They went off to the library to gather a few books as they continued to wonder about these beautiful creatures.

A few children wanted to visit the pond located near blue gym at school.

They were curious about fish; how they live and what they eat. The children drew pictures of what they observed. They were deep in conversation with each other about what they saw.  

  • Michelle “I see fish swimming. Fish eating this. My brother is sleeping and sleeping because he likes sleeping. 这是Robbers小人,他进去就没有电了。这里是一个海,小人把他的球弄扁了,就撞到了我的气垫船上了。这是我在控制气垫船。我看到了5个鱼食。 [These are small Robbers people. When he comes in, there is no electricity. This is the sea. The small people flatten his ball, then it hit my hovercraft. I’m controlling the hovercraft. I see 5 food for the fish.]


  • Charlotte “I see fish swimming. The fish is so happy. Fish like water. So, so, so happy. This is so big eyes. It’s monster eyes. This is 2 and this is 8. I like numbers. So many monster eyes. This is shark. 这里是shark吃的小鱼。这是1号鱼,这是2号鱼,鲨鱼爸爸带着鲨鱼宝宝。这是海水,它们生活在海里。这个是我,我在看一个小眼球怪物和大眼球怪。这是在水里的眼球怪,它们没有伤害力,伤害力是0.” [There are small fish that shark eat. This is No.1 fish, this is No 2 fish. Daddy shark is holding baby shark. This is sea, they live in the sea. This is me. I’m watching a small eye monster and a big eye monster. This is the eye monster in the water. They don’t hurt others. Their hurting point is 0.]

  • Sarah “Eating fish food. It’s like that. His mouth is food. He is so happy. It is so yummy. It is strawberry. The shark eating fish. The sun is yellow. This one is water. 太阳,花,这是一只鱼,它在喝水。这是鱼的身体,尾巴,还有它的头,它的头是半圆形的,我还涂了很多颜色,它现在是五颜六色的鱼了。这是它的零食。[The sun, the flower, this is a fish, it is drinking water. This is the body of the fish, the tail, and its head. Its head is semi-circular. I also painted a lot of colours. It is now a colourful fish. This is its snack.]

  • Felix “This is a long fish (Orange). He is eating leaves. I did the water fountains. The fishes need something to drink from the water from the fountains. 1, 2, 2 different fishes. They put them there. Also 1 lotus. And 3 water fountains. And 4 stones,1, 3, 1, 3 for stone.”

The children frequently visited the documentation and talked to each other about what they noticed. They looked through the books at the table and shared their theories and observations.

Through this learning journey we have had opportunities to…

  • Observe carefully.
  • Organise information.
  • Gather information from a variety of sources (people, places, materials, literature).
  • Record observations—drawing, using emergent writing skills
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information.
  • Ask for clarifications.
  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
  • Understand that mark-making carries meaning.
  • Use mark-marking to convey meaning.
  • Document information and observations in a variety of ways.
    • Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Children have AGENCY when they…

  • make connections to the real world by taking past experiences into their play worlds
  • express their theories of the world and these are honoured in the environment

The Ladybug (Writers Workshop)

A group of students found a ladybug in the playground. They were curious about the little bug. We placed the bug in a small container and observed it closely using the iPad.

The ladybug walked around the container as it nibbled on the leaves. Some students sat at the table, around the ladybug and began to draw what they noticed. They shared their ideas and theories and chatted with each other about these interesting little creatures.

After a while the students realised that the ladybug needed to be released back into nature. They gently placed the ladybug on the bushes.

Ms. Tina brought in some books about ladybugs. The students gathered around the non-fiction material and discussed what they noticed.

The next day, Lawrence brought a book he had made at home about ladybugs. It was an ‘All About Book that teaches you about something. He read the story to the students and we observed the different features in his non-fiction book. We compared the book he made with the books from the Library.

Lawrence had remembered to include:

  • A front and back cover
  • A title
  • The authors name
  • Page numbers
  • Pictures
  • Labels
  • Arrows for direction
  • Close-ups

Lawrence read his story with confidence. He then created an audio story using the iPad app ‘Book Creator’. Listen to his story here:


  • participate and respond actively to read aloud situations; make predictions, anticipate possible outcomes
  • make connections to their own experience when listening to or reading texts
  • listen and respond to picture books, showing pleasure, and demonstrating their understanding through gestures, expression and/or words
  • tell their own stories using illustrations and words
  • focus on a speaker and maintain eye contact
  • observe, discuss and comment on the information being conveyed in illustrations


A student found a snail on his balcony. He wanted to share his find with the class. We placed the snail under a camera, we watched the snail as it moved around the cabbage leaf.

 We wondered what snails eat and how they live…The students began to share their theories.  

  • Jooeon “Apple, cabbage, pears”
  • Jiwoo “Eyes.”

The students explained that they like to eat different types of fruits and vegetables.

We wondered what the snail had on his back…

  • Jooeon “It is his house.”
  • Ruby “It’s the shells.”
  • Nicolas “Because he is animal. Animals don’t live in the house.” [Referring to the type of houses people live in]
  • Jooeon “Snail house.”

We wondered how snails move…

  • Freida “When he moves, he gets slime, like chuchu……He moves slowly, slime comes out.”
  • Ethan “He is Chinese is ‘wo niu’”.
  • Jiwoo “Slowly go. This one he like this. Because here go here.” [Expressing how the body of the snail comes out as it moves]
  • Nicolas “Snails also like to eat dead worms. No, I mean salad.”
  • Ruby “Do you know like snails eat spiders and flies. Maybe they are having the web. Me and mummy, we made the web and a picture.”

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills


  • Observe carefully.
  • Find unique characteristics.

Generating novel ideas

  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

  • Use all senses to observe and notice details.

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.
  • Ask for clarifications.


  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.


Over the weekend a student noticed a spider creating its web. He often stopped and rested as he created his home. She shared her theories with the class and then invited the students to share their comments and questions.

  • Nicolas “I was in my school. I saw spiderweb that big. It was a real one. It was fat.”
  • Alejandra “This spider eat like some mosquitos.”
  • Ethan “Spider Chinese is ‘Zhizhu’.”
  • Jiwoo “People eat spiders.”
  • Ruby “When you cook it, it turns lobster.”
  • Freida “I saw some spiders, she was climbing everyday.”
  • Si Hyun “You are drawing a picture.”

The student drew a picture of her observations. She shared her picture with the class. The students looked closely at her spiderweb.

  • Student “I was drawing the spider. This is one that with the markers.” 

We wonder where our questions might lead us…

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills


  • Observe carefully.
  • Find unique characteristics.

Generating novel ideas

  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

  • Use all senses to observe and notice details.
  • Record observations—drawing —using emergent writing skills, when possible, to write comments, annotate images, and so on.  

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.
  • Ask for clarifications.


  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

Reading, writing

  • Understand that mark-making carries meaning.
  • Use mark-marking to convey meaning.
  • Document information and observations in a variety of ways.
  • Communicate using a range of technologies and materials.
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