What is a Student-Led Conference?

Student-led conferences are a celebration of learning that involves the student and the family. On this day, students take ownership of their learning and share their learning journeys and progress with their families. The SLC’s encourage students to think and talk about their learning with knowledge and confidence. Students use a Student-Led Conference Passport, to help them navigate through the day.

A Table for Lego

Sungjune, a Grade 9 student reached out to K2A to ask if he could build something for us as he was engaged in a product design exploration. As the children would often struggle to sit around the rectangular table that we have in the classroom, the teachers suggested a table for Lego projects.

After a few days, Sungjune shared 3 draft plans for the table. The drafts were presented to the children for feedback and questions.

As the children discussed the designs, we noticed that they were considering the shape, space and purpose of the table. Finally, they voted for the table they preferred the most.

The children’s preferences have now been shared with Sungjune. As we know that the children are always curious about building and making, we wonder what they might learn from observing Sungjune’s process of building the table.


The teachers noticed that a group of children had been interested in making their games during inquiry playtime. They often used recycled paper and cards to design and create their games.

Recently, the Grade 4 students visited K2, to ask the children about the arcade games. This was connected to their Unit of Inquiry ‘How We Organise Ourselves’.

First, the Grade 4 students conducted a survey, to learn more about the younger children’s interests in games. Then, they returned to create a list and gather feedback to learn “What might make the game fun?”.

  • Jeongyoon “Rules and tag.”
  • Motong “If we don’t have rules and we don’t know how to play.”
  • Oxford “”

We noticed that the children continued to refer to the ‘rules’ in a game. We wondered if the children were making connections with the games they play in their P.E. class, as conversations at the end of the lesson highlight important behaviours that make games fun and engaging. The teachers decided to dig deeper, to learn more about the children’s thinking. The teachers decided to ‘use the discussion to generate new ideas and investigations’.

Why do we need rules in the game?

  • Jeongyoon “If the game has no rules, it’s not a game, because it’s not fun.”
  • Motong “Because we don’t know how to play if we don’t have rules.”
  • Oxford “Rules let us know what we can do and what we can’t do.”

The children highlighted the ‘function’ of rules in the ‘organisation’ of a game. Then, the children drew the games they liked on large chart paper. We noticed that many of the games had mazes. Was this something that interested the team?

We discussed the kinds of games the team would like to make for the other children in the EY. We wondered…

  • How might we gather information to learn about the games that the EY children like to play?
  • What does a game need to have to make it exciting and fun?

The team gathered to discuss their next steps. Could we use a survey or draw some graphs to show our findings?

Oxford chose to create a survey that included three games. He planned to ask the children in the EY to choose their favourite game, to help him decide which game he was going to finally make. The three games to choose from were ‘Whack-a-Mole’, ‘Maze’ or ‘Treasure Hunt’.

Motong chose to create a survey with three choices of games for children in the Early Years. His games were ‘Car Race’, ‘Solider Game’, ‘Code Guessing.

Jeongyoon chose to use the maze game and decided to write some questions that would help him find out how he could make his game fun for the children in the EY.

  • Question 1: Do you like water in the maze game?
  • Question 2: Do you like easy games or hard games?

The Pipes – How can we make the balls go faster?

We have noticed the children playing and experimenting with the PVC pipes.

  • Liz “This (the slide) is so long it goes to Ms. Hannah’s class.”
  • Eli “I was balancing the crystals. Looking which one is more heavier.

  • Because the side will fall down if it is more heavier.”
  • Howie “I made a tunnel, the balls can go inside.”
  • Morning “Me and Wyatt building the blocks.”
  • Eunbyul “It’s no heavy, it’s no long. If it’s not too low the ball goes faster. The slide is faster and the ball is faster.”
  • Motong “When the slide is tall, the ball will go fast. Next, I want to make a hotel with the slide. I want to make it alone.”
  • Eli “Next, I want to make a slide that goes straight, like a mountain, then the ball will go down and up and fall down. Then, I will put a stop there.”

A group of K1 children wanted to borrow the ramps during indoor playtime. The teachers paused to observe and document (video) a group of children from different classes building and testing new designs.

They collaborated with each other, sharing the materials and using their imagination to extend their play.

The next day, we watched the video and discussed their structure.

What did we notice?

What theories do we have?

  • Eunbyul “The ball jumped out of the pipe.”
  • Eli “Because there was something blocking it and it went over the side. The ball fly out. They can put nothing on the track.”
  • Lydia “The ball is come down from the house. Keira and Jacob and me.”
  • Eli “The ball will go faster if it is more uphill.”
  • Eunbyul “Very long is very fast and it will go up, down and out.”
  • Motong “Very tall is very fast.”
  • Eli “Because it has more time to go fast.”

The children shared their theories about speed, height, distance and obstacles.

How might they use their insights as they build and create their new structures?

The Garden Project

@O and @L were our classroom representatives, working with Ms. Hannah and Ms. Eileen on the ‘Garden Project’.

On their return to class, they presented their ideas to K2A.

They explained the ideas they had discussed, sharing their drawings where they had documented their suggestions for improvement.

The Gardening Team have decided to:

  • cut and prune the overgrown bushes
  • add the cut pieces to the compost bin
  • use the compost to help the new plants grow
  • replant the seeds to make new plants
  • use the lemongrass and mint to make tea
  • and make space to grow other new plants for the season.

The children were excited to be part of the Garden Project.

We look forward to their next steps!     

Designing Ramps

The team of researchers investigating ‘slides collated their drawings to make their own books about slides. On the cover, they decided to draw the most exciting slide! The designs were creative and complex.

Mr. Lewis, a teacher working in Hong Kong, visited us a few weeks ago and shared his excitement about the slide project. He told us that his class were also very interested in slides. He offered to share photographs of the slides they had made. On his return to Hong Kong, he shared them with us. 

The children discussed the ideas presented in the images.

  • The slides are very big.
  • The blocks are big and so the slides are high.
  • They used water on their slides!
  • The slides were connected to other things like car parks and buildings. 
  • They used bamboo slides at the water troughs! 

The children recalled having many of the same materials in their own space. They were excited about the different designs and were inspired to create more ‘slides’.

What more can we learn about slides?

Next, we read a book about slides to help the children expand their ideas further. The book had many examples of ‘slides’ which were referred to as ‘ramps’. Over the next few days, the slides in the block space evolved. The children explored new ideas, creating cities and maps with a range of materials. More children entered the play spaces with conversations around the structures becoming more animated and complex. 

We decided to offer the team a new opportunity to create ramps. For this, we revisited the team’s drawings created for the book covers.

What do designers and engineers need to consider when creating?

We reached out to Ms. Jo to plan this experience. The team went off with Ms. Eileen and Ms. Jo to begin their work on the structures. They have created a plan and discussed the materials they would need to make their ramps. In the next few weeks, we will learn more about their process.

Our research into ramps has resulted in a collection of chart papers that include brainstorms, Venn diagrams and drawings. We decided to move some of the documentation into a central location, a bulletin board in the corridor. As we sat back to reflect on the documentation, we asked the children why learning about slides was important to them.

  • Morning “I like slides because we can slide down and it makes us happy!”
  • Liz “I like big slides because it is fast.”
  • Eli “It is higher, it has more time to roll down. So on the floor it goes really, really fast.”
  • Oliver “I make slides for balls to go down and the slides are up hill and down hill. More higher makes the ball go faster.”
  • Howie “Because its fun. It is fast. The ball goes fast, the box goes slowly, because it has 4 corners, its not fast. I tried once.”
  • Oxford “Big slides, cars go fast. I like to put people and cars on the slides, they go fast.”

We heard the children talk about the attributes and properties of shapes. We noticed that they were exploring concepts aboutspeed’, ‘height’, ‘distance’, ‘forcesand energy’.

The discussion about the display led us to wonder if other people also like slides. How could we find out?

– Eli “We can ask people!”

We decided to post a paper to ‘ask’ the community if they like slides. The children suggested two options for the chart.

  • I like slides.
  • I don’t like slides.

– Oliver “I like slides should be in green and I don’t like slides in red.”

We decided to accept Oliver’s suggestion. Next, we documented the responses from the class, then we posted the table on the wall.

At the end of the day, the children invited their caregivers to add to the table. The children were excited to find out how many people would respond to their survey.

We are learning that we can:

– use all senses to observe and notice details

– gather information from a variety of sources

– sort and categorise information

The Tournament

Mr. Andy, the Athletics Director at NIS, wondered if the K2 students could join the rest of the Primary school, to adopt and cheer for a team of participants taking part in the ASAMIS Volleyball tournament. We put this idea across to the children.

We shared a photograph of the TIS teams (International School of Macao) with the children.

  • Eunbyul “Girl team and boy team.”
  • Wyatt “We are listening, thinking, looking and drawing.”
  • Morning “The people was sitting looking.”
  • Liz “I ask if K2A and K2B are looking at TIS. Girl and boy is playing the ball.”
  • Oxford “Listening to Ms. Shemo and the children.”
  • Lydia “Everybody is look boy and girl. Girl is play everybody and boy.”
  • Oliver “They are coming to NIS to see if there are lots of people or no people.”
  • Eli “They are playing a game for us to look.”
  • Oxford “Thinking about girl and boy.”
  • Lydia “They are coming to take an exam here.”

We began to document our ideas, thoughts and suggestions on chart paper.

Oliver was not sure if he knew the game of ‘volleyball’. Lydia compared the two lines and noticed that there were more girls than boys.

We decided to share a video of NIS students playing the game.

We asked the children if they knew how we might support the TIS teams that come to NIS. They began to make a list of possibilities.

The TIE team need a place to keep their belongings. The children decided that we could ‘help’ the team and make them ‘feel welcome’. They need a place to keep their belongings! We noticed that their comments and suggestions were centered around belonging, care and friendship

What do we do when we want to let others know that space or materials have been reserved for us?

We went around the classroom to look for this evidence. The children quickly noticed that we used a name tag to save space or show work in progress.

A name tag is too small. We decided to create a ‘BIG’ name tag! 

The children were excited about creating a poster that can be used for this purpose, it will be displayed in the Hutong for the team to know where to leave their belongings. 

  • Morning “M Eileen is holding the paper for drawing.”
  • Eunbyul “The paper is so big for writing.”
  • Oxford “And it’s square. (points to the paper, tracing the edges of the shape).”
  • Howie “It has 4 corners (in Mandarin).” Morning agreed, using her fingers to show the corners.
  • Eunbyul “And 4 lines. This side is same (traces all 4 sides to share his thinking)

  • Eunbyul “Writing. TIS. This writing, if there is no writing, the children don’t know.”
  • Eli “We share ideas and then we write it on the paper so the team can know. They need to know what we are thinking and where their place are. We can share it with other teachers because they will know its their place so they won’t work there (Hutong).”
  • Morning “Show the paper to the team.”

A group of children from K2A volunteered to work on the poster. They gathered to share their ideas and make a plan with the teacher and the K2B volunteers.  

First, they looked at the two chart papers.

What do you notice?  

What are some similarities?

  • Motong “Listening to the teacher say. Look at the papers.

The children had many ideas to share. They were invited to draw to share their suggestions for the poster.  

  • Motong “Drawing the TIS tiger.”
  • Liz “I am drawing boy and girl give the ball.”
  • Lydia “Me boy and girl throwing the ball.”
  • Wyatt “Listening and drawing.”

Then, they discussed their ideas. Deciding on the key information that needed to be included on the poster.

The poster group worked to create the pictures and colour in the pictures.

A second suggestion by the children was to create a map to let the TIS team know where to go. We could invite them to our class!

We decided to let the children experience ‘cheering’ for a team. Mr. Lee invited the children to join his Grade 5 class as they played volleyball. 
  • Eli “We went to the PE Gym to cheer people playing games. We shaked pompoms because we are cheering for the people playing games, they will feel happy when we cheer them.”
We wonder if Ms. Heidi can help us learn a few cheers that we can use to cheer the TIS team as they play at NIS… 

Grade 5 Design Project

The Grade 5 student designers were looking for several design opportunities to serve our school community. Their plan is to design games for students and teachers. As we would like to have some student-designed projects for our class, we invited them to interview the children. 

They gathered in groups, asking the children questions to learn more about their specific interests and the skills they would like to develop through the games. We look forward to their project ideas/plans and hope to see them in the near future!

Stay tuned for an update!


The Early Years community were excited to be back at school. The children ran outdoors to explore the garden, to see what was new and what has remained the same. They noticed a piece of equipment covered with a large black cloth, with a red ribbon at the side. What was under the fabric?

The children were excited. They ran around the structure, sharing their ideas and guessing what might have happened to the piece of equipment that was in this area of the garden.

  • Oliver G “I see inside there is some wood, and some of it is green, orange and yellow. Different colours of water! Blue water!
  • Emma “A new nest!”
  • Oliver G “I see rainbow water!”
  • Matt peeks under the black cloth “Here, see one more!”
  • Motong “Is it a rabbit?” (In Mandarin)
  • Oliver G “Inside I think there is 2 hamsters for K1 and K2. The hamsters are cute!”
  • Eli “A rainbow nest! Because inside it looks like a table. I jumped up and I looked inside.”

We gathered closer to listen to what Ms. Jacqui was saying.

Ms. Jacqui “Last semester, the Early Years students said they would like a nest. They worked on a design and they said we want to sit inside. They wanted rainbow colours. I wonder what the nest looks like now?”

We were ready to unveil the playground equipment.

The children walked in. They gathered around the table and stood on the circular bench, laughing and talking to each other about the new design.

They were excited to see how the suggestions they had made had become a reality. As they walked inside the new nest, they noticed that there was water on the floor.

Oskar G recalled his design and suggestions and quickly reflected on the changes that had taken place and the ones that didn’t.

Oskar G “I don’t see Rosemary.”

The teachers acknowledged his observations, making a quick note of the importance of ‘voice’ and ‘process’ in learning.

Oliver G “There is water on the bench we also need some windows we can also use lots of umbrellas.”

We look forward to observing how this redesigned space meets the needs of our young learners and how it evolves over time. We wonder what stories the children tell around this space, and how it contributes towards their learning experiences in the Early Years.

Early Years Gathering

Every Friday afternoon, the adults and children gather on the green doughnut to sing, dance and be with each other. We took some time to reflect on the time we spend together.

  • What do we do during our EY gathering?
  • What behaviours help us have fun together?

The children discussed their ideas and then made their thinking and ideas visible on paper.

As a class, we took time to reflect on what the children said. We documented these ideas on chart paper. Next, we discussed suggestions for the EY gathering.

What would YOU like to do more of during this time?

  • Make things with paper
  • Plant seeds and plants
  • Show different things to the EY community
  • Share how we do things
  • Draw
  • Read books
  • Play with balls
  • Build things

Going forward, we wonder how we might use some of these suggestions to make our EY Gathering an exciting, fun learning experience.

The Insect Museum

Field Trip PLAN

We are planning a field trip to the Insect Museum. We gathered to discuss important information to help us plan a safe learning expedition. Some questions on a planning template helped the children draw, write and discuss their ideas.

What will we need to take on the trip?

The children decided that they will need:

  • a water bottle
  • a snack in a box
  • a cap
  • home lunch (if this is their choice for the day)
  • in a small backpack!

The teachers will take clip boards and writing tools for drawing and writing.

It would be a good idea to put on some insect repellent spray before arriving at school!  


What would we do at the Museum?


Many of the children were curious about the creatures that live in the Insect Museum.


They hoped that they could touch, feed and look at the insects and reptiles. They also wanted to make animal homes and eat a picnic lunch together.


What would we like to learn?

  • How does the chameleon catch its food?
  • Why does the chameleon change its colour?
  • Why are snakes poisonous? We want to learn more about them!
  • Can we borrow the insects?
  • Why can’t we let the insects out?
  • How many legs do insects have?
  • How long can snakes grow? (length)
  • Why can’t we touch snakes on their heads?
  • How do snakes catch their food?
  • How do alligators move in the water?
  • Why does the beetle have 8 legs?
  • Why are snakes scary?
  • Why does the beetle go on the tree?
  • Why do bugs have 6 legs?

We are excited to learn more about insects and reptiles!

How might we be safe?

The children suggested the following actions that will help us stay safe:

  • Wear the seatbelt on the bus
  • Follow the teacher’s instructions
  • Be gentle with the insects and reptiles.
  • Stay together.
  • If you are scared, don’t touch the animals.

What would kind behaviours look like?

  • Help, if someone falls down.
  • Sit on the seats and talk quietly on the bus.
  • Be careful when looking for sticks.
  • Take a first aid kit in case we need medicines.
  • help each other be in the green zone, stay calm.
  • Be gentle and quiet around the animals.

Our Brainstorm!

We wonder what we might see, learn about on our field trip…

We wonder what action we might take as a result of our learning…

Watch this space! 

The Bike Project

An invitation to create and build.

A group of young mechanics went to the Design centre to look for experts who can help them assemble the new tricycles.

Mr. Danny and Mr. B volunteered to help them with their project. Their task was to assemble a bike that was safe and worked well.

The bike mechanics began by looking closely at all the different components that were needed to assemble the tricycles.

The expert mechanics Mr. B and Mr. Danny worked alongside the children, helping them find the correct parts, the appropriate tools and the nuts and bolts that held the structure together.

The tricycles did not include instructions on how to assemble them, therefore, the mechanics had to work together to solve problems along the way. We noticed that the young mechanics asked the adults questions in order to learn more about the process.

They were deeply engaged in their inquiry, collaborating, testing, and thinking as they learned and applied new skills.

Volunteers from the Early Years classes have assembled all four of the tricycles.

They were excited and proud to ride them in the Early Years playground during their breaks.

The process of assembling the tricycles helped the children explore the concepts; structures, materials, mechanics, tools, safety, purpose, design and collaboration.


Following the project, the children have begun to notice some maintenance issues with some of the bikes and trikes in the playground.

Attention was also brought to how the bikes are parked each afternoon (systems and organisation). We wonder what steps they would take to help keep the bikes organised and maintained. We wonder what action the children may take as a result of their experience (initiative).

The Early Years Florists

A group of children worked with Ms. Hannah to create a flower arrangement for each class in the Early Years. This is an ongoing project that different groups of children work on every few weeks.

This time, the florists worked on creating a Chinese style flower arrangement with the focus of balance. Joon and Mason were our K2A florists for the week.

The florists had several pointy stands to use with their flower arrangement.

They decided who will use the different stands by pulling paper that were of different lengths.

Ms. Hannah showed the children how to place the flowers on the pointy stand.

Then, the florists had to choose one flower and put it on their stand. Thy had to consider balance, the length of the stems and how the flowers were going to be arranged.

When they placed the second flower, they needed to work out how they can balance both flowers. Then, the florists included the leaves. The florists had to take turns and collaborate, using their skills of observing, thinking and decision making to complete the arrangement beautifully.

The young florists stood back to decide if their arrangements were done well. Finally, they had to agree on which flower arrangements will be presented to the campfires and which ones will remain in the Atelier.

Joon and Mason proudly shared their arrangement with their classmates and placed it next to the class journal to welcome everyone to K2A!

The Nest – Presenting New Ideas

The children at NIS know their voices are powerful and that it can impact their choices and opportunities for learning. Therefore, we have been designing, planning, creating and discussing ideas for ‘The Nest. Our next step was to think about the different ways we can use ‘The Nest’. 

  • What can we do with the space?
  • How might we use the nest?

We began by discussing the ideas shared by PreK-K1B students.

Then, we used paper and fine-line markers to document our own ideas. The children began to discuss their thinking, drawing and adding labels to express ideas.

We collated the suggestions on a chat paper and noted the key points. They presented their ideas to the rest of the class. Some of them included:

  • Playing games
  • Having a picnic
  • Eating snacks
  • Resting
  • Drawing
  • Growing plants
  • Taking care of nature by building homes for birds and squirrels

The children in the other EY classes presented their own ideas to the group.

Their next step would be to present the ideas to Ms. Patrick and Mr. Arek. They will consider the suggestions and look for ways to incorporate the ideas presented by the children in the Early Years.

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

  • organize information
  • draw conclusions and generalizations
  • use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations
  • present information in a variety of modalities
  • listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information
  • express oneself using words and sentences
  • participate in conversations
  • negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers
  • use mark-marking to convey meaning
  • share responsibility for decision-making

The Sandpit

We noticed the Support staff clearing out the sandpit. We were curious and decided to investigate. A few of the children who frequently play in the area, building dams and waterways, went out to speak to the staff to inquire about the work being done. 

Later, Patrick and Noah shared the photographs with the class and explained the situation to everyone.

  • Patrick “We want to make a river and we need water so we put the sand on the waterway. Then there were rocks in the river. They are cleaning the water way and put the rocks on the sand. There is big trouble because the waterway has sand.” 
  • Noah “Everyone put the sand in the drain because we wanted to make a big river. He (the workers) are cleaning the sand. We are watching how they take out the rocks.”

  • Noah “The workers are taking out the rocks. The water is stuck. Don’t put the sand in the pipes because the water cannot go. They were telling not to block the way.”
  • Patrick “Ms. Shemo said, this waterway is not clean.”

When it was outdoor playtime, Patrick ran out to the waterway and began to clear out the drain and waterway.

Noah quickly joined in to help. Olivia and Kenan joined in.

When the water started running down the waterway, they all cheered and squealed with joy!

When children have agency they reflect on their actions and take ‘action’. They understand that they have an active voice and stake in their classroom and community.

Playtime Invitations

The children documented their play scenarios through their drawings, they presented them to the class.

  • Chloe “I like to jump.”
  • Doho “I like to play Sean.”
  • Mason “I play hide and seek with Matthew and Andy I play in a special place.”
  • Olivia “I play with Tracy, Noah.”
  • Noah “I like to play with Tracey, Olivia.”
  • Tracey “I like cat game with Olivia and Noah.”
  • Patrick “I like to play with sand. I can make river with water and shovels. First I dig a hold then I put water in the hole. I make another hold and they put together and the river makes.”

  • Sean “I like to jump on stones.”
  • Eunice “I like to Pikachu.”
  • Tae Woo “Play with friend.”
  • Kenan “I am riding my bike.”
  • Allen “Me outside play Olivia, Tracey, Noah.”
  • Euijin “I like to run and play on the hill by myself.” [in Korean]
  • Andy [

We used this information to create a visual of the different games and groups the children played in.

The children began to talk about the different games and play experiences they had outdoors. Some of the children asked if they could join other games. The students thought about the language they could use to invite others or to ask to join a group at play.

– “Could I play with you?”

– “Can I play with you?”

– “Do you want to play?”

Next, we read the story ‘Strictly NO Elephants’ by Lisa Mantchev, illustrated by Taeeun Yoo. This is a story about a boy who has a pet elephant. When the local Pet Club won’t admit a boy’s tiny pet elephant, he finds a solution. The story focuses on The story focuses on friendship, inclusion and community.

We revisited the play scenarios chart to see how we might invite others to our play and games.

When the children went out to play, we noticed a change in the groups as they played and explored different parts of the playground. There were more children on bikes, less in the waterway and more playing imaginary games with new friends. We used a different colour (orange) to document what the children shared.

  • We wonder how this piece of documentation might change over the next few days.
  • We wonder what the children will learn from their play.
  • We wonder about the different ways they come together as a community.

Waste – Data Collection

Where does all the waste go?
The students had differing views on what happens to the waste we produce. We gathered to discuss and document these ideas on chart paper.

The Power of Images

Our inquiry into waste has been thought provoking and engaging. We watched 2 videos to help us tune into the ways we produce waste and the impact it has on the world around us. The first, was a video to mark ‘Earth Day’ and the second, a documentary on the journey of plastic bottles. While watching the video, the students took notes, using pictures, labels, sentences and words, to capture important ideas shared in the video.

Next, an image with icons was shared.

The students were asked to work in teams to guess what messages the icons conveyed. They worked with their partners to decide on the labels they would attach to the images. The students explained their ideas, making connections with what they have seen, think or already know.

The students have been writing questions to help them learn more about waste management. They have been conducting interviews, gathering data and taking notes to capture different perspectives and information shared by the community.

The students will continue to document their learning and present their findings on waste. Focused literacy sessions on word choice and grammar helped the students improve their pieces of writing.

We continue to discuss and explore the impact our actions have on the environment as we consider the action we can take as a result of our learning.

The Launch – Place & Time

We launched the new unit using the visible thinking routine See- Think- Wonderto explore the concepts of transformation and change over time. The students were presented with different pictures of objects. They worked in groups to discuss ideas and document their own observations, thoughts and questions.

The thinking routine ‘See – Think – Wonder’ helps us… 

  • share what we notice by using our senses
  • describe in detail what we notice
  • generate ideas and wonderings
  • justify ideas
  • start noticing how things are connected
  • tune into what people are saying, what they are noticing and what they are curious about
  • collect and record information


  • Alejandra “We were thinking about things from a long, long time ago because all the things were old. In my group a lot of people were thinking because I see a lot of ideas on their paper and when I was thinking I did that also.”
  • Gihyeon “I noticed people were doing hard thinking because our group had lots of ideas and questions to write.”
  • Amber “I saw the children writing their ideas down because they were using their thinking skills.”
  • Ethan “I know some people in the group were sharing their ideas because in our group we shared ideas and we listened. We needed to share ideas and listen to different ideas.”
  • Seolah “I saw people writing, we write what we see and think and wonder in our paper.”
  • Lawrence “We looked at the picture and then we write our thinking on our paper.”
  • Grace “I saw people looking carefully at the picture and some of the people even turned the picture upside down to look at the picture even more carefully.”


  • Seungbin “It was hard to think because in the group I was looking in the group carefully but I didn’t know what it was because the picture was from a long time ago.”
  • Hayoon “It was hard to write about things that look really fancy because if it is too fancy then there would be the thing I don’t know so it was hard. It was hard to describe everything.”
  • Yuki “It was hard because I had to think.”
  • Seolah “It was hard to write about old things.”
  • Hyun Seo “I know the Korean word but I don’t know the word in English.”
  • Yuchan “The think part was challenging because the picture was confusing so I have no idea what that picture is.”
  • Fedo “It was hard drawing the picture.”
  • Amber “When I do the first think I think it is challenging because I don’t know all about long, long ago.”
  • Lawrence “I learned that every people have different ideas and we can share ideas to get more information.”


  • Diego “First I need to see, look carefully and then I need to think about what I see.”
  • Yuki “I learned that people are doing hard thinking.”
  • Seolah “I learned about the old things.”
  • Hyun Seo “I learned many words that I don’t know because some people tell me.”
  • Fedo “I learned with the groups, sharing their ideas and I got interested in their ideas.”
  • Amber “I learned that long ago we had black and white.”
  • Gihyeon “I learned how to work together.”
  • Grace “I learned that one thing can change into different things by changing the picture (turning it upside down).”
  • Seungbin “I learned that old things is cool because in the first time when I saw the picture I thought it wasn’t cool. Then, when my group said what fun things there are to learn, then it was a cool and old thing. 


18 February, 2022

The Sharing Assembly

The Second-Grade students engaged the community in the visible thinking routine ‘See- Think- Wonder’, to help them explore the concepts of transformation and change over time. 

The routine helped students …. 

  • share what they notice by using their senses 
  • describe in detail what they notice 
  • generate ideas and their wonderings – justify their ideas 
  • start noticing how things are connected 
  • tune into what people are saying, what they are noticing and what they are curious about 
  • collect and record information 

We wonder what our next steps might be… 

Taking ACTION!

The students have been reflecting on their ‘powerful word‘ to explore how they can use it in meaningful ways.  

They decided to take action by planning and creating movies, posters and models that share important messages about our ‘powerful words’ and ‘actions’.



Action by Grace “My powerful word is protect. I made a poster about protect. This poster is for the people who see another people hurting each other. If the people don’t know how to protect those people then they can look at my poster.”




Action by Agata “My powerful word is protect. I made a poster to tell people to protect themselves. And when you are in danger maybe somebody will protect you from the danger. So you need to protect yourself from danger or you or someone can get hurt. And protect everyone protect the people that is in danger Protect everybody. And protect the people that are mean to you. After you do that then you are proud and happy of yourself. And you need to protect people everywhere and everyone.”




Action by Federico “My powerful word is protect. I am going to tell you to watch out for rocks when you are walking down the street. Kind regard’s For the Parents and Students.”




Yuchan Protect fish by not throwing hard things like metal and rocks where the fish live, like the sea, pond and river.”





Action by Ethan and Diego “Our powerful word is protect. We made this poster and a video in three languages because we want G1 and G2 students to know that they should not throw rocks to the big rock.”

Plan – Storyboard



Action by Ella and Hera “Our powerful word is protect. Ms.Delia and Ms.Shemo helped us to take the video. At first we took the video, and then we made a poster. We are going to share our video with pre-K to G1 students. Our message is “Do not fight! Protect your self !”





Seungbin “Hold the monkey bar firmly or you will get hurt and other people can get hurt and your veins will get hurt.”






Action by Amber “My powerful word is helpful. I created a poster to share it with pre-k to let them know what it means to be helpful to others. First, I made a plan for my second plan. Then, I made my poster plan to make the drawings. Next, I typed it on a computer. Finally, I printed it. Please, be helpful to others!”





Action by Lawrence “My powerful word is Dangerous, I made a poster for Pre-k ~K2. My message is keep away from Dangerous things.”





Seoyeon takes ACTION “My Powerful Word Is SMART. I created a poster to share with pre-k, k1 – Grade 3. My Message is about Why smart is a powerful word and how we can be smart and about when l am smart what are my feelings.”





Action by Seolah “My powerful word is fight. I made animation. First I made the characters with paper and sticks and then I made the animation with stop motion.”






Gihyeon  “My powerful word is fight. Two sharks are fighting because they want to eat the fish but fighting is not good because when you fight then you can get hurt. If you fight hard then your bones will break.” 





Action by Yuki “MY powerful word is fight. I made poster to everyone don’t fight.”



Hayoon takes action “My powerful word is strong. I made this animation to show people to be healthy and strong.”

Yuchan, Gihyeon and Seungbin create models and posters to share their powerful words and messages:

Yuchan “Protect fish by not throwing hard things like metal and rocks where the fish live, like the sea, pond and river.”

Seungbin “Hold the monkey bar firmly or you will get hurt and other people can get hurt and your veins will get hurt.”

Gihyeon “My powerful word is fight. Two sharks are fighting because they want to eat the fish but fighting is not good because when you fight then you can get hurt. If you fight hard then your bones will break.”

What are YOUR powerful words and how do you use them? 

Moonyard 月亮院子

The students went on a field trip to ‘月亮院子’ ‘Moonyard’ to learn more about words and images. Moonyard is a cultural center in China that showcases calligraphy.

The teacher introduced the students to the space, showing them many different images displayed around the gallery.

The students were invited to choose an image that they want to learn more about. They were fascinated with the colours, shapes, pictures and presentation of ideas. They walked around, sat alone or with groups to take a closer look at the images, and put their thinking down on paper. They used the thinking routine ‘See, Think, Wonder’, to document their ideas and questions. Then, they gathered to share some of these ideas with each other.

Ella “Are these characters from a long time ago?”

Grace “Something is like a wall. It looks like thunder. Why is the thunder that shape?”

Ethan “It makes me think it looks like water, like a river.”

Diego “It looks like an elephant.”

Alejandra “Why is there a line? It looks like an eye. Wonder why the line is in a different place.”

Hyun Seo “I think it is a deer.”

Yuchan “I see an eye but the eyelashes are not good.”

The teacher explains “All the ancient Chinese characters, they copy a model of what they see, like a picture. That is how it starts. As time passes by, we are getting smarter so the character becomes more modern. So the modern characters are more detailed. There have been 5 different changes. This is a picture of a head. Our eyes exist in the body of the head. The top is the hat! If you put it together it is a man with a hat travelling on a road!”

Ella “It looks like a flower and might mean ‘beautiful’. Why do the ancient Chinese characters look different from the new ones?”

Teacher “This is fire. If you do not have the dots it is a tree.”

The students were very excited about creating their own copy of their favourite image or word. They were given a choice of materials they could use to create their image.

After having a quick snack and thanking the teachers for the exciting experience, we came back to school.

The students reflected on what they had learned through their experience and included this on their activity sheet. We gathered to share our reflections with each other.

  • What questions do we have as a result of our experience?
  • What do we want to learn more about?
  • What do we want to do next?

Our learning journey continues…


Over the past few weeks, we have been digging deeper into the concept of ‘identity’. We have discussed and documented our identities as readers, writers, mathematicians, and learners. We understand that every person is an individual, and that knowing ourselves, can learn help us connect with others around us.

Self Portraits

We understand that people communicate feelings and ideas through the arts. Therefore, the students were invited to create self-portraits using different materials. First, they drew portraits on large card. Then, they chose different mediums to complete their artwork.

Next, we reflected on the questions:

  • What do I know about myself?
  • What do I want people to know about me?

The students began to gather their ideas on paper, drawing and writing to express their identity.

  • We wonder how we can share what we know about others…
  • We wonder what others know about us that we don’t know…

It’s OK to be Different

The students listened to a favourite story by Todd Parr ‘It’s OK to be Different’. Todd Parr continues to inspire and empower children around the world with his bold images and positive messages.

After the read aloud, the students were invited to create their own page for a class picture book that would communicate thoughts, ideas, and messages of appreciation for our individuality and diversity. They could use different mediums or materials to design their page, which also encouraged their creativity.

Conceptual Understandings:

Students understand that:


  • accepting others into a group builds open-mindedness. (Interaction)
  • every person is an individual. (Identity)


  • people communicate feelings and ideas through the arts. (Creating/Responding)
  • we solve problems during the creative process by thinking critically and imaginatively.  

The Museum

The students continue to work on their research projects for their Unit of Inquiry ‘How the World Works‘. Their task is to create a museum to show how technology has changed over time and how it has affected people’s lives.

What is a museum?

We began by visiting a virtual museum by the National Museum of Natural History. The students noticed and commented on the objects, descriptions, information and significance of the objects scattered throughout the museum. We wondered how WE might create a museum to share our learning and discoveries. It was time to make a plan! 

As the students planned and designed their artefact/object, they went back and forth to the information documented in their poster. They conducted interviews, read books and watched videos to learn more about their chosen area of interest.

We noticed how they added and/or re-evaluated the information they have gathered to show their understanding of the concepts change, connection, technology, systems and transformation. Their artefacts/ objects need to show how technology has changed over time.

The following visual rubric was shared with the students to help guide the task.

The students began creating descriptions about their topic, providing information about:

  • how technology has changed
  • how technology has affected our lives
  • the positive and negative impacts of technology

They had an opportunity to share their learning journey with their friends in Grade 2B. The students listened to each other, asked questions and also gave the students feedback. 

Research Posters 

The students have competed their report writing and editing. They are creating an informational poster that would be included in their final museum presentations.

We look forward to their final creations and presentations! 

Inquiry Projects

We gathered to talk about the two images.

We had a discussion on the ways our lives are affected by technology.

Next, we discussed the following concepts.

Then, we began to plan our own research project.

The Steps

The students began to follow the steps in order to develop a Research Plan

We wonder what we will uncover through our inquiry.

Watch this space to learn more… 

Story of Learning

We sat together, to gather our thoughts, to explore where our learning has taken us.

What have we learned through our research?

Over the last few weeks, we have been diving deep into our Unit of Inquiry. We have been generating ideas, sorting through information, conducting our research and making connections between concepts and ideas. Together, we have developed a deeper understanding of our unit under the Transdisciplinary Theme ‘How We Express Ourselves’.

The students have been asking questions, reading books, conducting surveys, documenting data, presenting findings, sharing ideas and taking action.

We took a closer look at our Central Idea ‘Communities come together through expressions of culture’.

Our deep dive into the different themes, vocabulary, concepts and ideas, have helped us uncover the Central Idea.

The students quickly made connections with what they have been learning. We documented our thinking on chart paper.

  • What stories might WE want to tell?
  • How might we EXPRESS these ideas?
  • What do we want others to know about OUR culture?
  • What forms of expression bring US TOGETHER as a Community?
  • HOW might we document these ideas?
  • What artefacts can we CREATE?

We wonder how we might take ACTION!

An Inquiry into Expressions and Culture

How do we express ourselves? What is expression?

The students began to share their ideas and we documented their thinking on chart paper.

“We express ourselves through, dance, music, games, drawing, painting…”

(Creative thinking: Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives)

We wondered what we ‘value’ as a community in Grade 2A. We documented our discussion on chart paper.

We discussed why teamwork, kind words, sharing, turn taking and group work was important to us. We agreed that this was the culture of our classroom or ‘how we did things’ as we worked and learned together.

(Creative thinking: Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives)

Three students shared photographs of different objects, experiences and artefacts that they valued (in their home/ as a family/ in their culture).   

(Communication Skills: Exchanging information-Listening, interpreting and speaking)

We reflected on the discussion we had about the different ways we express ourselves. The students began to think about the different aspects of expression they could learn more about. What tools can we use to conduct our research? How might we present our research?

(Information literacy: Formulating and planning, data gathering and recording, synthesizing and interpreting, evaluating and communicating)

The students agreed that they could conduct their research by:

  • reading books and magazines
  • interviewing people
  • watching videos

We continue to wonder ‘how communities come together through expressions of culture‘.

The students were invited to look around their home and post photographs of the different expressions of culture. These could be artefacts, traditions and customs.

All Together

The students were excited and energised from the Tug-of-War team activity. They laughed and shared their feelings with each other as they came back into the classroom.

We gathered to reflect on our experience. We watched a short video of the team game. How did we feel? Why did we feel that way?

First, each student wrote down their own reflections on paper. Then, while each child shared their ideas, we captured the main points on chart paper. Together we made our ‘thinking visible’.

The students continued to expand on each other’s ideas. One student said, “We do it because we want to be all together!”

Next, we wondered what ‘all together’ meant. We decided it could be a ‘community’. The students began to add their thinking. 

“We are together as a class. As a family, as a country, as a whole world!” They explained that it was important to be together.

Why is this important?
Watch this space to learn more…

Thinking Skills

  • Critical thinking: Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas, and forming decisions.
  • Creative thinking: Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives
  • Information transfer: Using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts

Communication Skills

  • Exchanging information: Listening, interpreting and speaking
  • Literacy: Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information

The Food We Eat

The students began by posting a photograph of their dinner. We gathered in a group to talk about the photographs.

First, the students chose a photograph from the selection. They could NOT choose their own.

Then, they worked in a team of two, or on their own to complete a visible thinking activity. Their task was to write what they ‘see, think, know or wonder’ about the photograph.

Next, we gathered again to share our initial thoughts and ideas. We documented what we heard and noted the different concepts and ideas on chart paper.

We gathered again to share our initial thoughts and ideas. We documented what we heard and noted the different concepts and ideas on chart paper.

Finally, the student who posted the photograph provided information on their own picture.


What do we have in common with each other? What makes us unique?  



How do we develop empathy?

We read the story ‘Cleversticks’ by Bernard Ashley, illustrated by Derek Brazell.

This is a story about a little boy, Ling Sung, who hates going to school. There are too many things the other kids can do that he can’t. When he discovers everyone admires his ability to use chopsticks, Ling Sung is empowered.
The illustrations and story encourage the reader to reflect on feelings of helplessness, pride, discouragement and joy. The students retold the story using picture clues. We made a list of the characters in the story and discussed the setting (where the story takes place).
We talked about the beginning, middle and end of the story as well as the problem and the resolution (how the problem was solved). We created a ‘Story Mountain‘ to help us visualise and document our thinking.  
We used a graphic organiser to document key details from the text. 
This story encourages us to think about about how ‘Our choices affect our interactions with others.’ 
To explore this further, we discussed the different characters in the story. We wondered what message the author wanted to convey through this story.

I think the authors message is…

  • … we know that some people know some things and some people know other things. – Kavel
  • … everybody needs to be united. Friendship. Help each other. Learn from other’s strengths. – Sam
  • … do not laugh when someone can’t do something. Be kind. Be caring. – Sky
  • … letting us try things.- Hannah
  • … be helpful. – Miranda
  • … play kindly with friends. – Eunseong
  • … know different feelings and learn things. – Carlotta
  • … if you don’t know something you can keep on practicing and you will get better at it. – Elena
  • … nobody can do everything. – Ryder
  • … some people are good at writing and anyone can help to do writing. – Dohoon
  • … we also need friends. – Stella
  • … work at whatever you want. – Chanwoong

Next, the students used a thinking routine ‘I Used to Think… Now I Think…’ to document their initial ideas about the word ‘EMPATHY’.

What do you do when you feel sad or when something terrible happens? What would you do if you notice someone else feeling sad?

We listened to a story ‘The Rabbit Listened’ by Cori Doerrfeld

In this story, something terrible happens to Taylor. While he is trying to manage his feelings, his friends try to give him some solutions. One by one, the animals try to tell Taylor how to work out his feelings, and one by one they fail. Then the rabbit arrives and something wonderful happens… 

After listening to the story, the students documented their thinking, reflecting on how and why their thinking changed.

I used to think ‘EMPATHY’ was…NOW I think ‘EMPATHY’ is…

What does empathy mean to you?

A New Start!

We are ready to start our learning journey in Second Grade! There are spaces to read, create, design, investigate and problem-solve. 

This week in 2A, we have spent time settling in, learning new routines that help us stay safe and organised as we work and play together. We have been discussing our behaviour and actions that support our learning. We have engaged in activities that help us get to know the class community, and have visited some of our specialist teachers.

During class meetings, we have been talking about appropriate behaviour both indoors and outdoors. We have explored feelings and emotions using a wonderful story by Cherryl Kachenmeister titled ‘On Monday When It Rained’.

We have begun to gather and document our thinking, feelings and wonderings using different routines. Here is one we used to talk about what playtime might ‘look’, ‘feel’ and ‘sound’ like. We will continue to develop our ideas and add to our documentation.

We explored feelings and behaviours that help us learn and play safely. We discussed appropriate behaviour for different times in the day, places we might be in or the events we might be part of. We wondered and talked about how feelings change, and how we can regulate our own behaviours. Here are the ‘Zones of Regulation’ that help us manage these behaviours more independently.

Here are some strategies we can use to get back to the ‘Green Zone’, if we are in a different zone that is not helpful to us or the others around us.

We all agreed and signed the ‘NIS Essential Agreements’.

We are learning that being kind, feeling safe and being helpful, are essential to creating a positive learning environment.

We aim to work together to create a wonderful NIS experience!

Through our discussions and activities the children had many opportunities to reflect on their own actions and move between the different ‘zones’. In P.E. they were excited, and energised while playing games and taking on challenges. After outdoor playtime, they chose spaces of ‘calm’ and huddled with a book. We are learning that there is a time, place and situation where these emotions fit naturally.

Natures Treasures

Online Learning

Focus:Observation, Creativity, Thinking Skills, Communication Skills

We have been observing nature and wondering about the trees around us. 

I went on a walk and found a leaf skeleton. I am wondering about trees🌳🌲🌴 and their leaves🌿🍂🍀. How are leaves different or the same? How do leaves and trees ‘change’ over time?

An invitation from the Atelier with Ms. Anna Mila:

Yesterday I went on a treasure hunt. I looked for what treasures I could find outside. I had help from Ms Karen, Ms Shemo, Ms Tasha and Ms Victoria. Everyone found something and I thought carefully about what I wanted to create. I looked at the sticks I found and started to arrange them. Next I decided to tear Ms Tasha’s orange peels into smaller pieces. They reminded me of leaves in the fall. Ms Shemo had found beautiful leaves that had worn away until they were just skeletons. I loved how they looked against the black paper and reminded me of winter. Ms Karen found tiny pinecones so I added them to make my tree more full. Ms Victoria had found beautiful blossom petals which reminded me of spring so I put them on the bottom. While I was making my community tree I thought about the life cycle of trees and the seasons we all go through. I found items that represented each season except summer. Summer is on its way and I wonder what I will add. What would you add to represent summer?

This invitation encourages children to:

  • express themselves creatively
  • enjoy a variety of visual arts experiences
  • select tools, materials and processes for specific purposes
  • use imagination and experiences to inform their art making
  • create artwork in response to a range of stimuli

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Research Skills

  • use all senses to observe and notice details
  • notice relationships and patterns
  • exploring quantities, comparing size and shapes

Chinese New Year

Different grades have shared a collection of artwork for Chinese New Year. We went on a walk to explore the artwork. There were lanterns…

…portraits of children in Traditional Chinese festive clothes…

…paper cuttings…

…books and decorations.

We wonder if we can create our own Chinese New Year artwork…

How might WE be inspired to share of creativity?

Ms. Cherry read The Story of NIAN to the children.

We watched the story of Nian too.

The children were inspired by the story and created their own dragons. They explored shadow puppetry using their own creations. Some children were happy to colour copied pictures while others designed their own dragons. They coloured in the pictures carefully and used scissors, markers and sticky tape to create these pieces of art.


Happy Year of the RAT

Through these experiences we are learning:

  • that Chinese New Year is as an important Chinese celebration
  • how rituals and traditions contribute to own and others’ cultural identity

  • to collaborate and be open-minded
  • to value diversity


We looked at a picture on the screen. Michelle quickly stated that she recognised the picture. She has been there before. There were many animals there.

Felix recognised the writing on the sign and said “ZOO!”

Yes, the word Zoo was at the beginning of the word. The place we were planning to visit is called ‘ZOONANA’.

We had a few pictures of Zoonana. We first looked at the pictures to see what animas we might see on our visit. The children called out the names in English and Mandarin.

They shared their thinking and ideas:

  • Jiwon “We like fish.” (in Korean)
  • Yoochan “Only looking at the crocodile.”
  • Leming “We can’t put our hands into the mouth of the crocodile because he might bite.” (in Mandarin)
  • Bruce “If you see the skunk, then you have to hold your nose so they are not smelly.” (in Mandarin)
  • Sarah “People cannot touch crocodiles because crocodile can eat people’s fingers and people’s fingers are cut.

  • Nina “We can’t put our hands in wolf. Because if we put our hand in wolf he will bite us.”
  • Michelle “I have a good question. Can we go to the Zoonana, can we pick up (take) we clothes and do drawing there? And we can feed the bird?”

  • Teacher “Why do you want to draw when you are there?
  • Michelle “Because I want to draw the bird.”

Everyone thought it was a good choice.

  • Felix “We have to stay where the other kids are, you don’t go loose (get lost).

Everyone agreed that the children should stay together.

  • Sebastian said he likes the “Fish and birds and they say peek, peek, peek.
  • Yoochan helped Jiwon share her ideas. Jiwon said she liked to see the rabbits. Sebastian agreed.
  • Nina “I like the rabbits.”
  • Yoochan wondered if there were owls.
  • Teacher “I wonder how we can get to Zoonana?”
  • Michelle “With the school bus.”

We recalled signing up to go on the bus. A group of children from PreK-K1B came by a while ago to collect the data, to see how many busses we needed to order. They have booked the bus for us.

We talked about the things we will need to take on the bus. Our lunch and a water bottle. We knew some parents will join us on the trip to help us stay safe and have fun as we learn about animals; how they grow and change and what they need to survive.

  • Felix “Do we going to take our own bag?”

We agreed that the children will take their own bags. We talked about the journey, how we travel on the bus, that we need to wear our seatbelts and not run away from the adults.

  • Teacher “What else can we do to stay safe?”
  • Michelle “We can hold hands. We hold hands with our teachers and friends.
  • Sarah “All mummies and daddies are going too?”

We reminded the children that only some of the parents will join us on the trip. But we knew that this was ok.

We are excited about our trip…we wonder what we might learn on our visit. 

A Learning Journey – SEEDS!

A group of children visited the garden and came up with many ideas about growing. They wanted to plant apples, flowers and bananas. They also drew pictures to explain what plants need.

  • Michelle “We want to draw the picture.”
  • Charlotte “Seeds.”

Although the children were excited to grow their own plants, they were not sure how to get started. They had many questions about growing. They went to Ms. Hannah to learn more about seeds as she is the ‘growing expert’ in the EY.

  • Michelle “We look in the seed in Sarah’s (K1B) room, nobody can see, we can see.”
  • Charlotte “This is too many seeds. Have tomato seeds and broccoli seeds.”
  • Sarah “Seeds.”

  • Sarah “We have sunflower seeds and tomato seeds, and broccoli seeds, and cucumber seeds.”
  • Felix “And salad seeds.”
  • Charlotte “茄子.” [Eggplant.]

  • Michelle “我们想要种一些种子。” [We want to plant the seeds.]
  • Sarah “我们需要浇水,还要一些太阳。” [We need water and sun.]

  • Felix “I hold some seeds. Plant them. Soil, water and sun. We have to dig in, and then put it in. We need dig in more down.”
  • Michelle “我们要挖一点点,不能太深,不然种子不会发芽,种子会死,它就不会长大。” [We have to dig a little bit, otherwise the seeds won’t shoot. They will die and won’t grow.]
  • Charlotte “如果太深的话就长不大,因为喝不到水还有阳光。” [If you dig too deep, they won’t grow, because they can’t get the water and the sun.]

  • Jiwon looks at the seeds, “The black seeds grow and become the food we eat? If you mix the white seeds with pink, will the pretty pink flowers bloom? White, mixed with red seeds in the delicious strawberries which will be brought up?” [translated from Korean]

The children received different seeds from Ms. Hannah. She also provided the children with lots of useful information about plant growth. When the children came back to class, some students helped document the information they gathered.

1 tomato 2 salad 3 sunflower 4 cucumber 5 broccoli


  • Felix “I’m writing the things, like the sunflower.”
  • Sarah “Writing the seed.”

Some students helped make pop-up labels which will be inserted in the garden beds to help identify the different plants.

The children reflected on their learning journey and sequenced the events.

Next they shared their experiences with the whole class.

Sarah “就是一个小种子,如果人们给它浇水,出太阳,它就会发芽,然后它发芽之后会变成花。草和土,是因为生长需要土,这些草它也要土也要水也要太阳,它会长得像花朵一样大。” [This is a small seed, if you water it, and the sun comes out, it will shoot, then it will become a flower. Grass and soil, because it needs soil to grow. This grass needs soil, water and sun, it will grow as big as flowers.]

Felix “I draw the seeds and the soil and sun and rain. It was growing, so high like up to the wall. First, put the seed into the soil, then you going to put the soil on the seed, it’s going to rain, so the plant will grow. And the sun comes out, the plant will also grow.”

Charlotte “首先先有小草刚生长出来,然后有个人没看见小草就洒在小草上了,雨天来了,哗啦啦哗啦啦啦,然后扔了一个种子,又重新开始生长,然后又哗啦啦哗啦啦,然后晴天又来了,然后长成了一朵漂亮的小花。” [Firstly, the small grass come out, then somebody watered the grass without seeing it. It’s raining, ‘hualala’ (the sound of rain), then put a seed inside, it begins to grow again. Then ‘hualala’, then the sun comes out, then it turns to be a beautiful flower.]

Tyson “这里有太阳有种子长出来,之后就长了大大胖胖的种子,还有太阳出来了,还有小草长出来了。” [Here is sun, the seeds grow up and become big and fat. Then the sun comes out, and the grass comes out.]

Michelle “这个是一个东西,是水果,去看种子的东西,我们带了很多种子,我们去种种子,去农民伯伯那里种种子。我和Charlotte挖呀挖呀,然后我们浇水。” [This is a thing, it’s fruit. We went to see some seeds, we took some seeds, we go to plant some seeds. We go to the farmers to plant the seeds. Charlotte and I dig, dig and dig, then we have to add water.]

We have so many ideas, we are now ready to plant our seeds!

The Design Projects

The community have been spending time during their breaks, creating different items using the different materials provided by the children. 

They have used wooden blocks, clay, glue and nails to create a variety of items.

Some of the projects were in the ‘construction’ stage, some of them were completed and labelled.

The children frequently visited the space to see the many projects being carried out.

They discussed the projects and decided to share their thinking and questions with the creators.

Felix “Thank you for build tree house.”

Sebastian “A car. A tool for pushing the car. Then the car put there.”
Tyson “这个是车子。谢谢。因为你们给我们做了很多东西。”[This is car. Thank you. Because you help us make a lot of things.]

The children were inspired, they wanted to create their own projects. They used the materials to make iPhones, iPads, vehicles and houses.

“这是一个美国的飞机。” [This is an America airplane.]

Felix “This is a ipad. You can measure everything how heavy it is. And it can look under the floor.”

We wonder what else we can make with the different materials we have around us.

How might you be inspired to create?

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

  • Observe carefully.
  • Seek information.
  • Ask for clarifications.
  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
  • Choose and complete tasks independently.
  • Demonstrate persistence in tasks.
  • Use strategies to problem-solve.

Helpers in the Community

We had a second step ladder in the classroom. But again, we had to assemble it!

This time we decided to ask our community to support us. We placed all the pieces of wood, screws and tools in the corridor, along with the instructions. We included a ‘message’ to the community.

A week went by. Nothing happened. The step ladder was still in the box. A few days later, we saw a student working on the project. He was assembling the step ladder during his lunch break.

The next day, a few other children joined in to help. A week later, the step ladder was completed. The community helpers posted their own ‘message’.

We decided to send them another ‘message’. We thought that they may like to paint the step ladder they have assembled. The quickly joined in to help.

The step ladder was beautiful.

The children in PreK-K1C were excited to see the green, white and silver step ladder.

What other ‘messages’ can we send them?

The students began to share their ideas. Can we ask them to help us again?

  • Felix “Can you please build a tree house? We can bring trees. We can bring small trees (sticks). Put something sticky.”

  • Michelle “Could you please build a garden? Put leaves and flowers. And keep garden books. Chairs here. People can make lion in garden.”

  • Tyson “大椅子。很多木头。” [a big chair. Many pieces of wood]
  • Teacher “How will the Grade 4 students know what type of chairs we want them to make for us?”

The children used paper to draw their designs.

They collected the material the community may need to use to create the different items. Craft sticks, twine and scissors for the tree houses.

Play dough for the garden.

Pieces of wood, a hammer and nails for the chairs.

  • Felix decided to move his tree house close to the bulletin board. “They can see what my tree house looks like.”

Will the community see our messages?

We wonder what will happen next…


Approaches to Learning (ATL’s) 

  • Observe carefully.
  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.
  • Present information in a variety of modalities.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information.
  • Interpret visual, audio and oral communication: recognizing and creating signs, interpreting and using symbols and sounds.
  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
  • Understand that mark-making carries meaning.
  • Use mark-marking to convey meaning.
  • Share responsibility for decision-making.

Developing a Sense of Community

We gather as a group each morning to welcome the day, to greet each other, to share news and to talk about the projects that we might want to follow or complete.

Our Morning Meetings are a time to learn about each other. A time to share our individuality, diversity and common aspirations. We sit in a circle, where there is no hierarchy. We are all the same in this space. Together we find ways to create a democratic environment where we respect, care and learn about each other’s perspectives.

During this time, a member of the community checks in with others to place the lunch order. While completing this task, we learn each other’s names. We learn how to listen to others, respond to questions and collect data.

One member of the community then goes over to the cafeteria to deliver the cards to the staff, placing the order for lunch. They bring back the fruit snacks, which we eat together at the snack table. 

At lunch time, a few children go over to the kitchen to set the table, to prepare for our meal together. We all sit together to eat our ‘school’ and ‘home’ lunches. We focus on independence, encouraging and learning good table manners.  We pass the food platters around, serving only what we can eat, talking about balanced diets and good hygiene. We discuss waste and care for the environment. After lunch, we pack up all the cutlery, crockery and clear away the dirty dishes. Taking responsibility for the spaces we use is an important part of our learning together.

Being caring and accepting others is one of our Essential Agreements. We seek out and celebrate instances when these agreements come to life in the community.

The teachers frequently sit together with the children, sharing what they have noticed.

Making invisible actions public and celebrating instances when the community have been able to solve problems together through dialogue and collaboration. These are great opportunities to highlight the role of kindness, empathy and care in communities.

The children frequently create with blocks, loose parts and other materials in the classrooms. Sharing the materials as we create can be a challenge for some of us. It is important to be able to capture instances when we act as a community. 

In the picture below, the students noticed that there were many people crowding around the library check out counter.

When the teacher shared her observations, the children quickly lined up behind one another, waiting patiently for their turn to check out their books. Being mindful and respectful of different behaviours in different places helps us create a calm and positive learning environment.

In order to make this happen we spend a lot of time, learning about ourselves; our actions and behaviours, how they affect us and the others around us, how we can manage these emotions.

The Zones of Regulation help us visualise and verbalise emotions. We refer back to this language to help us learn how to manage our feelings, emotions and actions.

Here are some examples of kindness in the Early Years.

We aim to seek out opportunities that bring us together as a community. In order to celebrate our PreK-K1 community, we worked together to bake muffins that we then shared with our friends.

Our community is more than just our PreK-K1 friends. The children frequently visit the other campfires in our Early Years space, to play with the other children and explore the different centres. In the picture below, a K2 student reached out to a K1 student, when he could see that she was unhappy in the playground.

Caring for others helps us develop a safe, kind and positive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to learn.

Central Idea: What we do matters to others.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • how we behave towards others (perspective)
  • appropriate behaviour in a variety of settings (connection)
  • the impact of our behaviour on others (responsibility)

Key Concepts: connection, perspective, responsibility

Related Concepts: acceptance, relationships, attitudes, behaviours

The Tree House

During free choice, @F drew a picture of a tree house. He was interested in making his own tree house.

There were some tree houses made by older students in the Design Room. Three children were excited to visit the space to learn more about the tree houses.

They looked at the tree houses very carefully and had a discussion with

On the way back to the Early Years Centre, they passed by Mr. Zach’s design room and talked about the tools they saw through the window.

When they came back to the Centre, they had more ideas about tree houses. They decided to draw pictures and included many interesting details.

Other children decided to create their own designs too!

  • Michelle “这是一个树家。我的家人都在里面,Sarah想到我家来玩,这是太阳,这是锅,这是两个水瓶,这是拖鞋,这是楼梯和门。我变成美人鱼上去睡觉。” [This is a tree house, my family lives inside. Sarah wants to play at my home. This is the sun. This is the stove, these are two water bottles. Here are shoes. This is a ladder and door. I change into a mermaid and go to bed.]

During outdoor playtime, some children decided to create ‘bird tree houses’. They used different materials around the playground to make the house.

We wonder where our interest in tree houses would lead us..

Students have AGENCY when they…

  • are actively engaged in various stages of learning, including: thinking about, planning, modifying and creating
  • are actively involved in discussion, questioning and by being self-directed in their creating (as opposed to passive receiving)
  • apply their understanding of concepts through the construction of their projects/play
  • make connections to the real world by taking past experiences into their play worlds
  • express their theories of the world and these are honoured in the environment

The Step Ladder

Our new campfire has tall curved shelves. They are great for storing our resources and creations. However, we realised that we cannot always reach the top of the shelves. Even the teachers were not tall enough!  

We decided to order a step ladder from IKEA. It came in a box. It was in pieces! We had to fix it ourselves.

A few of the children took up the challenge. @S stated that she knows how to do it as her grandpa and grandma always fix the furniture in the house. She knows how it’s done.

@S wanted to be in charge of the screws. @F wanted to read the pictures in the instruction manual. It was decided that he would be the person telling the team where the screws fit, and which wooden pieces were needed.

The children wanted to know the name of the tools we were using. We invited @MrZachG the Design teacher, to come over to the Early Yeas space to help us. He told us the tool was a type of wrench!

The children talked about the pictures they saw in the booklet. They noticed the sequence of steps and the need to follow them.  

@F noticed that there are different kinds of screws. He looked closely at the different pieces of wood to see where the screws needed to be inserted. This was a challenge. There were so many different pieces!

He wondered in which direction the screws needed to be turned. After many attempts, @F said…

“Because it’s harder and harder, so I know I’m right.”

Others joined in to see how they can help. The project allowed for opportunities to learn through trial and error.

Conversations revolved around size, measurement, purpose and safety. We wonder what other tools people use to create different objects…

Through this project we had opportunities to …

  • Observe carefully.
  • Seek information.
  • Ask or express through play questions that can be researched.
  • Analyse and interpret information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information.
  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
  • Understand symbols.
  • Understand that mark-making carries meaning.
  • Be respectful to others.
  • Play cooperatively in a group: sharing, taking turns, helping.
  • Choose and complete tasks independently.
  • Follow the directions of others.
  • Share responsibility for decision-making.
  • Demonstrate persistence in tasks.
  • Use strategies to problem-solve.

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Routines That Build Independence

Each morning we gather in a circle to greet each other using our words and gestures. It is a time to be part of a community, sharing our feelings, cultures and stories. It is a time to celebrate our diversity while being respectful and inclusive.

Each morning one student checks in with each member of the class to place the lunch order. Student ID’s are assembled in a graph to help sort the information collected.

The cards are then taken to the cafeteria by the student helper. The lunch order is placed, and snacks are brought back to the Early Years kitchen.

After we wash our hands, we line up to get our snack boxes.

We are now ready to have our healthy snacks!

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

  • Seek information.
  • Gather information from a variety of sources (people, places, materials, literature).
  • Sort and categorise information and materials; arrange into forms or order, for example, with graphs, marks or symbols using emergent writing skills.
  • Analyse and interpret information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas and listen to information.
  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Follow the directions of others.
  • Follow classroom routines.

The Park

After many weeks of planning, the students were finally able to go on their trip to Golden Eagle.


Many of the parents and guardians were able to accompany their children on their field trip from NIS to the playground.

First, we gathered together and discussed the agreements we had made on how to be safe and kind.

We remembered to collect the first aid kits. We had our school ID cards, snacks, hats and water bottles.

Parent supervisors took charge and helped the students safely across the roads and onto the train.

The students were excited to be on the train, even though they were getting off at the next stop.

We enjoyed the short walk from the metro station to the park. We all abided by the traffic and safety rules and were excited to finally arrive at the playground.

The students laughed and played in the sun under the supervision on the parents and teachers.

After a while on the play equipment, we all had a picnic. The students in PreK-K1A had prepared snacks for us to eat. Yummy cookies and apples were passed around.

After a snack and lots of water, the students ran back to the play equipment.

All the fun games under the mid-day sun made everyone very hot. PreK-K1B had another surprise for us, ice pops! It was just what we needed to cool down!

It was almost time to get on the bus to return to school. The parents helped the children walk over to the pick-up location. After thanking the parents and guardians for their help we set off back to school.

We were glad that PreK-K1A had booked the buses for us. We were happy that we all had a seat on the bus. The mathematical inquiry we did at school helped us calculate how many busses we needed to book. We were delighted that our research helped us make the right choices that kept us safe and happy.

We would like to thank all the parents and guardians who helped us stay safe on our trip.

During our next few days at school, we sat down to reflect on our experiences. Some of the students drew pictures to help them reflect on the trip. Here are some of the memories they wanted to preserve.

Alejandra “My name is rainbow. Two rainbows come out. It’s in Golden Eagle. The ice-cream. Two people drinking in the Fanta and then a rainbow change colour the colour is pink and green and blue and purple. The backpack of teachers. The yellow sun is still yellow, but then the sun change colour into rainbow colour and then the teacher here drink Fanta too. The ice-lollipops. One is chocolate, another one is bubble gum. And then inside have a small Pikachu.”

Amber “第一个是坐school bus。第二个是跟妈妈牵着手去Golden Eagle。第三个是过马路。第四个也是走过马路。第五个是在那里玩滑滑梯。第六个是爬蜘蛛网。第七个是吃snack,吃了一个饼干。第八个是可以爬蜘蛛网,脚抬在一个地方。第九个是太阳公公底下吃ice cream。然后妈妈送我们去school bus。然后我们坐在school bus上和妈妈说bye-bye。第12个就是回到教室了。”[The first picture shows we take the school bus. The second picture shows I go to Golden Eagle with mum hand in hand. The third picture shows we are crossing the road. The fourth picture shows we are crossing the road too. The fifth picture shows I’m playing on the slide over there. The sixth picture shows I’m climbing the spiderweb. The seventh picture shows I’m eating snack, I ate a cracker. The eighth picture shows that we can climb the spiderweb, you have to put your feet in one place. The ninth picture shows we are eating ice cream under the sun. Then mum sent us to the school bus, then we sat on the school bus and said bye-bye to mum. The twelfth picture shows we went back to the classroom.]

Seungbin “This one apple, two bus. This one mummy, this one me. This umbrella, raining. The is rainbow.”

Chaewon “This turn around, here sit here and turn around, then here flying the balloon. This sand.”

Ruby “This is the sandpit, you know I see candy, it’s very invisible, but I can’t touch it because it’s real. I saw it in the sand area. I see the slide and I also buried the Pikachu but Nicolas didn’t see it. I see a rainbow inside the sky and do you know actually that is sandpit and also I did something very, very, very beautiful, a sand castle.”

Michelle – A map that shows you how to get to the playground.

Lawrence “The Golden Eagle, we are here and Golden Eagle is here, we walk to here, here and here. We on the train is so fast, and we see the other colours make the water black. It has blue, yellow and green water, and black water. Here this one I got a crisscross, it means not go to the water, and this is we walk here to Golden Eagle and there, there, there…… Go to the playground and I saw the Eagle house.”

Nicolas “This is the slide, and this is the food, I ate one cracker and one cake from home. Then this is the ice-reams. This is the rainbow under the sunshine. That is the sandpit, I made a castle there. That’s the grass, that’s the ball.”


Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

• Record observations—drawing, charting, tallying—using emergent writing skills, when possible, to write comments, annotate images, and so on.


Communication Skills


• Express oneself using words and sentences.

Reading, writing and mathematics

• Use mark-marking to convey meaning.


Social Skills

Interpersonal relationships

• Practise empathy and care for others.

• Listen closely to others.

• Be respectful to others.

• Play cooperatively in a group: sharing, taking turns.

• Help others.

Social and emotional intelligence

• Be aware of own and others’ feelings.

• Manage anger and resolve conflict.

• Be self- and socially aware.


Self-management Skills


• Share responsibility for decision-making.


• Take responsibility for own well-being.

Traffic and Safety Signs

While planning our trip to Golden Eagle, the students shared an interest in exploring traffic and safety signs. To learn more about signage, a few groups of students went out across the road to explore the neighbourhood.

The students quickly pointed to and shared their knowledge about the different signs.

  • Amber “I see it said up and down. Can go outside.”
  • Felix “That the kids don’t open it and run out.”
  • Freida “You need to put up and then some people will open it and we can go just out.”

The students were looking very carefully at the arrows and shared their ideas about what those mean.

  • Nicolas “Parking. Because ‘P’ like parking.”
  • Freida “It is a parking space where busses go. Over to the other space.”

  • Charlotte “I see a 5 is there.”
  • Chaewon “5 people walking here.”
  • Jiwoo “5 is car go. 5 cars go. Then no bump. No looking, is ouch.”
  • Felix “5 can mean, 5 people in this house.”
  • Nicolas “My mummy and daddy said to me that cars can go 5 fast. That’s all.”
  • Felix “5 people inside and you can make the gate open. The bicycles can go. Also drive to houses.”
  • Lawrence “I think the car can just go 5 quickly.”

The students were curious about the pop-up policeman.

They asked Ms. Tina to read the information presented on the sign. They shared their own ideas about the safety sign:

  • Michelle “You have to drive slowly. Mummy told me when the light is green and the car comes, the car should let the people go first.” (in Mandarin)
  • Charlotte “When the cars let the people go first, people have to go faster. If you go slowly, the cars may bump into you. (in Mandarin)
  • Chaewon explained that people may bump into each other.
  • Jiwoo “Me go, car comes, me stop, me go. No bump. Slowly go.”

  • Alejandra “This is for decoration. For the Golden Eagle.”
  • Felix “The sign with the barbecque, we can eat barbeque. The picture, that is a barbeque.”

  • Nicolas “Those lines, the car is going that way and that way and sign was for places where you can. The arrow means go that way. The black and yellow, if there is 2 the people go in the middle and the cars stop and then the people can go in the middle. So they just don’t want and bump to each other.”
  • Jooeon “This up and the car slowly.”
  • Felix “The lines are because they are so big, the cars can go slowly and then the people won’t be dead.”

  • Jasmine “My mum told me to pick up the juice and then don’t just throw, drink a little bit and throw it away.”
  • Ruby “You need to put the right things in each bin. Because you have to look at the sign, so you have to see what to put in the right bin.”
  • Alejandra “What if the thing is not on the picture?”
  • Nicolas “If you don’t put the right thing in the right bin then the sign, then it means the machine will broke.”

Ethan and Jiwoo explained that if there was a fire in the hotel, the fireman would pop up the top of the hydrant and then use the water to put out the fire.

  • Freida “This is the water fountain, when there is a fire then the firefighter puts water to the fire from here.”
  • Chaewon “Fire and water come here.”

Jasmine wondered what this sign was for. Ethan explained that it was to measure your height.

He stood in front of the sign and explained how it is used.

  • Lawrence “It was what Ethan say. I agree with what Ethan said before. It is for measuring the height.” (in Mandarin)

  • Charlotte “This says step carefully. You may fall down if you don’t step carefully.” (in Mandarin)
  • Alejandra “Please be careful of the stairs you may hurt yourself.” (in Mandarin)

  • Jasmine “Ruby found a space where we can go up for a swim. If you have a baby you can line up with him to go swimming. Then we can put our swimming clothes and then swim.”
  • Lawrence “I saw a yellow and black line.”
  • Ruby “Ms. Tina, what does this say?”

  • Felix “What can we eat inside the space.”
  • Jiwoo “Eat food.”

Seungbin and Ruby pointed to a sign with a picture of fire crackers.

  • Alejandra “We can’t play this there. Because it will have some fire and somebody will be hurt.”
  • Michelle thought it means “No Fireworks.”

The students explained that the green sign shared lots of information about the area. 

  • Michelle “All the arrows means you that way.” Explaining that they show direction.
  • Michelle “This is the train station. The Metro, then it is a big gate and you can go into the big gate. The last one is a mountain and there is a sun and you can play here. This is the stairs where you can go here.” (in Mandarin)
  • Felix “That means you need to be careful to go up and this means you can go to the train and then the stairs and then to the big gate to the park.”

  • Charlotte “Bicycle is there. Bicycle is small and car is big.”

  • Charlotte “This is go to train here.”

  • Amber “This say, car go there and people no go here. Because people and car hit and go down. He has hurt his body.”

  • Amber “Bus no go here. Go in bicycle and if they go bus and bicycle bang his body.”

  • Jiwoo “No hand inside.”

  • Jiwoo “We go this, here it show we go.”

  • Jiwoo “This one no go this blocks broken.”

On the way back, the students found more signs. They read the pictures and shared their ideas about each picture.

  • Felix “What is on this one?”

  • Michelle “No school people in. No smoking. No catty (pets). No school people. Yes, this and this. (cameras and wifi)”

  • Felix “No dogs in school. No smoking and no cameras, and no bicycles can’t go this way to the big gate. I don’t know the bottles.”

  • Freida “We found 1 sign. It says a heart is broken. The nurse is broken. There is a nurse in the school. And you go there if your heart is broken.”

  • Felix “When there is a fire then we can take this things out and shoot the fire.”

  • Freida “Don’t’ touch a wire because that might be like a laser and you will be like a skeleton.”

When the students came back to school, they used their own card to get back in through the gates. They continued to notice and talk about the different signs and messages posted around the school grounds.

We have been exploring signs and symbols around us. We wonder if we can make our own sighs and messages! 


Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.


  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

Thinking Skills


  • Observe carefully.
  • Find unique characteristics.

Generating novel ideas

  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

  • Use all senses to observe and notice details.

The Metro Station!

A group of students went out to learn more about the Metro. When they returned, they shared their experience with the rest of the class.

Teacher “What do we need to do if we want to get on the train?”

The students said we need use the machine to buy the tickets.

  • Sarah “Ms. Angie is telling us how we can go on the metro.” (in Mandarin)
  • Felix “She is pointing where we are.”
  • Sarah “We are putting money inside. Then we can take the metro.” (in Mandarin)

Several students tried to use their lunch cards to pay for the rickets, but it did not work. Then they got money form Ms. Angie and put the money in the machine.

  • Freida “I am getting the money from outside here.”
  • Michelle “Freida get money and I and Freida go to metro.”

  • Charlotte “These are things that you cannot take to the metro. Because some of these things may disturb other people.” (in Mandarin)
  • Freida “Something may explode. No fireworks.”
  • Charlotte “The gun we cannot take to the metro too. And no knives.” (in Mandarin)
  • Jiwoo “He looked who this one and out here he go. (Jiwoo explained that the police officer will take out the items that are not allowed in the metro).

  • Ethan “We put our bags inside and the bag will automatically come out. And then we get it. Then we can take the metro.” (in Mandarin)
  • Amber “Because they have to check what is inside the bag. Because people don’t know what is inside.” (in Mandarin)

  • Freida “Because we need to go up. It’s red because it is not to go. You need to walk over, that side to walk over. Because it’s red. You need to walk and go.”

The students wanted to use the escalator, but there was a sign explaining that it is under construction.

  • Felix “Found one elevator. Because there can go up like in the school.”
  • Jooeon “Escalator, this is in the elevator, not escalator.”

  • Felix “We are touching and telling which high we want to go and this is close and open. We go to 2.”

  • Felix “To put there the bad things inside.
  • Jooeon “And there inside garbage.”

When the students were on the platform, they found some signs immediately. They discussed the signs on the bin.

  • Felix “That is the sign to know what we can put inside the garbage. The bottle, tin and the milk.”
  • Michelle “Then we know how we can put things correctly in the bin.” (in Mandarin)

They wondered what the yellow sign is for.

  • Alejandra “Where the train goes. Please don’t touch it.”
  • Nicolas “When you touch it and the door opens you have to make sure you take the right train.”

  • Tyson “就是这个高铁,就是这个地铁,这个是地铁,我坐地铁去学校上学。” [This is a high speed train, and this is the metro. This is metro, I go to school by metro]

The students took a closer look at the map to find out where they are.

  • Michelle “Don’t know go to what.”
  • Freida “We are pointing to NIS. Over here is NIS. We saw NIS from there. So high.”

  • Sarah “We saw a TV. It is for other people to watch.” (in Mandarin)
  • Jasmine “Watching bad guys.”
  • Tyson “I took the metro before. I took a train far, far, far away. It goes to my school.” (in Mandarin)

  • Felix “Because the escalator goes up.”

Felix noticed there are two different signs on the screen. They decided to go from the green one.

  • Felix “You see the red sign that means it does not work.
  • Jiwoo “tick here. Then it open.”
  • Nicolas “When I go to the metro and there was a red sign it worked. So that cannot be for it. It’s a sign to say it is closing faster.”

The teacher put the tickets inside the machine and the students went through the gates.

  • Charlotte “It will close very fast so you have to go through very fast.” (in Mandarin)
  • Si Hyun “Together goes really fast. Use the card. Put there card in here.”
  • Jooeon “This in the card and open door.”

  • Ruby “Ms. Angie is measuring herself and she is up to the top number. Maybe it says if we are big enough to go to school.”
  • Ethan “They are pointing to how tall you are. If we are up to the red thing then we can go to the school.” (in Mandarin)
  • Felix “If we are this high where the red thing is, then we are heavy.”

They talked about the ticket recycling machine and then left the metro station to return to school.

How do you travel to different places? 

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.


  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

Thinking Skills


  • Observe carefully.
  • Find unique characteristics.

Generating novel ideas

  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

  • Use all senses to observe and notice details.

First Aid Kit Inquiry – Sharing our Research

How can the medicine help people feel better?

Ethan, Alejandra and Jasmine shared their inquiry about the ‘nurse’ and the ‘first aid kit’ with PreK/K1B.

They shared what they have seen in the nurse’s room. PreK/K1B students were interested in the items in the ‘nurse’s bag’.

They took turns to explain to their friends in PreK/K1B, the different products and items that were included in the first aid kit. Later, Luke posed a question “How can the medicine help people feel better?” 

Jasmine, Alejandra and Ethan were not sure about the answer. They decided to bring the question back to the classroom (PreK/K1C) and have a discussion with their friends.

  • Ethan “生病吃药会好。”[If you are sick, you take the medicine then you will feel better.]
  • Ruby “Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes the medicine is not right. There are different kinds of medicine that green one, yellow one……”
  • Seungbin “K1B hurt in Golden Eagle (referring to why do we need medicine).”

Alejandra, Jasmine and Ruby wanted to draw their ideas down and share their findings with Luke.

Here are their ideas:

  • Ruby “The ice pack – when you put on your hair or head or anywhere, then you will be better because you will not feel the hot. The Bubble Gum medicine – it can make you very good that you will never be sick. The cotton stick – it can help dry out the blood. The bandage – when they cover the blood, the blood will dry out then you can play in the Golden Eagle.”

  • Alejandra “This is the bag for somebody hurt and he can put over there and feel better. Medicine all ice pack is for help us if we bump into each other and we are hurt. And it will help us feel better.”

  • Jasmine “So under the nurse chair, nurse get us a lot of things. Nurse gave us a broken thing. You break the blue thing and then down have water. And somebody hurt in Golden Eagle, we can help feel better. Here is the people sit down. Because we have to listen to him, Alejandra and me. Here for people feel better. The nurse people she share me she little bit hurt and Alejandra take there and then Alejandra feel better, then me feel better.”

We were excited to share our answers with Luke ……

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills

Generating novel ideas

  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

  • Use all senses to observe and notice details.

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.
  • Ask for clarifications.


  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.


We have been wondering about money since creating our ‘PLAN’ for the trip to Golden Eagle’. Jiwoo and Si Hyun brought in their own money to share with the class.

  • Jasmine explained, “First we need money. I know how to make money. We need gold, then we fold together, make a circle, then you can go to Golden Eagle.”
  • Nicolas “A press machine.”

We held a class meeting to share what we know about money.

There were many notes and coins on the floor.

What do we notice about the money? What do we know about money?

  • Ruby “When they pay we can have enough money for the field trip.”
  • Freida “We put a coin inside and press some buttons and tickets come out and we get money.” (explaining how we get tickets at the metro station)
  • Ruby “A coin machine, I have one at home.”
  • Alejandra “She go outside and put a card inside on the machine like a robot and then we count the numbers and then we put our hands in the tummy and get out the money, so many money. We just go and pay something. So many coins to buy some presents for me.”

Ms. Shemo showed the students a coin.

Ruby “Yours are 100.”

Where do you think the money is from?

  • Alejandra “Italian!”
  • Ruby “I think it’s from Sri Lanka.”

Many students believed that it is from Indonesia.

Next, Chaewon shared the note she had in her hand.

  • Alejandra “Because I see the people like Sri Lanka. And I see the bindi!”

The students agreed that it was 100. They believed the note was from Sri Lanka as there was a dancer on the note.

Jiwoo shared his note next.

  • Ruby “20!”

Teacher “Who is that?”

  • Ruby “A people.”

Jasmine and Alejandra noticed that they both had the same picture of a face on their money.

  • Alejandra “I have the same face.”
  • Ethan “This is ‘mao yeye’.” (referring to the Chinese Chairman)

The students began to talk about and compare the money they had. Was it 20? 10?

Jooeon shared his money.

Several students thought that the money was from Taiwan.

  • Ruby “Because Taiwan has castle.”
  • Alejandra “One more time, Sri Lanka. No, Italian.”

  • Ruby “1000, Because million has more 0’s.”
  • Felix “Sri Lanka.”
  • SiHyun “Ms. Shemo people.”
  • Jooeon “This is Chinese.”

  • Felix “Because the lion.”
  • SiHyun “I think it’s Chinese. Taiwan.”
  • Jooeon “This lion is Chinese.”
  • SiHyun “I have library this.”
  • Amber “NIS.”
  • SiHyun “Alejandra’s one.

Charlotte, Michelle and Sarah noticed that they all have a picture of a lion on their money.

They believed that the money was from China. This connection was made because they recall seeing so many lions at NIS and in China.

Alejandra shared her note.

  • Jooeon “This is Spain. Spain money.”
  • Alejandra “10. Spain doesn’t have money like this. In Russia has this money.”

  • SiHyun “This is China. Police in China has that.” (The star)
  • Alejandra “So this is from police. I know why this is from police.”

Amber shared her note.

  • Jooeon “Korean money. This is tunnel.”

Seungbin shared his note.

  • Alejandra “From money. Because people from Taiwan has this dress.”

Felix shared his coin.

  • Jooeon “China this tower. Yes. This tower in China.”
  • Alejandra “Russian have this.” 

Freida shared her money.

  • Jiwoo “I have this, he have one inside. Small have. Freida one have this. (explaining that the money has lots of numbers.)

The students noticed and commented on how all their notes have numbers.

Where do we get money from?

  • Ruby “Houses.”
  • Jiwoo “This money house.”
  • Freida “Ticket counter. One day I found a ticket counter near a vegetable shop.”
  • Amber “My mummy has. In Taiwan. 妈妈买东西的时候会给她.” [when mummy bought things she will get money back.]
  • Alejandra “A card inside and then you have number and then have a TV and something inside then you have money. Here have something open, then you have money.”
  • Charlotte “Daddy and mummy. 赚钱的时候我和哥哥在买东西。” [My brother and me are buying things when daddy and mummy have made money.]
  • Si Hyun “My money that Korean.”
  • Ethan “Grandma have money.在她包里。[In her bag].”

  • Jasmine “From Nanjing. In school. She gave me a water from NIS school, and she get money.”
  • Seungbin “Mummy, Korean money and another money in Nanjing. Nanjing get money and come over here.” (Translated by a student)
  • Ruby “I was noticing a number and I never count it. Three zero’s. Somebody told me.
  • Jiwoo “I have 10 money circle one.”
  • Amber “它里面都是钱,然后爸爸给他的钱包都是100个钱。钱是从买东西的那边,那个人都可以给他100个钱。买东西人的钱是从他的包包里来的。妈妈就说希望我也有一个钱就好了,然后我妈妈口袋里有一个snack,有一个snack钱在她的旁边。”[It has money inside, my daddy has 100 money. The money comes from the salesman. He can give my dad 100 money. The salesman’s money comes from his bag. My mum wish I have money too. There is one snack inside my mum’s pocket. There is money near the snack.]
  • Si Hyun Money from Korea. And then another money go to Aeroplane station and card and then ticket. And then computer Nanjing, and then go hotel and then mummy is go to NIS and then I come to NIS. We need 100. And then come to school. Daddy get money China. 25 money! And then another one 100! I come to school. Daddy gives to mummy and we use 100 money.

  • Si Hyun talks about his till. “Money from. Coins money. Mummy gave. To come to school. Because she likes NIS. Because NIS has toys, so many toys and then likes.”
  • Felix “Mummy has money. Because every day when we go to shopping then everyday mummy gives money to the people. Because they need money. Because then they can give other people. Mummy gets money from Germany. Because there we can catch money in Germany and also here form Chinese. Sparkasse (bank). Mummy buys fruit, carrot and play things. Just in Germany I have money. Because I was a long, long time in Germany.”
  • Ethan “Me go play and grandma gives me money. Go fun play. Me go to friends and they look money. I go to me friends. Mummy gives to grandma. Daddy give to mummy money and mummy give to grandma.”
  • Michelle “I don’t have money. I have 100 money. My daddy gave me. And my have 100 milk. 我和我的爸爸有很多钱可以买东西,可以帮我买玩具。钱在家里拿的。在我妈妈的钱包里。她还在我的玩具包里装着一些钱。妈妈的钱在商场买的。就是推了推车,买了很大的钱,还有很小的钱,然后就可以帮我买玩具了。然后我就可以买来很多钱的玩具就可以买188的玩具。” [My daddy and me have a lot of money, so that we can buy toys. The money is at home, in my mummy’s purchase. My mummy bought the money from the shopping mall. We get the trolley, and buy a lot of money. There are some small money too, then I can buy toys, the toys are 188 yuan.]
  • Freida “I have so much money from my brother’s room. My brother has a lot of money. Because he has money cause my brother buys ice-cream with it. Its 100. I don’t have any piggy bank. A piggy bank, if there is 100 money then you need to put it inside. It is 1, its only 1,1,1 on the golden money. Daddy gets money from the ticket counter. It’s near the vegetable shop. He goes inside, open the doors and then gets a card inside and then we press some buttons and press a card buttons, and then the money comes out. Then ticket passport comes out. Then we get out the card. And also a ticket. Put it in the bag.”

  • Charlotte “I have money. Me, daddy and mummy is money. 28. 20 and 20. Me daddy and mummy all so many money. Mummy and daddy me brother. Wutai qui chan. Me brother and me. Shop she long money. 我哥哥和我有500块钱,我爸爸妈妈也有很多很多很多钱,他们赚钱。他们是通过赚钱,可以造出钱来的。是通过造钱的机器,在麦当劳。那里还有我哥哥最喜欢的东西。我和我妈妈、哥哥、爸爸的时候还有我自己,我们用真的钱去麦当劳去吃东西。我在饭店买东西的时候是用钱。”[My brother and me have 500 yuan, my daddy and mummy have a lot of money, they make money. They make money from the machine which can make money. It’s in McDonald. There are some of my brother’s favorite food in McDonald. My mum, brother, dad and me, we use money to buy food. I use money to pay the restaurant.]
  • Amber “My dad give mummy money from his home, in his bag, 10! In he bag. His bag have the money. He has so many in his bag and he say ‘I have a small bag’. And he like bucket, and he has little money. M mummy have a bucket and my daddy said he likes mummy’s bucket. He has apple in bucket. 它里面都是钱,然后爸爸给他的钱包都是100个钱。钱是从买东西的那边,那个人都可以给他100个钱。买东西人的钱是从他的包包里来的。妈妈就说希望我也有一个钱就好了,然后我妈妈口袋里有一个snack,有一个snack钱在她的旁边。” [It has money inside, my daddy has 100 money. The money comes from the salesman. He can give my dad 100 money. The salesman’s money comes from his bag. My mum wishes I have money too. There is one snack inside my mum’s pocket. There is money near the snack.]
  • Sarah “Mummy has money, 11, from Nanjing. In her bag, take in hand. For library because it’s library money. 钱是口袋里来的,口袋里的钱是别人付的。我家里有假的也有真的钱,就是别人付给我们,是因为我们要有好多的钱给他们这样就可以买东西了。爸爸妈妈的钱我也不知道,肯定是老板给的,他们买了很多东西,肯定有很多钱,还有我爸爸给学校赚钱,我们都去你们的学校那边拿钱。”[The money comes from the pocket. The money in the pocket is from other people. I have real and fake money at my home. Other people give us money, then we have a lot of money to buy things. I don’t know where my mum and dad’s money comes from, it must be from the boss. They bought a lot of things, so they must have a lot of money. My daddy make money for the school, we get the money from the school.]
  • Jasmine “First we need get a money from Nanjing. From International school. She (mummy) gets from shanghai. Over the street and a robot and you put the money inside and just press 132100 and then lots of money goes to mummy’s hand. 25! She gives me a toy. It is 5. 2 is my, 2 is my sister and 1 is my brother. He gets 1 because he want 1 car. Daddy get money from my big brother. He get 24! Because, daddy don’t have any money. And then my dad is happy. I use money because I like it. I have 24. It is a lot. Because my little brother wants the car so I give him a car I use my money. Maybe the car is two, one 21. So my brother is happy. So every time my little brother likes the big car.”    
  • Jooeon “Mummy has in house. Mummy have in Nanjing. Coins, 10. Mummy Aeroplane. In the China and go Korea. Grandma have 10.”


  • explore how numbers can be used in many ways for different purposes in the real world
  • understand that money is used to buy and sell things
  • understand that different things have different monetary values
  • know that Yuan is the currency of China

The First Aid Kit

While planning the trip to Golden Eagle, many students wondered about safety; what would happen if they got hurt and who would help them.

Three students followed up on these questions, they interviewed the school nurse. On their return, they presented their learning and key points to the rest of the class.

  • Alejandra “We go to the nurse and we said, ‘can we have the bag to go to Golden eagle?’”
  • Jasmine “And then we go to the nurse, we ask the nurse we can take the bag to Golden Eagle.”
  • Alejandra “And then the Nurse let us go to the bag and then she show us ice pack.”
  • Ethan “And nurse, bag put 1 down.”
  • Alejandra “And then she put all the things on the table and show us, and open it and show us all the things.”

  • Alejandra “There I am holding it and I take off, we need to break the blue cap and then we need to take the water from here and we can then put it where it hurt.”

  • Ethan “If you hurt yourself somewhere you can put it on. You put it on the hand. Because Ms. Ellen is pretending she is hurt.” (in Mandarin)

  • Ethan “When the mosquito bites you, you can use it to put it on. The mosquito does not like the smell.” (in Mandarin)

  • Ruby “How do people get sick in the playground?”
  • Alejandra “If you get hot, hot, hot (fever) in the playground and then you have to take this (strawberry flavoured medication) to get it down.
  • Amber “When I was a kid I had a fever, then I put that on my head.” (ice pack) (in Mandarin)  
  • Michelle “I haven’t used this for a long time but I had a fever several times and I used that too.”
  • Jiwoo “I have band aid.”
  • Alejandra “Teacher needs to hold it because teachers know how to do it.” (first Aid kit)
  • Freida “One day when I was sick and another medicine. Other medicine from the nurse.”
  • Alejandra “Strawberry one?”
  • Freida “I had one day.”
  • Teacher How many first Aid kits do we have to take?
  • Alejandra “1. Because another class, because Ms. Ellen has another 1 or maybe we can share this with another class so to go to Golden Eagle.”
  • Teacher “How many groups are going to the Golden Eagle?”
  • Alejandra “3 Groups. Our class, Ms. Hannah class and Ms. Karen’s class.
  • All the students decided that we would need 3 Fist Aid kits.


Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills


  • Observe carefully.
  • Find unique characteristics.

Generating novel ideas

  • Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.

Research Skills

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

  • Use all senses to observe and notice details.

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.
  • Ask for clarifications.


  • Express oneself using words and sentences.
  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

The Trip Plan

The students decided that they ALL wanted to go with PreK-K1B to Golden Eagle and signed up on the clipboard chart.

 They drew their own pictures to help them plan the trip. The students had many different ideas. It was time to create 1 plan to help us make the trip a reality. We sat down together at a class meeting to create The PLAN.  

The students have had many experiences and knew that A Planwas an important part of all our ‘projects’. We began by looking closely at the individual plans. 

What are the most important things we need to remember? What shall we include on our trip plan?

 First, we looked at some pictures of Golden Eagle that Ms. Hannah took. We were excited!  

 The students took it in turn to share their key points.

  • Alejandra “We need to listen to the teacher and follow.” (agreements)
  • Charlotte “Car.” (mode of travel)
  • Amber “No running.” (agreements)
  • Jooeon “Car.” (mode of travel)
  • SiHyun “Go there, bus.” (mode of travel)
  • Michelle “Play. Play Golden Eagle.”
  • Nicolas “If you sit with another friends, no fussing when we sit with other friend if he is not your friend.” (agreements)
  • Sarah “Daddy and me to go to Golden Eagle.”
  • Ethan “Is helicopter.” (mode of travel)
  • Jiwoo “Mummy and me and go here and eat food and here play and go.”
  • Freida “In Golden Eagle we have a playground, my mum and brother were there last time. We need to not push and sit on the seats in the bus.” (agreements, safety)
  • Seungbin said that he would like to have daddy join him.
  • Lawrence “We go to Golden Eagle. We have be safe. When we are going, no when we play, don’t say bad words.” (agreements)
  • Ruby “You can take your lunch.” (needs)
  • Felix “And don’t run away, when you don’t call the teacher. Then the teacher don’t know where the kids are.” (agreements, safety)
  • Jasmine “By bus. We need eat lunch.” (mode of travel, needs)
  • Ruby “If we go in a bus, where will the bus park? By train, the fast train, I went there to Shanghai.” (mode of travel)

Who are we going with, when we go to Golden Eagle?

  • SiHyun “Teachers, Ms. Jiao, Ms. Shemo and Ms. Tina.”
  • Alejandra “Ms. Hannah’s class.”
  • Ruby “K1B and K1A.”
  • Alejandra “We can’t run away without saying teacher. We can’t play with the children not in the school. And follow his mum, you will get lost. And don’t eat his food.” (agreements, safety)
  • SiHyun “Take daddy and mummy.
  • Amber “Can take snack.” (needs)
  • Freida “Water.” (needs)
  • Ruby “Water bottles. If it’s empty, we can fill it in the Golden Eagle.” (needs)
  • Amber “And bag.” (needs)
  • Alejandra “Our backpack.” (needs)

What if we got hurt? What would we do?

  • Ruby “We tell mummy and teachers take something to help us.” (safety)
  • Alejandra “Take the nurse!” (safety)
  • Jasmine “We need money.” (Explaining that we need money to travel on the rain) (needs)
  • Alejandra “If our parents come with us to the train, our parents can pay.” (needs)
  • SiHyun “You take your bag because we sit down. And your bag.” (Referring to Ms. Shemo)

SiHyun suggested that we should take the classroom chime, which is used in class to gain attention. When it is rung, it means the students need to sit and be ready to listen. Si Hyun thought we needed this on the bus, to help the students remember to sit down in the bus. (agreements)

  • Ruby “When you ring your bell. You have to do ninja. Then we have to go back to the bus and back to the class. And then when we finish, we eat lunch and then we go to play. We play in the playground and also we can play the grasshopper.” (agreements)
  • Amber “Bag, jacket, snack, lunch, daddy and mummy.” (needs)

Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills


  • Organize information.

Considering new perspectives

  • Seek information.
  • Practise some “visible thinking” routines.

Research Skills

Formulating and planning

  • Ask or express through play questions that can be researched.

Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing, photographing)

  • Gather information from a variety of sources (people, places, materials, literature).

Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.


  • Participate in conversations.
  • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

Reading and writing

  • Use mark-marking to convey meaning.

The Trip

George, Sophia and Justus from PreK-K1B spoke a group of students in PreK-K1C about a plan they were making to go on a trip out of school.

George explained that they were planning to visit Golden Eagle.

  • Justus “We are going to golden eagle to play.”
  • George “There are 3 playgrounds, 2 outside and 1 inside.”
  • Alejandra “I have been to Golden Eagle. Nicolas too.”
  • Ruby “I didn’t go.”
  • Alejandra “We ate some ice-cream.”
  • George “Play and lunch”
  • Ruby “Maybe take your own lunches.”

George agreed that taking our own food was a good idea.

  • Alejandra “If we have a truck then we can go.”
  • Si Hyun “Truck, go to truck and then go to Golden Eagle.”

The K1B students explained that they had gone to Mr. McLellan to ask for permission to go on the trip.

  • George “He said yes to Golden Eagle.”
  • Justus “He is the boss of the school.”

George explained that there are “47 seats on the bus.”

  • Alejandra “For our class?”
  • Justus “Teachers can go as well.”

Mr. McLellan explained that the Teachers and children have to fill in the form together to see if we can go.

  • Alejandra “Can we all go together?”
  • Hannah “Yes, if we plan it.”

We looked at the poster created by PreK-K1B. They were brainstorming ideas on all the different ways they can earn money to pay for the bus ride. 

  • Alejandra “We don’t need money. No because the magic school bus is from our school so we don’t need money.”
  • Ruby “Actually, the magic school bus, we don’t need money.”

Ms. Hannah suggested that we check to see if we need money, when we fill in the form.

  • Ruby “We can find some of the money from our home.
  • Si Hyun “I have money, so many at my home.”
  • Laurence “We can go out and look for money. At the spider web.”
  • Justus “We can sell food. Watermelon.
  • Sophia “We can use clay to make the animals to sell. To make money.”

The Students wonder where their discussions will take them…stay tuned…

The Showcase

Central Idea: 

People can express themselves in different ways.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • ways we can express ourselves
  • accepting our diversity

Key Concepts: form, perspective

Related Concepts: gesture, movement, voice, communicationself-expression, creativity

The time has come to plan our ‘Showcase‘. How will we choose to share our expressions, feelings and ideas? The students sat down to discuss the choices they wanted to include in the Showcase. They decided on 6 different acts.

The groups joined an expert to help them learn more about the different ways we can express ourselves.

The Sri Lankan dance group joined Ms. Shemo to plan the performance. There were 6 students who wanted to choose this form of expression. We decided to call it the ‘Asian Dance’ but then changed the name to ‘Sri Lankan Dance‘. We gathered to talk and document our thinking and ideas on chart paper. 

The students decided that they need to think about the following points:

  • costumes
  • bindi’s
  • candles
  • makeup
  • dance routines

The students decided that they need six bindi’s (1 for each of them) and 1 for the teacher. They wanted big ones ‘just like Ms. Shemo wore’ during the Sri Lankan dance performance. They also wanted to wear a saree and have nice makeup.

The students wanted to think about the different dance moves. They began to draw the different moves and then showed the moves using their bodies.

Next, they stitched their costumes using a sewing machine.




The ‘Hip-hop dance group were inspired by the X-Block students who came in to perform on the Early Years stage.


The Hip-hop dance group of 4 students joined Ms. Tina to discuss their thoughts and plan their performance piece for the ‘Showcase’.

Together they:

  • went to the costume cupboard to see if they can find the costumes they had planned to wear.
  • Designed and/or created their own costumes. One student wanted to be a fairy hip-hop dancer, another a boxer and two students decided to be skeletons.
  • Dyed or painted their costumes


  • Sketched ideas for their face paints
  • Provided feedback on the different dance moves
  • Practiced the steps for the performance


The ‘Cat Song group started with a group of 14 students. They planned their performance with Ms. Hannah. 

  • Jessica suggested having some dancers as well as singers.
  • Michelle suggested that the dancers could sing and dance at the same time.

The group members all agreed with the decisions. The children decided on the costumes and designed makeup for the Showcase.


Yet another group of students joined Mr. Cal to explore sound, rhythm and beat using drums. They were curious about the different sounds they can make with the different drums.

They decided on a song they would like to play while they performed in ‘The Band. The group practiced with Mr. Cal to the song ‘Wavin’ Flag’.

Two students decided to join the ‘Taekwondo group with Ms. Victoria. After a discussion they decided on the:

  • costumes
  • soundtrack
  • lead (person the lead the group)
  • Taekwondo moves

They needed costumes and a ‘cool’ soundtrack. They decided to use the song ‘Kung fu fighting’!

The costume for the performance.

One student decided to teach and lead the dance group.

Ruby and Freida decided to express themselves through paints. Ms. Pam led the ‘Painting group as they prepared for their showcase.

Ruby decided that purple hairspray would be a wonderful addition!

The Exhibition

The students eagerly practiced for the showcase. They wheeled the display boards through the gym to the foyer near the Library. The decided where to place the boards and tables that would display their learning journey.





Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)

Thinking Skills

• Identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Research Skills

• Ask or express through play questions that can be researched.

• Select information sources and digital tools.

• Gather information from a variety of sources (people, places, materials, literature).

Communication Skills


• Listen to information.

• Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.

• Ask for clarifications.


• Express oneself using words and sentences.

• Participate in conversations.

• Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

Reading, writing and mathematics

• Understand that mark-making carries meaning.

• Use mark-marking to convey meaning.

Social Skills

Interpersonal relationships

• Practise empathy and care for others.

• Listen closely to others.

• Be respectful to others.

• Play cooperatively in a group: sharing, taking turns.

• Help others.

Social and emotional intelligence

• Be aware of own and others’ impact as a member of a learning group.

Self-management Skills

• Choose and complete tasks independently.

• Follow the directions of others.

• Share responsibility for decision-making.


• Take responsibility for own well-being.

• Be aware of body–mind connections.


• Demonstrate persistence in tasks.


• Show ability to adjust to new situations.


Agency: When learners:

  • are actively engaged in various stages of learning, including: thinking about, planning, modifying and creating
  • are actively involved in discussion, questioning and by being self-directed in their creating (as opposed to passive receiving)
  • apply their understanding of concepts through the construction of their projects/play
  • make connections to the real world by taking past experiences into their play worlds
  • have an active voice and stake in the classroom/community
  • face challenges and are given the freedom to independently overcome these or fail through trial and error or experimentation
  • are risk-takers
  • express their theories of the world and these are honoured in the environment

(IBO, 2018)


The journey began with a discussion.

“What do you know about chopsticks?”

Students shared their own knowledge and experiences about chopsticks.

  • Jasmine “可以吃饭,可以夹玩具。筷子小孩不能用,大人能用。我和姐姐有用筷子一起吃饭。需要拿碗。” [You can eat and play. Kids can’t use chopsticks, adults can. My sister and I use chopsticks to eat.]
  • Felix “I keep chopsticks in my home and they are easy peasy. The kids have something up. They are together.” 9Referring to the training chopsticks)
  • Jiwoo “I use it to eat rice, chicken. I pick up and eat. The chopsticks we need hold like this and take something and eat it.”
  • Ethan “夹东西,我可以用,有些可以夹,有些不可以。” [You can pick things. I can use chopsticks. Some things I can pick them by chopsticks, but some things I can’t.]
  • Nicolas “When I go to a restaurant, I see chopsticks. My mum can use but I also use a spoon or fork. I have never used the chopsticks.”
  • Charlotte “我爸爸经常用筷子,哥哥用勺子吃饭,我用勺子吃鱼。” [My dad uses chopsticks often, my brother uses a spoon to eat, I use chopsticks to eat fish.]
  • Amber “我家里有小筷子,KaiKai和我用。” [I have small chopsticks at home, KaiKai and me use them.]

After the discussion, students played a relay game of picking pompom balls and placing them inside a tray using chopsticks. They were all eager to try and had a lot of fun!

When the students came back to the classroom, they were so excited to share their thoughts about the game, and they had further questions about chopsticks. Ms. Tina noted them down on chart paper.

  • Jasmine “我们在家一般都用筷子。我们用小孩筷子,大人用大人筷子。我在家玩筷子游戏,和学校一样。” [At home, we always use chopsticks. Adults use adult chopsticks, kids use kids chopsticks. I play the chopsticks game at home too, just like at school.]
  • Seungbin “Easy.”
  • Felix “That’s also my first time to do that. It’s easy because when you give me this one, it’s how you use it.”
  • Lawrence “因为第一个我夹的时候我觉得很难,但是我一直努力。” [I felt that the first one was very difficult, but I kept trying.]
  • Ethan “我觉得很难,我在家用筷子吃饭。” [I felt it was really hard. I use chopsticks at home.]

  • Charlotte “第一次玩游戏, 我觉得很简单,而且我一直在努力, 用筷子夹起来放在盘子里。我夹的粉色的球,很喜欢。” [This is the first time I played this game, I think it’s easy. And I keep trying. I use the chopsticks to pick up and put it in the tray. I picked a pink ball, I like it very much.]
  • Amber “我想和爸爸妈妈玩筷子的游戏。” [I want to play the chopsticks game with my daddy and mummy.]
  • Ms. Shemo “Are these Chinese chopsticks?” Do people in other countries also use chopsticks?
  • Alejandra “Japanese, Spanish, Taiwan chopsticks.”


We wonder how these chopsticks might be the same or different…


Communication Skills


  • Listen to information.
  • Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.

Self-management Skills


  • Demonstrate persistence in tasks.
  • Use strategies to problem-solve.


  • The important traditions and practices of their own family and community
  • Positive acceptance of diversity
  • open mindedness
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