The Paper Project

Tracey “We need paper!”

We called a meeting to discuss the ongoing situation we had with paper and card. The paper basket was empty. The children wanted more paper but were not sure how they would get more.

The children began to share ‘why’ they needed paper. They explained that drawing, writing, cutting and making were important to them. They began to see why there was ‘no more paper’. They listened to each other’s ideas and agreed that there was a lot of ‘wasting’.

We had a conversation about how paper could be made, the process it might go through and why we need to be mindful of how we use paper and card.

The children decided that the trees were important so they listed some possible ‘action’ they could take to reduce the waste of paper and card.

  • Patrick and Kenan “One day use one paper.”
  • Olivia “Draw and then put it in the basket.”
  • Patrick “Don’t waste new paper.”
  • Tracey “Don’t crush or throw the paper.”

During the first few weeks of school, Tracey brought in a drawing she had made on recycled paper. She presented it to the class, explaining the process she went through to make the paper. We were all excited and wondered if we could also make paper.

Inquiry Skills

  • Pose and respond to questions
  • Participate in investigations and make observations using the senses
  • Share observations and ideas


Tracey brought in her paper making tools. She showed the tools to her friends. Tracey shared a video she created at home, explaining the process of making paper.

The children decided that they wanted to make paper too. We began to collect the wastepaper in a basket. Patrick also brought in some paper from home. When we have enough paper, we plan to make the paper using the special frames.


The Process Begins

We have been collecting the paper we do not want to use anymore, as the children suggested that we make our own paper.

The baskets were full. Tracey was ready to gather a team of helpers to make the paper. The project team went to the Atelier to begin the process.

The team had lots of different types of paper.

  • Tracey “We can’t put them together, we will put them in two trays.”

The papermakers got to work, tearing the paper into smaller pieces and putting them into different tubs.

  • Tracey “We rip the paper into small pieces.”
  • Noah “We are ripping.”
  • Nicolas “我们五个人可以干好吗?”Can we finish it with five people?”
  • Kenan “Is this big okay?”

Soon enough the paper was all in the two tubs. Tracey let the papermakers know the next step.

  • Tracey “Cover the paper but not too many.”

  • Kenan suggested they use their hands to mix the paper with the water.
  • Tracey “We can use a spoon and Ms. Eileen you need to help us, too.”

Tracey continued to direct the team of papermakers.

The papermakers put the two tubs on the floor. They were concerned that the cleaning staff or the other children might throw away the paper in the tubs. They suggested that Ms. Eileen put a note on the tubs to let others know that the tubs were part of a project.

We will now wait till the paper is ready for the next step. Tracey is our paper making expert and will guide us in this process.

Through this project we observed how the children: 

  • chose an idea to pursue
  • negotiated ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers
  • chose tools and materials
  • used trial and error to make changes, solve problems, or incorporate new ideas from self or others
  • developed their skills and added new ones through play and collaborative work


Tracey gathered a few volunteers to make the paper. They went to the Atelier to see if the paper pulp was ready to be turned into new paper.

The papermakers followed Tracey’s instructions to make the paper using the paper making tools she brought from home. They collaborated and shared the different tasks.

At the end of the process, the papermakers remembered to clean up their workspace and the materials they had used.

We will now need to wait till the paper dries on the rack.

We wonder what the children will choose to do with their new paper…