Sharing the Planet 2020-21

The Central Idea:

Knowledge about the environment can help us make responsible choices.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • Interdependency of living things (Connection)
  • Human actions and ecosystems (Causation)
  • Our role in protecting living things (Responsibility)

Related Concepts: Interdependence, ecosystem, initiative 


Story #1

The Nature walk 

– An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things.

What do you notice?

What do you wonder?

  • Hannah “We were looking for interesting things in nature.”
  • Kavel “We were observers.”
  • Carlotta “We were making connections with things we have not seen.”
  • Chanwoong “After writing we came back to class and airdropped the photos to Ms. Shemo so that we can make the movie.”
  • Elena “We went outside and got some markers, pencils and papers and we looked around the place and looked for things that were interesting. we took a picture and wrote 10 interesting things we saw about it.”
  • Sky “We took photos to know what we are writing about.”
  • Changhyeong “Because there are small plants and we are making it bigger on the iPad.”

Next, we sat down to share our 10 observations with class buddies. We used the thinking routine Ten Times Two to help us observe with quiet eyes. The students continued to add to their observations, looking at an imagine/object from multiple perspectives. 

Then, we used twine to look for ‘connections‘ that exist between the objects we had photographed. The students explained why they were connected.

  • Soil is needed to make the plant grow. 
  • Some bugs eat stems, the woody bits.
  • Bugs live in woody places (barks of trees).


What if there was no more soil or wood? The students who would be affected (based on their pictures) sat down to visualise this impact.  

  • All of us need soil for our plants to live!
  • I (bug) have no home to live for the Winter. I will die!
  • The flowers will die too because they need leaves to grow.
  • And plants need leaves for shade.
  • Bugs eat leaves so bugs will die. 


What if there were no more snails? Again, the students who would be affected (based on their pictures) sat down to visualise this impact.  

  • The snails will get parts of our plants and spread seeds around. 
  • The bugs will die if there were no snail shells for them to hide in the Winter. 
  • Everything needs other things. 

The students discussed the impact different species and plants have on each other. 

We wondered how these connections can be observed and documented. The students used post-it notes and string to connect and document their observations.

They included questions they had using a different coloured post-its. 

Next, we began to document our wonderings. We decided what concept they would be about. The students helped explain the ‘concept’ in their own words. 



Story #2

Lifecycles, Ecosystems and Impact

What important messages are conveyed through these texts?

How might picture books help us uncover and inquire into different concepts?

What are ecosystems?

What is a lifecycle?

We read the text Salmon Stream by Carol Reed-Jones illustrated by Michael S. Maydak. This wonderful picture book tells the story of a the life cycle of salmon. Against staggering odds the eggs hatch and grow, travel to the ocean, and eventually struggle upstream to their birthplace again, to spawn a new generation.

While reading the story we discussed the concepts lifecycle, connection, causation, food chain and interdependence. The students wondered:

  • why they needed a fish ladder
  • why the salmon change colour
  • if both the male and female salmon change colour
  • why the salmon wait till the rains came to travel
  • what a homing urge was 
  • why the salmon were bruised when they returned to the stream
  • why only a few salmon made their way back to spawn
  • why a yolk sac was useful 

After discussing the text, the students used pictures and words to capture their thinking. They shared their own ideas about the different concepts, thinking deeply about the lifecycle of the salmon. 

Next, we read the story The Wolves are Back by Jean Craighead George, illustrated by Wendell Minor. This picture book tells the story of how, over a century, wolves were persecuted in the United States and nearly became extinct. The students stopped at every page, discussing the impact the wolves and the different animals had on each other. They noticed how the ecosystem thrived when there was balance.

While reading the story, we brought attention to the different concept words change, causation and responsibility. We discussed change over time, cause and effect (impact) and our responsibility towards the different environments around us. 

We used picture cards to help us see the connection each living thing had with another. The students discussed the food chain (grass -> elk -> wolf) , interdependence (<->), growth, lifecycle and impact

They stumbled upon new words and attempted to uncover what they meant by tapping into their prior knowledge, breaking words up into smaller words to look for clues, and looking for clues in the beautiful illustrations.  

Then, the students created their own graphic organiser using the app Popplet. They used the pictures and information they had gathered to discuss the connections they made and explain the concepts they had uncovered. 

We continue to wonder about other ecosystems.
– How are they different from one another?
– What animals live and thrive in these habitats?
– What is our responsibility in protecting these ecosystems?
– Why is this important?

Next, we read the story ‘Where’s the Elephant?‘ by Barroux. This picture book is about a game of hide-and-seek that takes on a new dimension as a growing city encroaches on the jungle the animals call home.

The students spoke in detail about the pictures, and the messages conveyed through them. They shared the feelings the story evoked and why they fest that way.
– I feel sad because the animals have no home.
– I am worried that the jungle near my home in Germany would be cut down like that.

The students used shared their thoughts on ‘EXIT Tickets’ a the end of the read aloud.

This powerful text helped the students discuss concepts about change, impact, habitats and responsibility.


  • Eunseong “Protect the environment.” (Responsibility)
  • Seungje “Don’t destroy nature because bad things can happen.” (Causation)
  • Chanwoong “If you cut down the trees then plant the same amount of trees.” (Responsibility)
  • Carlotta “Cutting trees destroys animals’ homes.” (Causation/Impact)
  • Reggie “If you cut down trees then the species of animals might die out.” (Extinction) 

After listening to the story, we noted the different things that we found interesting, important, or insightful. We used the Thinking Routine ‘CSI‘ to help us distil the essence of ideas non-verbally.

  • Colour – we chose a colour that we felt best represents or captures the essence of a key idea.
  • Symbol – we chose a symbol that we felt best represents or captures the essence of a key idea.
  • Image – we chose an image that we felt best represents or captures the essence of a key idea.

The students shared their ‘CSI’ with peers and discussed the key ideas that resonated with them.

Our journey continues… 


Story #3

Connections and Reflections:

Reflections on the Colour, Symbol, Image Thinking Routine:

The students reflected on the different ideas they shared through the thinking routine. They spoke in detail about the concepts cause and effect, impact, ecosystems and responsibility.

The concept of WASTE was another key concept they students shared. We noticed that they were beginning to think of some action they could take through their learning.

The Web – Making Connections:

We collated the different ideas shared through the activity ‘Connect the Images’. They students noticed how the images connected to each other in many different ways.

The discussions focused on consumption, waste, impact on the environment and humans. Throughout the discussions, we wondered how ‘WE’ could use our knowledge to make better choices.

How might I use my knowledge to make better choices? 

The students began to share the action they could take individually or collectively. They began to organize their ideas into four quadrants.

  • I can do, others can do
  • I can do others can’t do
  • I can’t do, others can do
  • No one can do

We wonder what action the students may take as a result of their learning and reflections…