The Garden Plot
A group of children went out to visit the PreK-K1 garden plot.
- Sarah “Leaves!”
- Felix “Do you know what? You can eat theses leaves over here. I just tried one. And it smells like… Michelle, smell on it.”
- Michelle “It is yummy.”
- Charlotte “What’s this? You can eat it.”
- Charlotte “I see little brown on in the green leaf.”
- Sarah “It has a circle like big, big, big.”
- Michelle “I can see. You can eat this.”
- Charlotte “you can eat this leaves.”
- Felix “Lucas and me, we put these ones just into the earth.”
What might we grow here?
- Felix “Tomatoes or something. Strawberries.”
- Sarah “Maybe carrots.”
- Felix “Maybe chillies. Maybe apple trees?”
- Nina “Flowers, pink and blue flowers.”
- Michelle “Red flowers
- Sarah “We need this one.” (pointing to the soil)
- Felix “Earth.”
- Sarah “Water.”
- Felix “Sun.”
- Sarah “More water and more sun.”
- Felix “I can put the water.”
- Michelle “Water, and sun and then grow.”
The group presented their ideas to the class.
- Felix “We saw leaves and some plants. I wanted to smell the leaves. It smelled like spicy.”
Who grew these plants?
- Michelle “I want to smell. Because I like it. These are like leaves and I smelled it. Sarah in K1B. I and Charlotte and Sarah and Nina know it.”
- Sarah “This is a farmer who grew it.” (in Mandarin)
- Sarah “It is a little bit this one. The green one. Tomatoes, carrots, strawberries and apples.”
- Michelle “Banana.”
- Felix ”Maybe cucumber. We need earth. The black earth.”
We wonder how we might grow our own plants and vegetables…
Approaches to Learning (ATL’s)
Thinking Skills
- Observe carefully.
Generating novel ideas
- Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.
Communication Skills
- Listen to information.
- Listen actively and respectfully to others’ ideas.
- Interpret visual, audio and oral communication: recognizing and creating signs, interpreting and using symbols and sounds.
- Express oneself using words and sentences.
- Participate in conversations.
- Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.