Writer’s Workshop

The K2 writers have continued to create pieces of writing to inform and entertain their readers. We have noticed that their stamina for writing has improved as they sit for longer periods immersed in their books, using pictures and words to tell who, where and what is happening in their stories.

The writers begin by deciding on what pieces of writing to work on during our writing times, choosing a good writing spot and the tools they need to create and make.

They are encouraged to add to their pictures and words across pages. We know that good writers use several strategies to improve their work. Some of them are to:

  • capitalise the first word in a sentence and the word ‘I’
  • say the words slowly, stretch the words out and write letters for each of the sounds heard
  • leave spaces between words
  • write across pages
  • add more details to their pictures and words

Writers in K2 use the alphabet cards, sight words and other tools around them as they write.

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