The Nest – Feedback and Updates

A few volunteers from the Nest Re-design Team went to speak to Ms. Jacqui. She was ready to share some information and feedback regarding the suggestions the young designers had proposed.

Ms. Jacqui began by reminding the designers what happened during their last meeting, when she received a proposal for the Early Years playground equipment, referred to as ‘The Nest’. The Design team took notes and drew pictures to help them remember the key points they needed to share when they return to class.

The designers remembered asking Ms. Jacqui about

  • the plants
  • if they can play games in the space
  • if they can have chairs outdoors
  • if they can add a door, a bed and grass

Ms Jacque “I went to see Mr. Arek and his job is to think about and plan the school, to make sure everything is working correctly and safely.”

Designer “And he is in charge of the money!”

Ms. Jacqui explained that we needed to order and pay for the materials we purchase. Mr. Arek has to think about that when he makes a plan.

Mr. Arek said the following might be possible:

  • we can have benches to sit on and a table for picnics
  • plant flowers

We have to keep the circular shape.

He might need to come and ask the designers a few more questions. It might take time. There is concrete under the nest. We will have to wait until the summer to make the changes in the nest.

The designers made a few new requests.

  • a door to enter the space
  • a toilet
  • a roof (when it is raining we can hide in it)
  • some homes for the bees and the butterflies

Ms. Jacqui considered the requests as the designers said that the bees are good for the garden. A home for the bees was discussed. She informed the designers that some people in our community are allergic to bee stings, and they can get quite sick. This means that having a beehive might not be very safe.

Designers “What about birds? Can we build a nest for them? We can put the nest for something to sleep in.”

Ms. Jacqui wondered about the nests for birds. Some birds like to build a nest and some like to live in homes that people make. We have to get permission to build big things, but we can put little things in the EY playground. 

We wondered what birds live in the EY garden and what makes a good birdhouse. Some research is required to help us make a plan.

Patrick and Mason presented the feedback to the rest of the class. The children have more questions and wonderings about the living things we share our space with.

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