
Noticing the children’s interest in symmetry, patterns and designs, we invited the children to use their creative minds to design and create with pattern blocks. The mosaic artists began to gather around the table, exploring the materials and carefully choosing the shapes and colours to create beautiful designs.

We noticed that many of the designs were symmetrical. The mosaic artists also created images of familiar objects and animals. When creating art, the artists were making choices to construct meaning about the world around them. Their experiences and imagination inspired them to create. When their designs were complete, the artists placed their names next to their designs and documented their creative art.

Some pieces were independent projects and others were created in collaboration with others. We noticed that the children found joy in creating, learning and expressing themselves while working on their designs. They are learning that the creative process involves joining in, exploring and taking risks. The mosaic artists worked diligently, taking responsibility for the care of tools and materials.

Our observations of the children’s work show us how interested they are in colours, shapes, patterns and designs as an art form. We know that their artwork has meaning. We know their creations are inspired by their curiosity in the world around them. We look forward to offering the children experiences that allow them to explore their creativity further.  

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