Block Play – The Energy Airplane

Two students have been creating with blocks. They presented their structure to the group.

“This is wings of an airplane. This is the energy test. We used 24 blocks (cylinders). This plane can transfer the energy test to other places and it can also fight. There is a resting place. If someone is hurt they can rest in there. There is a little house for hurt people to go in and there is a nurse. This is a place to have the energy. There is a propeller. Today we will build the aeroplane’s bottom.” 

[Express oneself using words and sentences. Listen closely to others.​]

[Play cooperatively in a group: sharing, taking turns.​ Demonstrate persistence in tasks.​]

[Use discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations.​ Use all senses to observe and notice details.​]

[Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.​ Use strategies to problem-solve.​]

How might we document our design?

The children were invited to document their creation using paper. They discussed their drawing as they worked together. They gave each other feedback. They used what they know about words to write a title explaining their drawings.

[Record observations using drawing and   emergent writing to share thinking and planning.​ Use mark-marking to convey meaning.​]

Throughout the day, the children continued to improve their design.

When teachers passed by and asked them about the designs and drawings, the children shared their thinking and projects with them. One child told the teacher ‘this picture is a drawing of my product’.

We noticed the teachers stopping by to talk to each other about what they observed, or heard the children saying. They discussed ideas, vocabulary and concepts the children shared through their project work.

We wonder how the children would continue to plan, design, create, document and share their projects with the community.  

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