Doubles and Halves

What is double, what is half?

The students went on a number exploration to create examples of doubles and halves.


  1. Find examples of double and half in the classroom.
  2. Take a picture of your example.
  3. Post 10 examples of double and half on Seesaw. 1 example on each page.
  4. Use pictures (draw), numbers and words to justify your image.

They used their iPads to collect evidence. They took photographs, made notes and shared their examples.

We watched a BrainPop video on Doubles

The students explore how halving is the inverse of doubling. The students continue to document and practice their doubles and near doubles facts. They are encouraged to apply these understandings when solving Maths problems.

Thinking Skills, Communication Skills

  • share strategies and ideas
  • listen to instructions
  • understand and use mathematical notation and other symbols

Self-management Skills:

  • follow instructions in order to complete a task .
  • manage time and tasks effectively

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