Number Games

We are exploring numerals to 20. First we worked as a team to name the different numerals.

Next, we had to put the numbers in order. Sarah noticed that we did not have a number ‘0’ Zero. She said we needed to start with it. Michelle suggested that we make a ‘0’ for future games.

The children were very excited and everyone wanted to collect and help with as many cards as possible. The group had to work hard to make sure everyone had a turn. They decided that sharing the cards would be a good way to work together. The number line began to take shape.

We checked to see if the line was in order. 

Then, we played a ‘loop game’ with numbers. Each child had one or two cards. Each card was divided into two. The first section shows a number (with tally marks, fingers, dice, 10 frame) and the second section asks a question that will lead to finding the next number card. It was a clue to find the next card. You would call out “I have…, who has…?”

The children had to look carefully at their cards to see if the next card was theirs. We noticed how the children helped each other, counted to check the numbers and waited patiently till everyone had a turn. 

We managed to put the pieces together, but we had a problem. The circle was incomplete! We were missing a card. Ms. Tina asked if we could help make the next card. 

Charlotte said we needed a card that had showed the number two. She said we can use tallies to show 2.

Then, we can ask the question “Who has 10?” on the second section of the card. Ms. Shemo helped with that.

The circle was made. The loop game was completed. We all worked together to solve the problems.

Through these experiences we are learning:

  • that numbers are a naming system
  • to read and order numerals in sequence
  • to work collaboratively with a group
  • to share and take turns
  • to solve problems
  • to speak clearly and express ideas using words and sentences

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