Caring for Others

The rain boots were messy. They lay on a sandy mat in the corner of the classroom. Three students decided that this was not appropriate. They took ‘action’.

Agency: When students have an active voice and stake in the classroom/community.

They first moved the boots, dusted and swept the area and then mopped the floor.

They created name tags and placed them on the floor.

They arranged the rain boots neatly on top of the taped tags.

They decided that mopping was fun. Over the course of the day they mopped the whole classroom. They explained that they wanted to mop the floor because they wanted to be helpful. The mopping gradually moved into the hallway and ended in a second grade classroom.

More students joined in.

Their actions led to a discussion during circle time.

Carolyn “We are walking in the hallway and cleaning the classes.”

Teacher “Why?”

Gabby “Because we want to be caring to our other classmates at NIS.”

Vera “Because the Ayi’s don’t have to clean all the classrooms.”

Gabby “The classrooms are dirty.”

Carolyn “Their shoes are muddy.”

Teacher “So what else can we do to show others that we care about them?”

All the students started to make a list of things that they could do to show how they care.

  • Laugh with people
  • Build with stones together
  • Say good stuff and NO sad words. NO angry words
  • Say “STOP” if people do it the second time
  • Play games together
  • Pat them and say “Excuse me” when people are talking to someone else
  • Don’t roll your eyes
  • Be caring
  • Hugging, cuddling
  • Say “Sorry”
  • Share
  • Be kind
  • Help others do things
  • Help the teachers do jobs
  • Listen
  • Wait for your turn


  • build independence and personal responsibility and a sense of self-worth
  • Identify positive thoughts and attitudes in themselves
  • communicate with others in order to experience relationships and make friends
  • reach out for help when it is needed for themselves or others
  • identify when their actions have impacted on others
  • interact, play and engage with others
  • take turns
  • listen respectfully to others
  • share their own ideas and feelings in an appropriate manner
  • celebrate the accomplishments of others


The students were exploring with weights. They discussed what they observed.

Hally “I see balancing. Because we don’t have anything in both sides.”

Vera “I see nothing is in there and its balancing and if you put yellow and yellow on both sides and then it will balance.

One block was added on to one side of the scale.

Daniel “I see a block in there and it is heavier and the other side is lighter.”

Carolyn “I see 20g on the block.”

Vera “I saw a 20 grams because its got dots on the yellow block.”

Daniel “I can see that one is not strong enough because its not balancing.”

The students decided to put another block on the other side.

Lele “Its balancing because it is heavy enough in this space and this space.”

Oliver “Its balancing because its the same heavy on both sides.”

Gabby “Both of them are the same of the blocks.”

Isabella “2 sides are the same heavy (weight).”

One student put 10g on the other side to balance it. It did not balance. Then they solved the problem by adding another 10. The students recorded the information using a number sentence.

They looked for other ways to make 20. The students recorded the information on the whiteboard.

The students worked in teams to weigh different objects using bears and blocks (grams).


  • Select appropriate non-standard units of measurement to estimate, measure and record weight
  • Record addition and subtraction sentences using the appropriate signs

Story Writing (Documentation)

Two students huddled together at the computer to type out a story. They worked out where the keys were, how to delete characters and inquired how to make corrections and add punctuation.

The students discussed ideas, included sound effects, and used their imagination and prior knowledge to create. They printed off their story when completed and read it out to the class during their session at the Library.


  • plan/write/draw stories based on experiences
  • write phonetically to tell a story or express an idea.
  • write a sentence that begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop

Oliver Jeffers

The students were listening to stories written by Oliver Jeffers. They watched a video about the author.

We have many of his books in the library.

Today we listened to the story ‘The Incredible Book Eating Boy‘. The story is about Henry. He loves books. But Henry doesn’t like to read books, he likes to eat them. And the more he eats, the smarter he gets—he’s on his way to being the smartest boy in the world! But one day he feels sick to his stomach. The information is so jumbled up inside, he can’t digest it! Henry goes on to find a way to enjoy books without using his teeth.


The students have been exploring measurement in the classroom. They were amazed at how long our bean plants have grown and were wondering how we can measure them. One student suggested a measuring tape made out of paper. The students used the measuring tapes to check the height/length of their plants and vines.


  • Select appropriate non-standard units of measurement to estimate, measure and record length, mass, capacity
  • Identify, compare and describe attributes of real objects and situations e.g height, length
  • Order objects according to their attributes
  • Represent the results of measurement with drawings and concrete materials

3D Shapes

The students have been exploring 3D shapes at a variety of centres. One student used Blutack to create different shapes. She shared her learning with the class. The students used Blutack to create the 3D shapes sphere, cube, cuboid, cone and pyramid.


  • Identify 3D objects in the classroom 
  • Describe and sort 3D objects in a variety of ways
  • Describe the relationship of 2D shapes to 3D objects

Stay Safe!

The students noticed that some children were opening the safety gates during playtime. They took action by creating a video about playground safety. They shared their video with their peers.

Agency: When students have an active voice and stake in the classroom/community. When students reflect on their actions and self-regulate.


The students have been revisiting and practicing a variety of strategies to solve addition and subtraction sums. Students used dice to create their own sums, and then used their fingers, counters, the number line or a 100 chart to solve the problems.


  • Record addition and subtraction sentences using the appropriate signs
  • Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of single digit numbers using manipulatives, models and informal written strategies
  • Recall addition doubles up 5+5 


The students were exploring measurement using weighing scales. There were a number of items such as milk, flour and vegetables to weigh. They used the weights to see how heavy and light the items were.

Daniel “What is it for?”

Gabby “For weighing.”

Vivian “Its very light.”

Salva “If you want to see the things which is heavier. You put things in the box. If you take some things out, that side will go up. Make it balance.”

They recalled and shared where they have seen weighing scales.

They observed and shared what they noticed about how the scale was balanced. They used their bodies to show what balanced may look like.

Daniel “He took all the blocks off, he put 2 bags on each side.”

Ricky “You have to put blocks on the lighter side.”

Daniel “He put the same blocks on the other side.”

Each student was given a block that was either 5, 10 or 20 grams.

How can we make 20 grams?

Students gathered together to make 20 grams. They worked together to solve a problem. 

Vera “I have a log (10 grams). I need another log (10 grams).”

They made 20: 10+10, 5+10+5 and 20+0.


  • Identify, compare and describe attributes of real objects and situations
  • Represent the results of measurement with drawings and concrete materials
  • Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of single digit numbers using manipulatives, models and informal written strategies
  • Recall addition doubles up 5+5

Word Wall

We received a new whiteboard over the spring break. The whiteboard will be used as a ‘Word Wall‘. The students began creating the upper and lowercase letters using loose parts. Pictures of the letters will help us sort out our words in alphabetical order. The students then began to add their names onto the board. More frequently used words will be added to the wall to help the students with their writing and reading.


  • write letters of the alphabet (upper and lower case)
  • recognize high-frequency words