The School Bus

We were planning the trip to Golden Eagle.  Some students suggested that we can take the school bus.

Sarah, Amber and Ruby went to check how many seats the school bus has.

We discussed how can we find out the number of the seats on the bus.

  • Amber “20个座椅。用你的铅笔来数。1,2,3……20,21。再把数字写下来,来看对不对。” [20 seats. You can use the pencil to count. 1,2,3……20,21. Then write down the numbers and check if it’s right.]
  • Sarah “有好多位置,我觉得10个,我们进去数就是了。” [There are many seats. I think there are 10 seats. Let’s go in and count.]
  • Ruby “40. Maybe we can go inside and find out. We could take a picture and we can look at the picture at the iPad.”

We took a picture of the seats on the bus but we found it hard to count the seats using the picture on the iPad.

  • Ruby “Because it’s far away. I can’t count the back.”

Then we decided that it was better to count the actual seats.

Amber started to use tally marks to record the number of the seats.

When we went back to the classroom, we used different materials to recreate the seats. The students wanted their recreations to look like the actual seats, therefore they used 2 bricks to create one seat.

Amber decided that she wanted to use a softer material because the seats in the school bus were not hard like the bricks.

We put down our name cards to see if we have enough seats.

  • Amber “后面有空的,很多,我都不知道有这么少人。留给老师,别的小朋, K1A, K1B。有多出来,太多了。” [There are many empty seats. I don’t realise we only have such few people. We can leave these seats to teachers, friends from K1A, K1B. We have more seats. So many.]
  • Ruby “We make seats for the school bus. Because we have to know how many people can go on the bus. There are so many seats on the school bus. They are available for K1B, K1A, K1C, they are going on the bus.”



  • sort objects
  • present information on teacher-generated pictographs where one picture equals 1
  • begin to explain data using simple language such as same and different/more or less
  • understand that number names relate to a specific quantity
  • estimate quantities to 10

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